Part 14

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Y/n nodded and hugged Dalny, who hugged her back while smiling, with only one thought in her mind.


Days passed, and everything seemed to be okay. Dalny was taking care of Y/n. Now it's almost 3 months into her pregnancy.

Dalny entered Y/n's room with a glass of milk. Y/n was sitting on the bed, going through some files, while Shu was on the couch, working on his laptop.

Dalny: Y/n... How many times have I told you not to work?

Y/n smiled and shook her head.

Y/n: I was just going through some files. I'm okay.

Dalny: Here. Drink some milk. It will be good for the baby.

She said while handing her the glass.

Y/n: Thank you...

Dalny: I also prepared some fruits for you. And don't forget to take your medicines. Now drink this; it's good for the baby's skin—

Shu: No need. I already gave her juice.

Dalny: Oh! So, did you take your medicines—

Shu: I already gave her everything, Dalny. You don't need to worry. I'm here to take care of my wife.

Dalny: Yeah... Well, let me say hello to the little champ.

She said, about to touch Y/n's belly, but Shu stepped in front of her.

Shu: Dalny, go to your room. You need to rest; you've been working too much.

Dalny gave him an awkward smile and left the room.

Y/n: What was that, Shu? It seemed rude...

Shu: No, it wasn't.

Y/n: Shu... I've been observing you for months. You're purposely keeping Dalny away from me. Is there any problem?

Shu: No... It's... It's just that I'm feeling suspicious about Dalny...

Y/n: Huh?

Shu: I feel like she's not really caring for you. She's doing this for a purpose.

Y/n: No, Shu... It's nothing like that. You're overthinking. Everything is finally alright after a long time; please don't ruin it by suspecting her.

Shu: Hmm...

Y/n tried to cheer him up.

Y/n: Tomorrow is the baby shower. Tell me the baby's gender.

Shu: No. You'll only find out tomorrow.

Y/n: At least tell me if it's a boy or a girl?

Shu: Then what's the point? Be patient.

Y/n: I'm sooo excited!

Shu smiled at her and gave her a side hug, but he still wasn't convinced.

~Later that day~

Later that evening, Shu caught sight of Dalny standing alone in the garden, gazing up at the night sky. Her earlier behavior had left him uneasy, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He knew Dalny well—too well to be convinced by her sudden change of heart.

Shu walked over to her, his footsteps soft on the gravel path. Dalny didn't turn to look at him as he approached; instead, she continued to stare at the stars, her expression unreadable.

Shu: Dalny...

She finally turned, her face calm, almost serene.

Dalny: Yeah?

Shu: I wanted to talk to you. About Y/n and your miscarriage.

Dalny: What about it? I thought I made it clear that I've decided to move on.

Shu: Did you? Really? I don't think so.

Dalny's lips curled into a sad smile, but it didn't reach her eyes.

Dalny: You're suspicious of me, aren't you, Shu? You still don't trust me...

Shu: Don't play games with me. I won't fall into your traps. I know you better than you think.

Dalny: Shu... I've really moved on—

Shu: No, you haven't. Tell me why you're suddenly ready to forgive everything. It doesn't add up.

Dalny: People can change, Shu. Pain can teach us to let go.

Shu: Pain can also teach us to hate.

For a moment, the mask Dalny had been wearing slipped, revealing a glimpse of the anger she had buried beneath her calm demeanor. She quickly regained control, her expression softening.

Dalny: Shu, I've had time to think. To reflect. I realized holding onto that anger would only destroy me. What good would it do to keep blaming Y/n? It wouldn't bring back what I've lost.

Shu: And yet, earlier, you seemed determined to make her suffer.

Dalny: I was grieving. I wasn't thinking clearly. But now... I just want peace.

Shu crossed his arms, his gaze never leaving hers.

Shu: Peace? Or revenge? Because if you're planning anything, Dalny, I'll find out. And I won't hesitate to stop you, no matter what it takes. Don't you dare hurt Y/n or our baby.

Dalny: You're so protective, Shu. But don't worry. I won't do anything to hurt Y/n or the baby. After all, we're family, aren't we?

Shu: Just remember, Dalny—whatever happens, I'm watching you. If you even think about hurting Y/n or our child, you'll have to answer to me.

Shu didn't respond immediately, his eyes narrowing slightly as he tried to read her.

Dalny nodded, her expression as calm as ever.

Dalny: Don't worry, Shu. I promise never to hurt the baby or Y/n. By the way, tomorrow is the baby shower. You need to focus on that. After all, it's a special day for both of you.

Shu: I know.

With that, Shu turned to leave but stopped when he heard Dalny speak again.

Dalny: Take care of your Y/n and the twins.

A chill ran down Shu's spine as he looked at her in horror.

Shu: H-How do you know the baby's gender? Only I know this.

Dalny's serene smile didn't waver, but there was a flicker of something darker in her eyes. She stepped closer, her voice a soft whisper that barely reached him.

Dalny: You're not the only one who knows how to dig up secrets, Shu. I know things.

Shu's fists clenched at his sides, his mind reeling. He had kept the twins' gender a secret, even from Y/n, to surprise her at the baby shower.

Shu: I asked you something. How do you know? Were you spying on me?

Dalny: You'll find out soon.

She left, leaving him with a mind full of questions.

Shu thought: What are you planning, Dalny? If you even think of hurting Y/n or our babies, I won't spare you.

Dalny thought: Hurt them? I would never hurt them. I am not like your wife.


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