Dynasty and shadow

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Dynasty and shadow came from a human world a year ago and got used to pac-world and traveled to pactopilous and they transferred to pac-mans school.

Pac POV:

I saw two girls register to my school one of them wares black and yellow and the other looks a little like a girl version of betrayous.I hope to meet them and to join our group and to get to know each other.

Shadows POV:

I saw a cute yellow pac-worlder,I hope I get to meet him... I hope I'm his neighbor so I could hangout with him!I went to my dorm with my sister and unpacked our bags and split sides of the room...mine was full of color while my sister had everything netherworld themed...hopefully she doesn't get any pictures of boy ghosts soon.

Dynasty POV:

I settled in my room with dark colors and my sister had her side colorful,she especially liked the color yellow.after I settled in I told my sister I was going to check out the maze but she told me I couldn't go alone and she wasn't going so I stayed and when I looked out the window I saw a hurt slug so I went outside and took it in and kept it as a pet but I had to hide it from my sister because she hated slugs but I thought they were pretty cool and always put it on my head when I go to sleep because I like the feeling of slime... I know it's weird but everyone is weird in their own way so my weird thing is slime and I fell asleep.

Betrayous POV:

I saw two new girls go into pac-brats school and I liked the one next to the colorful one she had beautiful black hair with red eyes and black and red shirt and shorts.after I saw her set up her room and it was netherworld themed!then she saw my camera... I guess I used it too much because she came straight down and heard her talking to it like it was hurt and she took the slug cam in and...put it on her head? I guess she liked the feeling of slime."BUTT-LER!" I yelled and butt-ler came in wait for command,"put this picture of me on the girls bed NOW!!"I demanded and he did and came back in a rush."I did it sure."butt-ler said and I told him he could go back to doing to his own thing.

Dynasty POV:

I woke up finding a picture on my lap and picked it up,it was a picture of...BETRAYOUS! But I thought he left  and was still alive,me and my sister fell through a portal that lead to pactopilous during the Great War and shadow landed on two yellow ones and I landed on betrayous."OUCH!!what was that! Betrayous looked at me and grabbed me by the neck and lift me up. I started to choke and tried to struggle free, I didn't want to die and was starting to cry.betrayous noticed that I was crying and put me down."WHO ARE YOU?"betrayous asked "m-my name is d-dynasty...who are y-you?"I asked scared and ready to run away."my name is betrayous future ruler of pac-world!"he said and grabbed me by the arm,"are you on my brothers side?"he asked more kindly."no I guess not."I said and I helped him the whole war but they won and escaped with my sister and made an excuse for helping betrayous and we when away and for all these years I thought he was gone forever!I started to cry but I held it back and hugged the picture,the slug came up to me and let me pet it "thanks you're my only friend I have,everyone think I'm a freak even my sister hates me!"I whispered and hugged the slug and put away the picture.

Shadow POV:

I woke up and saw dynasty sleep and I went to go to the yellow ones to meet him.*knock,knock*and the yellow one answered the door."oh hi who are you?"he asked,"hi my name is shadow and I'm your new neighbor what's yours?"I asked kindly."my name is pac-man and this is spiral!"he asked excited to see me."nice to meet you and I hope we become friends!"I said happily and left with a smile back to my dorm with my freak sister.

Pad-man POV:

"She was really nice!"I exclaimed and she is cute too I thought to myself and blushed."oh I know that look,do you have a crush?"spiral asked."I...um a little she seemed so nice and she's pretty as well!" I said,"it's ok I won't tell!"spiral said."thanks.",and I went to the president to tell them the news about the girls... I had to tell someone.after I told him the names he looked surprised but told me nothing was wrong and he's glad that there was some new faces.

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