Chapter 6: Heaven

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Chapter 6: Heaven


"Guys, I am going to the mall," I told Declan and Davian, who were having their breakfast.

I finished my breakfast faster than them. As it was Sunday, Jaxon was asleep. Declan wasn't wrong when he said that the weekends were really Jaxon's hibernation time. He was like a ball of energy slumping down on the weekends.

"Are you going to the mall near LM?" Declan asked as I grabbed the purse that I kept on the table. I was wearing a simple red hoodie with my skinny jeans.

"Yes," I replied.

"You are new here, so it will be difficult for you to find things," he said.

"Well, do you want to come with me then?" I offered.

"Yeah, I am free, so why not?" He looked at Davian and pointed out, "You are lazying around too."

"That doesn't mean I will go shopping with her," Davian retorted, making me roll my eyes.

"Come on. It also means going shopping with one of your best friends because I am joining her. Besides, I remember you having trouble finishing the new song you are writing. Maybe you need some fresh air."

I crossed my arms against my chest as I quietly heard the conversation between Declan and Davian.

"Since when is the mall a place for fresh air?" Davian asked ridiculously. "It's rather more suffocating as it is surrounded by people. And you do realize we are B4U, right? Fans will jump on us if they notice us."

"Okay, truth to be told," Declan started speaking, "We can't let her go alone. If I accompany her and fans spot us, they might think we are dating. So if you come with us, they will think you are dating her, and I will be out of the picture."

"What? How is that a solution?" Davian asked in disbelief. He had the same reaction as me. What difference did it make which band member was dating? Unless they found out—

"What if they guess I am the new bandmate?" I spoke up.

Declan smiled at me. "Don't worry. No one will guess that you are the new bandmate. None of us announced the joining of any new band member. Besides, you look too innocent to be in a band like ours."

Davian chuckled as I glared at Declan.

Instead of replying to his remark, I glanced at my wristwatch. "It's already ten. You guys have a maximum of ten minutes to get ready. I won't wait any longer than that." I walked to the living room and plopped on the couch.

I took my phone and texted my dads saying I was going out to buy things for decorating my new room with Declan and Davian.


"What do you want to see at first?" asked Declan. He was wearing a black hoodie while Davian wore a white one.

All of us had a mask covering our faces. Anyone looking from afar would mistake us for a trio of edgy runaway teenagers.

"I want to see some paintings," I responded. I was walking in the middle of the two boys. I couldn't help but feel a little protected.

"We can go on the second floor then. I know a store there," Davian suggested.

We went to the second floor and followed Davian. Soon, we entered a nice store. It had all kinds of beautiful paintings, but I couldn't avert my gaze from the white painting with purple flowers. It was so simple yet stunning.

"I love that one." I pointed to the painting. They followed the finger I was pointing on.

"I have zero knowledge of paintings, so I have no opinion. But it looks—" Declan stopped speaking as his phone rang. "It's my mom. Excuse me, guys. Just continue shopping." He walked out of the store, leaving me with Davian.

I was waiting for Declan's opinion.

I was the type of person who always needed a second opinion. Earlier, my dads would always give that second opinion, but at this point, I only had Davian with me. So his opinion was needed.

I glanced at him. He was looking intently at the painting I chose.

"So... what do you think?" I decided to ask.

"This is really good. You can take it," he answered at last.

I heaved a sigh in relief. Well, at least our choices were similar on a few things.

"Then, I am buying it."

After I bought the painting, we continued walking around, while looking at the various stores trying to find something the two of us would like at the same time.

While walking, he asked, "Did you never shop alone?"

I shook my head. "My dads were always with me. I always need a second opinion."

"And you were planning to come here alone? What for, to stand around like a confused soul for hours?" he responded.

"I didn't want to bother you guys, so I just thought that would be the easier way," I shrugged. "My dads always taught me to be independent," I said with pride.

"Yet, here you are, needing a second opinion."

"If you don't want to give your opinion, hide it and lock it in your chest. Don't bug me about it. I will wait for Dee if needed."

"Fine, fine. I will give you my precious opinion."

In between our talks, all of a sudden, my eyes fell on a beautiful lamp displayed outside a store. "Oh, my God."

Without a second thought, I shoved the bag of painting to Davian and rushed to the store.

"Can I see that lamp?" I asked the salesperson.

She smiled at me. "Sure."

"I thought you needed a second opinion?" I heard his voice from my back.

I didn't turn to face him and beamed, "I do, but I just need this lamp. It's so perfect." I looked at the salesperson who was bringing the lamp. "Still, what do you think of it?" I questioned him.

He furrowed his brows. "If I say no, will you not buy it?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I will be in a dilemma. I will be so confused about whether I should buy it or not, and I don't know what might happen to me with so much thinking over a lamp. I might even write a cheesy song about lamps—"

"Okay, I understand, Aura. Geez. You ramble in stress, don't you?"

I bit my lower lip. "Kind of."

He sighed. "This lamp is nice. I like it."

I arched an eyebrow. "Really?"

When he nodded, I decided to buy that lamp.

Once we bought plenty of things for my room, we decided to sit on a bench inside the mall as we waited for Declan. Davian called him a few minutes ago, and he said to wait at the place we were currently sitting.

"Shopping with you was fun, Davian," I spoke up. He carried half of the bags while I carried the other half. "We agree on the same stuff so things were easier."

"Oh," was all he said and kept looking at random people passing by as if he was trying not to look at me. Since he seemed to be in a somewhat amiable mood, I decided to try my luck at the LM audition.

"Davian..." He raised his gaze at me. "Why don't you want to audition for LM season eleven? Are you afraid that acting will overshadow your singing career?"

He gave me a small smile. "You guessed it right."

"Look, I won't force you to audition. I don't want acting to affect my singing as well, yet I am willing to audition. It's because I want people to accept me as a member of B4U. I want to show them I belong here, instead of letting them know directly. I will do anything for that."

"Why do you want people to accept you as a B4U bandmate? Is it that important for you?"

I smiled. "Because this is my present now. I know it has been only a few days since I joined, but it doesn't feel like that. I understood Jax and Dee on the first day of living with them. And you..." I could feel his strong gaze at me. "I am slowly starting to connect with you. I am trying to make you guys accept me as a new bandmate, not as a replacement."

"You do know if we audition and get selected for the new season of LM, there's no turning back, right?" When I nodded, he further said, "Nora was with us for two years, so fans adored her a lot. You would still face a little hatred even after others accept you as a B4U member. Are you okay with that?"

"Obviously, I am," I replied with confidence. After all, I wanted to live in the present and make the fans love me. "I want to blend in with y'all since you guys are my bandmates."

Davian twitched his lips. He wanted to say something, but Declan interrupted him all of a sudden, "Let's go back to LMD if you guys are done." Declan looked at me and said, "Sorry. My mom calls me once every two weeks, and she talks for a long time."

"It's okay, Dee," I said, and we walked out of the mall.

Since it was near LM territory, we walked instead of taking a car. LM provides cars to the artists having a license, though.

This place was indeed heaven.

A/N: The image with this chapter is the picture of the bedrooms of all four members of B4U. Don't forget to check it out!

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