Hot and Heavy

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The famous ,charming actor Kim Taehyung just asked you on a date and you agreed.

Now, as Tae gets ready in his trailer, you find yourself in your bedroom, shuffling through clothes. Shree's perched  on your bed, watching you.

Y/n:-"What do i even wear on a first date with a famous celebrity?"

Shree:-" A couture dress that was handmaid and tailored perfectly to your body?"

Y/n:-"And where do i find that dress in the next thirty minutes?"   Shree:-"You don't"

Y/n:-"Thanks for the help."   Shree points towards your closet.   Shree:-"Stop obsessing already and pick a dress. You're having dinner with Tae, not the king of Korea."    

Before you can respond, there's a knock at your bedroom door. A second later later, Stacy pokes her head in. There's a black garment bag draped over her arm.

Stacy:-"I hope I'm not interruption, Y/n."   Y/n:-"Stacy! Uh, no, not at all...What's in the baf you're holding?"    Stacy:-"Tae told me about your date tonight-"

Y/n:-"HE TOLD YOU?!"   You shoot Shree a panicked look. Her expression mirrors yours.

Stacy:-"Don't worry, he told me not to tell anyone. I promise I'm only here to help you, mon ami."   Stacy unzips the bag to reveal the most beautiful dress you have even seen. It is made of the softest silk. Deep red with thin straps and a low neckline.. you can't help but gasp.

Y/n:-"It's perfect."   Stacy:-"It is yours, if you'd like."  Y/n:-"Thank you so much."   Stacy hands you the dress, offering one last, genuine smile before leaving.

Shree:-"She might just be your personal fairy godmother."   Feeling both nervous and excited, you head outside to meet Tae.

You step out into the warm breeze and immediately spot Tae, who is waiting for you on the porch steps. He looks devastatingly handsome in dark slacks and a tailored button-down.

Tae:-"Looking as amazing as ever, Y/n."  You run into his arms and pull him in for the quickest hug. It barely lasts a few seconds, yet manages to send your heart racing.

Tae:-"We should get going."  Your walk through the town ends at Bartoni's, your favourite Italian restaurant.    Y/n:-"How'd you know?"     Tae:-" I may have gotten some advice from Shree."

The sheer sweetness of the gesture overwhelms you with the urge to kiss him. You grab Tae's face and tug it down towards yours, planting your mouth on his.

Tae:-"I'm fairly skilled when it comes to planning dates."  He winks at you in that way, you've grown to like. Very much. Tae holds the restaurant door open for you. You head inside.

Hostess:-"Welcome to Bartoni's.    Tae:-"Reservation for two under Kim."   The woman's eyes widen as she realizes that it's Kim Taehyung

Hostess:-"Of course. Your table is right this way."  You follow as she leads you deeper into the restaurant.

It comes as no surprise that Tae has reserved a private table for the two of you. The table is lit with candles and nestled far enough into the restaurant that no guests can see or hear you.

Hostess:-"Enjoy your evening."  The flickering candlelight dances across Tae's face, illuminating that devilish grin.   Tae:"U r welcome."   The waiter arrives to take your orders. After , you're relieved to be truly alone with Tae.

Y/n:-"Do you miss your family back home while filming?"   Tae:-"I talk to my mom everyday. I even told her about tonight."

Y/n:-"You're kidding."  Tae shakes his head. He taps on his phone for a moment before giving it to you.

In the chat, Tae has sent his mom two selfies, wearing a different colored shirt in each.

Y/n:-"Your mom helped pick out your outfit for tonight?"  Tae:-"She did."   Y/n:-"I never would've pegged you for a momma's boy, Tae."   Tae:-"Yeah, yeah. Quit making fun of me."  Before you can respond, the waiter arrives with your food. You take a bite, marveling at how great it tastes.

Y/n:-"Before we take this any further, we should discuss being discreet at work."   Tae:-"Then we'll keep it casual at work..But in private, you're all mine."   Y/n:-"Deal"

You and Tae eat your meals. After, he pays the bill before leading you outside. With the full moon lighting up the town and stars twinkling in the sky, it's the perfect romantic evening.

The sound of screaming catches you off guard. You follow the noise to find..A group of teenage girls are running down the street, heading towards you. You quickly drop Tae's hand before they get any closer.

Girk:-"Tae! We're your biggest fans! Can we take a photo?"  Tae:-"Sure, we can."  When they ask for a group photo, you hold the camera and do the honors.

You hand the phone back to a smiling fan, laughing as they run away as quickly as they came.

Y/n:-"That's quite a fan base."   Tae:-"I'm a lucky guy."  

The two of you have barely walked a few steps before another group of fans approach. You watch Tae once again greets his fans, taking photos with each one. When he's done, he returns to your side and immediately apologizes.

Tae:-"Sorry, Y/n. Cons of dating a celebrity, I guess."   Y/n:-"I want you all to myself."   Tae:-"Is that so?"   Tae glances around the street. Satisfies that you're finally alone , he grabs your waist, tugging you against him.    Tae:-"I love you, babe."

Heading back home, you and Tae walk hand and hand through town.  You and Tae arrive back at the Keep You Warm

Tae:-"Will you kill me if I ask to walk you to your bedroom?"   Y/n:-"Okay. But keep your distance.

You and Tae manage to make it to your bedroom door without being seen.

Tae:-"Well.."  Y/n:-"Tonight was fun."  You open the door to your bedroom.

Tae:-"You're really gonna leave me out here all alone?"  You kick the door to your bedroom open all the way and quickly kick Tae inside. Tae stumbles into your room, catching his balance on the edge of your bed.

Tae:-"Geez, Y/n. What am I, your shameful one-night stand?"    Y/n:-"I don't do one-night stands.  Tae sits on your bed, then leans back until he's laying down.  Tae:-"Why are you still standing there?"  You collapse onto the bed beside him.

Tae turns his body towards yours, resting his palm on your cheek.

Tae:-"Today is only the beginning.I have hundreds of dates i want to take you on. Each grander than the last."   Laying there, staring into his eyes, you want to go on every one. The location is irrelevant, as long as he's there.

This time, when Tae kisses you, it's slow . This time, when Tae kisses you, it's slow and gentle.

Tae:-"You turn me into a mad man,angel."   The feeling of his body on top of yours is intoxicating. You kiss him desperately, sliding your tongue into his mouth. In that moment, you want nothing short of all of him. The way he looks at you makes you feel radiant. Confident.

You and Tae cuddle together, wrapped in each other's arms. The last thing you remember before falling asleep is Tae pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.

The following morning, you wake up with a smile plastered to your face. You roll over, eager to see Tae..Only the bed is empty.

Y/n:-"Tae?"  You sit up, looking around the room. He's nowhere to be seen.

Y/n:-"What's that?"  On the edge of your bed is a white box with a shiny gold ribbon on top. You eagerly climb to the end of the bed.

Y/n:-"There's a note!"   A simple gold card reads," To:Y/n. From: Tae"

Y/n:-"He bought me a gift!"

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