Chapter 8

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Gray's POV

"Oh no! I have to hurry!!" I said to myself as I got out of bed.

I hurriedly cooked breakfast, eat, shower and then got into my uniform until I'm wearing my shoes. Doing that took me only thirty minutes.

My eyes gazed at the clock hanging on the wall and it shows that it's 6:45am.

Mom started to walk down the stairs yawning.

"Gray? Why are you in such a hurry?" She ask.

"I almost forgot that today is the school festival and I need to get there super early for the preparations." I replied, finally finish wearing my shoes.

"Oh alright then! You should go now before you get late. I'll be sure to visit you later!" My mom started pushing me to the door.

"Okay mom. Oh wait, my bag." I went to the living room and grab my bag.

I gave mom a kiss on the cheek and started running my way towards the school. As five minutes had passed, I finally arrive at the school gates.

There are already a few students preparing some food stands and decorations for festival. I enter the school grounds and walk to my club room, to see the club president and my other club members. Though Brian is no where to be seen.

"Hey Gray! You ready to bake the sweets?" Arian ask.

"Yeah, but what about Brian?" I said.

"He'll be here soon. Let's go to the cafeteria already!" He then pushed me out of the room and drag me to the cafeteria.

"Why do I always get pushed out?" I ask myself.


"Is it baked already?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll bring it there in just a second!" Brian said.

A minute later he placed the tray of cupcakes on the counter as we started putting it with icing and designing each of it using some crumbled cookie and sprinkles.

"Finally! We're done with our part!" The three of us then high five each other and laughed.

"Man I didn't know baking cupcakes can be this tiring." Arian said.

"This is the first time I've baked this many cupcakes! So it is tiring." I said.

"We should bring them back to the club now." Brian said.

"How about we ask some other students first to carry the other trays back." I said.

"Sure. Let me get some help from my friends." Arian then runs out the cafeteria.

Blake's POV

"Oh my gosh!! Look at all the food stands and games! Hey, Weiss! Let's go play that game!" Ruby started dragging Weiss.

"Ruby! Stop acting like a child!" Weiss yelled.

"I just can't help it, okay??!" She shouted.

"And tone your voice down. You're already causing a scene here." She replied.

"Fine.... But can we please play it?!" Ruby ask.

"Okay, okay. We'll play that game." Weiss replied.

Ruby started squealing until she drag her. Me and Yang just stand there until we look at each other.

"So what now?" She ask.

"Dunno, maybe walk around and check the other places that the students did?" I answered.

"Hm, let's do that. Maybe I can even find a game that I'm allowed to punch something." She holds her fist with her other hand and smirked.

"Why do you like punching stuff?"

"I don't know myself either, maybe because it's fun?" She said.

"Are you joking right now?" I said giving her a raised brow.

"No." She said.

"Let's just go already."

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Nixium: Hewoo!!! Can I ask a simple question right now?

What do you think of this story at the moment?

I apologize if you think this is like my other stories. I just made this to kill time if I'm bored or too lazy to update my other books.

Also please follow Crashbexpert until he gets 1k so he can do a face reveal. I know I've said this many times now but I don't care.



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