Chapter 3

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Blake's POV

"Hey Blake!" Yang greets me at the gates.

"Hi." I bluntly say.

"So how's your first day here?"

"Boring, like always....."

"You always say that. Welp, gotta go, see ya!" She then left.

The bell soon rang and I got to my classroom on time. I sit down and sigh.


I look at my desk and saw a note. I look closely at it and read what is written.

"Life is simply boring"

I grab a pen from my bag and started writing.

"I agree with you"

"Alright class, go back to your seats now. We're about to start." Our teacher said.

Gray's POV

I made my way towards to my clubroom and met up with Brian.

"Sup." He said.

"Hey." I said.

"So did you do your homework?" He ask.

"Of course I did. I'm not like you."

"Wow, that's harsh. How could you say that to your best friend." He said with a fake hurt expression.

"Let's just get inside now." I said opening the door.

"Hey Gray, good timing. Since that you're good at making deserts, I'll assign you and Dillon on it." My club president said.

"Okay, sure. It's no big problem." I said and took a seat from the chair where I put the note.

I then noticed something on the note so I read it.

"Life is simply boring"

"I agree with you"

I didn't know that someone would write on my note. Grabbing my bag, I took my pen and write something back.

"Didn't know that someone would reply. Glad someone thinks the way as me"

Blake's POV

"Hmmm. Whoever this is, we might get along." I said to myself.

"Maybe we'll get along just fine"

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