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~At Kurenai mansion~ 

The doorbell rings as Mrs. De La Hoya smiles widely. 

Mrs. Hoya : It must be my Shu. He is returning home today...

Dalny smiles widely hearing this. 

Dalny : I will go and open the door then! 

She happily went and opened the door while being followed by everyone. But her smile faded when she saw Shu with a girl. 

Dalny mind : W-Who is she? 

She shrugged off the negative thoughts and about to ask but someone incorrupt. 

Mrs. Hoya : Who is she? Is she your colleague? 

Shu : Aunty....From now....She is going to live with us. 

Mr. Kurenai : But why? And who is she?? 

Shu : She wife.

Dalny : WHAT?!! 

Sora : Woah! Your wife is beautiful, Brother. You two look perfect with each other. 

Dalny glares at her.

Mrs. Hoya : SHUT UP!! Shu! Why didn't you tell us?! 

Shu : Circumstances are like Aunt. I don't get time to tell you. 

Mrs. Kurenai : But why did you marry so suddenly, son? Did something happen??

Shu : Yes mom...A lot of things happened....

He tells the whole story to his family. 

Mrs. Hoya : How could you just marry a low class girl from a village who doesn't even match our standards?!! 

Y/n : Excuse me?!! Who are you calling low class?! 

Mrs. Hoya : Look! She doesn't even have the manners to talk with elders!!

Shu : Y/n...please...Stay quiet. I am handling this... 

Y/n : Doesn't look like but anyways.

Mr. Kurenai : I don't accept her as your wife!! So--

Y/n : Don't worry. Once I complete my studies then I will leave your son! 

She said and looked at Shu. 

Y/n : Can you show me your room please? I am tired. I want to rest. Or I have to find that myself? 

Shu : Sora...Take Y/n to my room. 

Sora : Okay brother.... 

Y/n went inside while following Sora. 

Shu : I am sorry mom, dad and Aunt but please try to understand me. Y/n's father saved me and now Y/n is my responsibility. 

Mrs. Hoya : Huh! But still I will never accept her and this marriage. 

Mr. Kurenai angrily went inside while following Mrs. Hoya. Shu sighted and looked at his mom. 

Shu : You also mom?

Mrs. Kurenai : No son. I already accepted her as my daughter in law and you did the right thing. You are tired right? Come, I will serve you your dinner. 

Shu smiles at her mom. 

Shu : Thanks mom.... 

Dalny speaks as Mrs. Kurenai goes inside. 

Dalny : How can you do this? You forget you promised--

Shu : I forget nothing. I already told you that she is my responsibility! 

Dalny : Then make sure you won't forget this! 

Shu shook his head and went to the dining room. 

Shu : Mom...Give me my dinner in my room. Y/n didn't eat anything so I will make her eat first.

Mrs. Kurenai : Okay... 

Shu takes the dinner to his room. He found Y/n sitting on the bed. 

Shu : Y/n? Eat your dinner. 

Y/n : Take it back. I don't want to eat. 

Shu : But why?? 

Y/n : I don't have an appetite.... 

Shu : Or you are saying this because Hada sir feeds you? 

Y/n : Yeah maybe...but who will feed me now? I don't have anyone....

Shu : I will. 

He takes the spoon and places it in front of her mouth. 

Shu : Come on, eat it. You didn't eat anything from yesterday? You need it. 

Y/n looked at him for a moment then ate.

~Next day~

Everyone sits in the dining hall for breakfast. Y/n was about to serve them but Mrs. Hoya stopped her. 

Mrs. Hoya : What do you think you are doing?! 

Y/n looked at Mrs. Kurenai who sighed. 

Mrs. Kurenai : I know no one accepted Y/n but still....It's a ritual in our family that the food day has to be served by the bride on the first day of marriage. Dalny also did this so--

Mrs. Hoya : I don't care! I will not eat by her hands! 

Y/n : Okay then. I will serve everyone except you. 

She said casually, making Mrs. Hoya angry. 

Mr. Kurenai : I also won't eat!

Dalny : Yeah! Me too! 

Y/n : Are you guys some kids or what? I will not eat, I will not eat, just keep repeating that. Eat everyone or else~

Mr. Kurenai : Or else? What are you gonna do? 

Y/n : I will leave this house! 

Sora mind : This is of no use, I already tried it. 

Mr. Kurenai : Huh? *laughing* Really? Go ahead. 


Every maid, staff, bodyguards started looking at her and started whispering. 

Mr. Kurenai : S-Shut up! You are embarrassing us! 


Mrs. Hoya : Okay okay stop!! We will eat!! 

Y/n suddenly stopped screaming and served them.

Dalny : I still don't want to eat! 

Y/n : Then don't. Who are you asking?

Dalny : Look Shu! How is she talking with me?!

Shu : Y/n...

Y/n : What? 

Shu : Now stop serving and eat your breakfast too. 

Dalny mind : Did he just ignore me? 

Y/n : Umm...No...I don't have an appetite. 

Y/n was about to go but Shu held her wrist and suddenly stood up.

Shu : Do we want me to feed you again?

Y/n : N-No... 

Shu : But still I will feed you because I know you are not going to eat by yourself. 

Shu feeds her while Dalny was burning in jealousy.

Dalny mind : When I said I don't want to eat he just ignored me and when Y/n said he started feeding her?!! He never even did that to me!! 


To be continue.....

A/n : Sorry to make you all wait...Hope you liked it.

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