Chapter 37: The First Of Us

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Chapter 37: The First Of Us


Almost seven months have passed since I joined B4U. Episode four—the episode when I sang my 'like realization' song for Davian—of the Love Musical series was going to be on-air tonight.

When the official trailer was out, we got plenty of positive responses. Even more so when the episodes started coming out every week. I was being loved by fans. Fans, who were still hating on me even after the surprise concert, admitted that they were wrong and that I fitted B4U perfectly.

"Instead of getting excited about tomorrow's episode, focus on studying. We have the last exam of this semester tomorrow," Declan reminded, snapping me out of my imaginary world.

"Then, we will have Spring Break!" Jaxon let out, totally excited at the prospect of the one-week vacation.

"You are right!" I exclaimed, joining Jaxon's fallacy at having a vacation finally. I would go to my dads' and stay with them during this holiday. Though I had no plans to terribly miss the boys again, especially Davian, just like I had during the winter break. I wouldn't repeat the same mistake, so I had different plans this time around, which I was yet to reveal to them.

All of a sudden, I felt someone smack lightly on the back of my head. I turned to my right, only to find Davian. He had also smacked Jaxon's head at the same time.

"You two better focus on your studies. No one's going on any holidays without passing this semester," he said sternly.

"But if we don't dream about the holidays, what else will motivate us to study?" Jaxon pointed out.

When I nodded my head, Davian glared at me. "You were given auto-credits for the last semester, based on your previous results, due to shooting and weren't even here for Freshman year, so you have to ace this semester exam and set a standard. Because your results will be something that the fans will judge as well."

"Huh?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"True," Jaxon whined and pouted. "Dee and Davian are known as the smartest ones, while I am the average one."

"I didn't know people could learn about our results too," I muttered, getting scared slightly. If I had known, maybe I would have studied triple harder than how I was studying. Though, thanks to Davian who was making me study every day with him.

"LM publishes the rankings on their official page when the results are out," Declan informed me.

Sensing my fear, Davian placed a hand over my shoulder and sent an assuring smile. "Don't worry. This is why I am making you study all the time. I know you are a good student."

"But Jax is a good student, too. Then, why is he labeled as an average student?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Because I did poorly in the Freshman year, and as they say, the first impression matters. So the fans didn't change that label despite me doing good in every term after that," Jaxon explained to me.

"Poor you." I was saddened by his story.

"Okay, I better go and study in my room, because you idiots won't stop chattering." Declan stood up from his seat and started to walk to his room. He was the type of student who liked to study alone and in peace. He had also been the first-place holder ever since his first exam in LMA, so he was more than annoyed when he wasn't given the first position the last semester with the excuse that it wouldn't be fair to the other students. He had insisted on letting him attend the exam in that case, but for LMA, the shooting took priority. He was really mad after that, so he was planning to blow them away this end-of-term exams.

"Tomorrow is the last exam, so I better give my best. Seven days of hibernation, here I come!" Jaxon squealed and rushed to his bedroom, leaving me alone with Davian in the living room.

"I think we should go and study too," Davian told me. "Let's go to the practice room."

He stood up and extended his hand, which I took gladly. We went into the practice room, where the two of us have been studying for the exams this whole time.

I was proud to have Davian as my boyfriend because he was always pushing me to bring out a better version of myself.

I sat on one of the bean bags, while Davian was checking my iPad. He was actually looking through the study materials.

"Didn't you study this lesson in the morning?" He showed me one file.

"Yes, you made me study that in the morning. You said I had to study those two pdfs in the evening, which is now," I reminded him.

"Great. Then, you should start it now." He handed me the iPad and took his one to study for his exam.

"Did you see the new song I wrote two days ago?" I decided to ask.

He glanced at me. "Together and Together?" When I nodded my head, he smiled. "I saw that. In fact, I almost memorized it. We can record it and give a demo to Cillian."

"For an album? But that's not an album type of song."

"No, I will just tell him to release it on our social media, you know, just for fun. Fans love it when we post stuff unexpectedly."

I was mesmerized by hearing his plan. "That's perfect."

"Okay, now focus, Aura," he said sternly.

"As you say, Teach." I rolled my eyes and sighed before starting to study.


Once I got bored of studying for an hour, I glanced at Davian. He was still engrossed in his iPad.

Sucking in a deep breath, I got up from my seat and took my guitar from the corner.

Then, I started singing the new song I wrote two days ago.

Oh, I am going crazy studying
Life is hard
Romance's budding
Don't know where to start

Davian shifted his gaze from the iPad to me, arching an eyebrow.

I flashed him a smile and continued singing.

Trying to reach my dreams high
Wanting to fly
Up above and beyond the sky

All of a sudden, Davian got up from his seat and walked to me with a warm smile. It was time for the two of us to sing together.

Holding each other
Through our ups and downs
Every moment counts

Supporting each other
Without a sound
You can count on us


On us...

I kept playing the tune on my guitar as it was Davian's time to sing the solo part. We kept looking at each other with a constant smile on our lips.

I'm falling too hard over you
There's nothing I can do
It's true

I am stuck at a phase
I don't know where to go
But all I know is
You are my home

Now, it was again time for the duet, so I joined him.

And together
We are going to face it all
We can't let people
Get to us

We will fly away all the problems
So every time you need someone
You can count on us


On us...

Once the song ended, I rested my guitar in one corner. When I turned back, I found Davian incredibly close to me.

My heartbeats started to fasten, but I instinctively leaned closer because I really wanted this. I had imagined it way too many times since we started going out but was too nervous to ever make a move and he seemed to be the same way. However, it was finally happening now.

Davian cupped one of my cheeks and looked into my eyes for permission. His eyes held so much affection and devotion. How could anyone decline, least of all me?

I closed my eyes in response. There was a beat of silence where I feared if he changed his mind at the last second. But soon, I felt his warm breath on my nose. My heart literally felt like it was going to jump out of my ribcage in anticipation.

At last, when his lips met mine, there was a blast of feelings I had never experienced before. His lips were soft, and that's all I could register for the few moments when they lingered without moving. I felt like I should do something, but I didn't know what.

Maybe try moving my lips? But I was too nervous and frozen. What if I did something wrong? I had never kissed anyone before, and from what I knew, neither had Davian.

Maybe our first kiss was bound to be awkward, and yet, somehow, it felt right and so perfect. Like a warm sip of coffee on a shivering, cold day.

When Davian pulled away, I noticed the tips of his ears getting red and I was sure that my cheeks were red as well. It was extremely awkward, and how I was supposed to study calmly by his side after that, I had no idea.

But regardless of its mechanics and how awkward we were now, this kiss of ours was more special than anything else to me. I would always cherish this. The room where we spent so much time together was also the place we had our first kiss. There was no other better place I could think of.

I was really happy, maybe a little too much. I had to try to stop my grin or squeal as we decided to continue studying.

Even if I was over the moon for taking our relationship to the next level, there were many others that I was happy for too. Everything in my life had changed positively. I got so much without even asking for it. I got my first boyfriend, true friends from a band that I never dreamed of joining, the role of one of the main leads in the series that I had only admired on television, and fans who loved me for who I was.

Even Jaxon was doing well now. He stopped drinking soda and had almost moved on completely from Kiara. I couldn't ask for anything more. I really was grateful for everything.

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