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It was a new day, not exactly. 'Cause the Sun was no more peeking out of the horizon but right overhead. And the summer afternoons in May were nothing but cruel. So hot you could not even step out without wanting to shed your clothes and jump in a tub of ice-cold water.

A mop of dirty blond hair peeked from under the sheets. The lump on the bed stretched and curled until the sleepy man decided to leave the bed, very half-heartedly. He sat up, legs dangling by the edge of the bed, toes searching for his fluffy bunny slippers as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

Once having worn them, he pushed himself off the bed lazily ruffling his hair. He limped his way to the bathroom making a mental note to change the sheets, again. It was the third time in less than a week.

Stupid Bogum, he rolled his eyes, didn't your Daddy tell you how to use a condom? You can't wet the bed with your seeds every single fucking time! Taehyung groaned at his husband hoping he was suffering a fit of sneeze.

The dirty blond stepped into the shower after making sure it wouldn't irritate his sensitive baby-like skin. He made sure to thoroughly wash off the traces from last night before stepping out and wrapping a silk robe over him.

Taehyung stepped in front of the mirror and took out his electric brush. As it whirred against his pearly whites, he paused to look at his own reflection. The reflection of the trophy wife of Park Bogum, Park-Kim Taehyung.

His husband had marked him up as if he was some canvas. The purple and red patches which once made him blush made him sigh and roll his eyes. They weren't being intimate anymore for pleasure or to ignite their romance but for an heir to Bogum's throne.

The board members like hungry ugly falcons had begun circling his throne and the throne would only be passed down to the sons, generation after generation. So he had to make sure to impregnate Taehyung, and that too, strictly, with a boy. Your swimmers decide the gender, you fucking idiot, he had wanted to scream on countless occasions but he knew his own father, step-father, would be the one to question him about his boisterous behavior.

Their life wasn't so at first. They were not arranged to marry but had dated and fallen in love and all the ooey gooey stuff. They were high school sweethearts. Bogum would shower him with little surprise gifts and dates and Taehyung would give him little love letters and small tokens of love which meant something big to him.

After all, it was the little things that mattered.

A sigh pushed past his pink plush lips as he resumed his brushing. Once done, he opened the cabinet and got a bottle from behind. Folic acid, the label read but it contained birth control pills. Popping one along with an aspirin, he gulped down the two pills, something which was now so regular.

Bogum never suspected the pills once and their doctor, Choi Minho, who was at times Taehyung's shoulder to cry on knew all about their crumbling, tiring marriage, always gave him a refill of the contraceptives. Bogum was just wrong to think everyone would fall for his wealth and charm, well not much of that.

Taehyung took his time to get dressed in his favorite purple sheer dress shirt tucked into a pair of black slacks and finally a pair of his black Versace leather loafers and a short Burberry trench coat. It was his cousin's, Park-Byun Baekhyun's. The elder was an ambassador for Burberry in Korea and owned Privé Alliance. 

Maybe their family was meant to be filled with models.  

Coming back to the other Park household. Taehyung was not a stay-at-home and look pretty husband. He owned one of the most famous art galleries in all of Seoul and often took on modeling requests. The brands mostly included Gucci and Celine. They were in talks about making him the brand ambassador for Celine, but either way he loved his work.

He loved being where his value was known and appreciated.

His husband had often shoved the magazines in which he'd modeled and screamed at him, "Why do you flaunt yourself like a slut, Kim Taehyung? Don't I give you enough, doesn't my dick satiate your lust?" Taehyung would want to say no, I've seen guys with bigger dicks at the sets but he'd bite back his tongue.

"If you don't like it, you're allowed to divorce me, Bogum. It's not like you'd die of a heartbreak or something without me." He had become numb. He no more wanted to believe he'd fall in love and all. The man he'd once fallen for had become something like a puppeteer and Taehyung his puppet.

He was done and he did not care anymore. But Bogum did. 'Cause who would be foolish enough to let go of the universe's Goddess?

Once he was done with his makeup and hair, he checked his reflection one last time before going downstairs to the kitchen. Their chef knew his favorites and always cooked them for him. Of course, only when Bogum was not home. Taehyung did not want to deal with a paranoid husband who'd annoy the shit out of him.

But seeing a typical Korean lunch laid out on the table, he mentally sighed. Wunderbar, his asshole of a husband was home. Putting on a neutral façade, the dirty blond walked in. Bogum put down the newspaper and looked at his husband.

"Buenos días, mi amor," he greeted putting out his arm and pushing his chair out a little calling him to sit on his lap, where he belonged. Taehyung forced his lips to curve into a smile before sauntering over to the man at the head of the table.

Bogum had an arm around his waist and the other on his lap drawing little circles. He kissed the younger's neck inhaling the scent of his cinnamon shampoo, intoxicating. Taehyung involuntarily moved his neck to the side letting his husband pepper kisses all over.

But was back to consciousness when he felt a hand slip under his shirt and travel up above his navel. Before the dirty fingers could get to his nipple, he held it through his shirt, "Not now, babe. I need to get to the gallery. I have some unfinished works to complete, sorry."

Bogum pouted and the younger only chuckled. He let him get off his lap and onto the seat next to him. The hot food was served and the two ate in comfortable silence. Until the elder decided to break it and make it awkward as fuck between them.

"So do you think last night would give me an heir?" Taehyung choked. To Bogum, it was as normal and calm as breathing but to the younger it was annoying and at times he was scared about getting caught. He did every possible thing to keep the topic but his husband always circled back to it.

He had his priorities and it was not Taehyung nor his mental state.

Witnessing it all from a distance, their butler Jung Hoseok sighed. He had been with Taehyung and Bogum for years now. He was the brother, the family Taehyung never had but always craved. Hoseok was there at his darkest and brightest days.

He was there when he first opened his art gallery and he was there to celebrate his birthday when everyone else forgot, even his husband. He was there when Taehyung's first-ever shoot was published, he was there when Taehyung realized their marriage was a mistake.

Hoseok only wished one thing for the younger. He wanted Taehyung to be as happy as he could possibly be. He wanted him to have friends and live life. He wished Taehyung could see the beauties of life.

But he never knew how and so he promised to at least not let Taehyung face the ugly, dark sides of life alone.



Hey, y'all!!!! I'm back!! Missed me? Cause I sure did!!!

If you've read the previous version, forget it. I took out my anger and stress and all such blah blah blah out on my characters and never minded the plot, the mistakes, etc... So I'm making this version which would have a good plot and storyline, istg.

I'll try to make this version better, okie? And for that, y'all gotta comment, okie? Do we have a deal here, my beautiful peeps? I'll unpublish the other version soon, as well! Are some of you trying to finish the previous one before I take it down, I've received notifs hehe

I'll be updating this story once a week. I'll prolly be home for the next two months 'cause I'm yet to be selected for any of the colleges I applied for *smiling in pain bruh*

Anyhoo, I'm so lovely, you're so lovely, we're all so lovely lovely lovely. Have a great day, bees <3

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