Up close and personal

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The cover of the book is made by @staethcs from Polaris Community Graphic Shop. A huge thanks to her for making the cover for me.

The banner is made by 

You stand at the front desk of the "keep you warm" you own,staring at the door.

Please someone-anyone-walk in and book a room.You hope and hope ,but the door remains shut.Its been like this since a week .Clearly no one's coming

Accepting defeat,you lock the front door and retreat to the living room.Your best friend and co-worker ,Lee Shree is sitting on the couch.She knows you well enough to sense that something is off.

Shree :-"No guests?" 

You shake your head 

Y/N:-"The telephone doesnt even rings.What am i doing wrong".

Feeling exhausted and defeated,you collapse onto the couch

Shree:-"Nothing! This place was filled with guests a few months ago.Remember?"

You nod,Of course you remember the time when business was booming and everything felt so right.

Y/N:-"So what's changed between then and now."

Shree:-"I dont know but its too early to start worrying y/n"

Y/N:"My parents trusted me to run their keep you warm after they died.I hate feeling like I'm failing them".

Shree:-You are only 23 and running your own business,if you call that failing ,then i wish i was a failure too.

You try to laugh but can't seem to muster any sort of happiness.

Shree:-Look ,you just need a little stroke of good luck.

Y/N:-"Luck, you know i can't rely on luck when i am running a business.What i really need is the twelve empty rooms in this place to be filled with guests."

Shree:- "Got any important plans for tomorrow?"

Y/N:-"Does standing at the front desk while praying someone would walk in through the door count?"

Shree:- "Ugh,absolutely not.I think that's enough work talk for one night."

Y/N:- "Agreed .I could use a distraction ....or ten."

Just when you thought the night couldn't get worse,the Movie Awards are on.

Shree:- "Award shows are the best.They are so full of eye candy."

You let out a loud groan Y/N:"C'mon Shree,how is this going to cheer me up.You know i hate these award shows."

Shree:-"yeah because you have an awful taste"

Y/N:- "you couldn't be more wrong.Award shows are a total snooze fest.the jokes arent even funny."

Shree:-"RIGHT, because your jokes are hilarious.Look,I am planning on watching it for a minute,I just need to catch one tiny glimpse of him.       " By "him" you know exactly which actor Shree's talking about:the world famous,annoyingly handsome KIM TAEHYUNG. Just as you think his name,he confidently saunters onto the stage to accept the award for Best Actor.You roll your eyes while shree squeals.

Shree:- "I swear he gets more attractive every single day.Oh ,the thing i would do to MR.KIM."

Y/N:-"Would be things that practically every women on this planet have already done to him."...Shree:-"Sure,i'd do them even better.

Y/N:-"GROSS!"KIM TAEHYUNG is nothing more than some stuck up celeb with an ego bigger than his entire town."

KIM TAEHYUNG became famous years ago when his sex tape was leaked.Since then,he's starred in countless movies.You can't seem to turn the TV on without seeing his pretty face.

Shree:-"Quiet down!He's about to give his than you speech.".............Y/N:- "And we puking in 3,2,1.....

Kim Taehyung stands at the stage podium ,holding the silver statue for Best Actor i his hand.

Tae:-' A big thanks to my agent and the whole team that helped us shoot this movie.And to whoever leaked my sex tape three years ago..I wouldn't be here without you."

The audience erupts with laughter.With a dazzling wink,Taehyung walks off the stage.

Shree:- "if you knew more about Taehyung,you'd realize he's more than a playboy.He's a good boy!'

Y/N:-" Taehyung being a good boy? I wouldnt bet a dime"    Shree turns the TV off.You both grow quiet. You let out a big yawn.Its been a long and tiring day.

Shree:-"Go and sleep"   You shot your best friend a warm smile and head to bed. After a warm shower,you snuggle into bed,but you're too stressed to sleep. You are carrying the weight of this business on your shoulders and you can't handle it anymore.The photo of your parents you keep on your nightstand catches your eye.You almost feel their disappointment.You let yourself cry for the first time since your parent's funeral.After going through an entire box of tissues,you feel a bit better.Needing a distraction you grab you phone.

Y/N:-"There must be something that can take my mind off work."     You notice you have a new email from someone named GO ARA.....You quickly open the email and reading it over once,twice,you almost drop you phone. GO ARA is a producer at sidereel,the major hollywood film studio.

Y/n:-"they think my keep you warm is perfect setting for a new romance film they're working on?And they want to film it here!"    You pinch youself,just in case     y/n:-"nope its real"      when you read the amount of money being offered,you really do drop your phone.

Y/N:-"that's enough money to keep us in business.Hell that's enough money to last me a lifetime!"   You carefully curate the perfect response to Ara ,making sure to thank her for her time.Minutes after you send the email,Ara responds back real quick. You read Ara's email out loud.

Y/N:-"I AM PLEASE TO HEAR YOU AGREE TO US RENTING OUT YOUR BUSINESS FOR A MONTH!I HAVE ATTACHED THE CONTRACT AND NDA FOR YOU TO SIGN."     You quickly sign the contract and go to bed with a smile plastered on your face.

                                                                                             .   .   .

The next morning,you wake up smiling,eager to start the day.You get dressed and head to your office downstairs,sending Shree a quick text to meet you there........When you get to your office,Shree is sitting on the chair,waiting.

Shree:-"Morning Y/n....is there something wrong ...you called me sooo early?Why are you smiling all secretively?What could me more important than saving the business?"

Y/N:-"Saving the business while filming a movie?Filling our empty rooms with a bunch of celebrities?"

Shree:-"That would be great if it were possible"     Unable to hold the good news in any longer,you tell Shree everything..When you're done,Shree's jaw has nearly hit the floor.She starts dancing around the room,waving her arms in the air.

Y/N:- "thanks for reminding me why i never let you dance in public"     You join in and start dancing around the room. While you both were dancing,your phone chimes.

Y/N:-"Its another email from Ara,the producer!"    You read the email out loud. "Thanks for signing the contract Y/N!We will be arriving there in a few hours...looking forward to it!"

Y/n and Shree spends the next few hours prepping the Keep you Warm in a hurry..

Y/N:- "I have a really great feeling about this,Shree."         Shree:-"Me too!!look there are here:

There's dozens of cars pulling into the parking lot.Y/n and Shree hurry outside to greet the film crew. Sheilding your eyes,you watch the swarm of new faces unpacking luggage from vans and trucks.A smiling woman appears in front of you,hand outstretched.

Ara:- "You must be Y/N!I am Go Ara,the producer.So nice to meet you."

Y/N:- "Nice to meet you too.I'm so excited to get started!"      Before Ara can respond,a large black and gold limo pulls into the parking lot. In seconds,dozens of staff surround the bus.They stand there,waiting.But for what? Ara catches you staring and laughs

Ara:-"Yeah,he can be a real handful sometimes.Even more of a diva than the woman.

Then.... there he is.The film's star is standing in front of you and boy,does he look stunning in the sunlight.    Y/N:- "No.no no no no no...."

Tae:-"Can i get some water or something?It's hot as hell out here."


Hey guys!!! It's my first fanfiction. It's not the best but I will improve myself.

Feel free to vote and comment down your suggestion.!!

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