Chapter 9: B4U Hug

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Chapter 9: B4U Hug


Realizing what I had just done, I immediately released Davian from the hug.

"I am s—"

Davian interrupted me, "You don't have to apologize. I know it was due to your excitement."

I shifted my gaze to the floor, feeling awkward.

We were just getting along, and I had to just... Argh.

"Still, Davian," I muttered.

I heard him chuckle. "Aura, we are friends now, aren't we? As far as I remember, friends are allowed to hug each other."

This time I looked at him, fully awestruck by the sudden change in him. I mean, I told him to try to accept me, but Davian became different towards me ever since we became friends. A good different.

"So, does it mean I can hug you anytime I want?" I asked, to be sure.

He gave a curt nod. "But you must have a reason, otherwise, following your tradition, Jaxon will keep hugging me for no reason at all. That guy loves to get on my nerves."

I couldn't help but let out a low laugh. "Well, I want to see Jax and Dee's reaction once they find out about us getting selected for the next round. Come on, let's go and find them."

I was about to go, but Davian grabbed my hand, preventing me from walking further.

"In case you forgot, we are the only ones who have the free period now. Jax and Dee are busy attending classes."

"So you mean to say we have to wait till lunch break?" I couldn't wait to break the news to them, but now, I had to wait till our free period ended. Because after our free period, the lunch break would start.

Davian glanced at his wristwatch. "We still have around half an hour till lunch break. You successfully spent half of the free period with me. Now, let's meet during lunch."

He was about to leave, but he forgot that our hands were still entwined, so this time I stopped him from walking further.

"You can't leave me alone. The remaining half an hour will feel like a day if I spend it alone," I said to him and gave him the most innocent look I could ever pull off.

Davian sighed and freed his hand from mine. "Just because we are spending this free period together, don't expect it to happen every day."

A smile formed on my lips. "Let's live in the present. Who knows what happens tomorrow? There might even arise a situation where we have to be together in our free period." When he narrowed his eyes at me, I mumbled, "It was just a guess. No one has seen the future."

"Still, don't jinx it by saying such stuff." He started walking somewhere, and I followed him. Soon, we were in the cafeteria.

"Why are we here? There's still time till lunch," I reminded Davian.

He pulled a seat for himself and sat down while I did the same.

"Where else would we go? We can just sit here and talk a bit till Jax and Dee come here," he answered, looking at me.

"That makes sense." I decided to ask, "So what do you usually do at this time? Do you write songs? But Jax said that you write songs after school."

Davian took a deep breath. "Though Jax is right, I just like to give time to myself during my free periods. Away from all the chaos, I sit in a peaceful place, thinking about the different future possibilities."

"Wow," I let out, looking at him amusingly. He was the type of person who wanted to keep things planned from before, but I screwed it all up for him, didn't I? Because of me, he had to appear at the audition suddenly, and now, unexpectedly, he was forced to spend his alone time with me. While I absolutely dreaded alone time, I knew some people required alone time as a chance to escape reality.

"Aura?" Davian's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "I thought you were bored, then why did you get quiet? Or, am I the one making you feel more bored?"

Immediately, I shook my head in denial. How could I feel bored with him when he was sacrificing his personal time to be with me. "I was just thinking about how you agreed to be my friend."

He rolled his eyes. "You are a member of B4U now, so obviously, I have to be nice to you as long as you stay in the band. We have to stick together."

"You didn't take much time to understand that. I thought you would keep giving me a hard time for a while."

This time, he smiled. "I am a normal human being, not some arrogant jerk from the soap opera. I thought about this situation when I was in my peaceful place, and I understood that being on good terms with you will be better for the band."

"And may I ask, where is this peaceful place of yours?" I asked curiously, raising my eyebrows.

He looked at me suspiciously. "Why? So that you can come running and say, 'I am bored!' Definitely not happening." He shook his head vehemently, not even entertaining the idea for a second.

I rolled my eyes. "I was just asking in case I need some alone time like you one day. Then, I can also go there and think about so many sensible things like you."

Davian was about to answer until the two of us heard a familiar voice, "Finally, I am in a peaceful place. Food! My heaven!" Jaxon pulled a chair and sat. He looked at us and said, "Can you believe that today during P.E., I had to teach Kiara how to play basketball?"

"Why?" Davian and I asked together.

Jaxon arched an eyebrow in amusement, but he continued nonetheless, "Apparently, Kiara wants to learn basketball, and the teacher thought that being the captain, I will be the best person to teach her, even though she's a she and I am a he. Now, I have to teach her during every P.E. That's torture!"

"But Aura said that Kiara is a nice girl, so how's that torture exactly?" Declan spoke up as he took a seat.

Immediately, Jaxon had a small sad smile on his face. "That's the torture, guys. Despite her being a nice girl, I can't befriend her. She's a member of BuzzKilled. Every time I see her, I automatically think of that stupid Kylen, and it is torture."

"But when you see her as a normal girl instead of a member of BuzzKilled, you will love her, Jax. You should try to see her like that because you have to teach her for a long time now," I explained to him.

Jaxon sighed and said, changing the topic, "So what were you two doing here? I thought it was your free peri—wait a minute. Did you spend it together?"

Declan looked at Davian and me in amusement as he teased, "Davian, I thought you hated to be disturbed during his free period?"

"And I still do," Davian informed them firmly. "She was running behind me ever since I stepped out of my Pre-Calculus class. She was waiting for my class to end before jumping in front of me like a ghost."

I crossed my arms against my chest. "What else could I have done? My class finished earlier than I thought today."

"So she kept running behind you, and you decided to sit in the cafeteria?" Jaxon asked curiously.

"No," I answered this time. "We were walking, and when he told me to leave him alone, the two of us suddenly spotted Julia Pipe putting something on the notice board. Then, we ran to see the results which were out and found out that we got selected for the final callba—"

"What?" Jaxon and Declan let out in unison. "We got selected?"


In between our talks, Davian and I forgot that they didn't know about it yet.

Davian replied with a smile, "Yes, we got selected. Next Tuesday, after lunch, is the final callback."

"Oh, my God! We are getting a chance to be in LM's new season." Jaxon stood up in excitement.

"I know, right? I had the same reaction." I got up as well, once again being excited.

"I think this happy occasion deserves a group hug," Declan announced and stood up, along with Davian.

The four of us went for a group hug, celebrating this happy moment. We knew we didn't get fully selected yet, but passing the first audition was a huge achievement in itself.

"Aww... a B4U moment!" Nina said from behind and joined the hug. "Cillian, join us."

"This is a proud moment for me as a manager, so why not?"  With that, Cillian also joined the group hug. They must have come here to congratulate us for making it to the final callback.

Today, we had the perfect B4U hug—all of the members were present.

I smiled and closed my eyes, wanting this moment to never end.

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