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Shu : You!? What are you doing here??

Y/n : Umm...None of your business!

Shu : What but--? Hey wait!

She ran away from there before he could say anything. Shu sighted and entered the cabin.

Hod : Do you find any proof yet?

Shu : No...I didn't find any yet but I will soon--

Commissioner : No need to. Your wife already proved everything.

Shu : Y/n?

Commissioner : Yes she came here and said that you are innocent. I am really impressed by her. She knows how to fight for her loved ones. You are so lucky Shu...that you have such a brave and caring wife...Your suspension is canceled.

Shu : Thank you sir.... *whispered*

At night

Shu quickly entered his room and looked for Y/n but didn't find her in the room.

Shu : Where is she?

He felt relieved when he saw Y/n coming out of the bathroom.

Shu : Y/n...I want to say-- Wait? Where are you going?

He asked when he saw her leaving the room with the pillow. She ignored him and left from there.

Shu : Is she still mad about yesterday?

Shu went to Sora's room and knocked. The door opened revealing Y/n.

Y/n : What?

Shu : Umm...Why are you sleeping here? Let's go to our room.

Y/n : Why should I go with you, mister? Didn't you say "LEaVe mE ALoNe"? I will not come with you! Hmph!!

She said making Sora laugh but stopped when Shu glared at her.

Shu : I am sorry...please come with me.

Y/n : I will not!!

She sat on the bed angrily while Sora whispered to Shu.

Sora : Looks like She is so angry with you right now. Try tomorrow morning.

Shu : What?! I can't sleep without her even for a night!

Sora raised an eyebrow.

Shu : I-I m-mean--

Sora : It's okay no need to explain...she is your wife after all. By the way, I can help you but I will not.

Shu : Why??

Sora : I want to go on my college trip.

Shu : Hmm...So?

Sora : But aunt won't allow me so you will help me.

Shu : And what makes you think that?

Sora : You want your wife in your room or not!?

Shu : Of course!

Sora : Then help me!!!

Shu : Okay okay ....I will help you be happy? Now help me first.

Sora smiled and stood in front of Y/n and shouted suddenly.

Sora : AHHH!!

Y/n flinched hearing her and asked worriedly.

Y/n : W-What? What happened??

Sora : I saw a C-Cockroach!!

She said while pointing somewhere making Y/n's eyes widened.

Y/n : AHHHHH!!!

She shouted while standing on the bed.

Y/n : What are you looking at? Go and out that disquieting thing!!

Sora : N-No! I am afraid and it's on your side anyways. I am going to sleep. 😴 Good night.

Y/n : What?! How can you!?

Sora : If you are scared that much then go and sleep in your room noona.

Y/n looked at Shu who was already looking at her.

Y/n : Hmph! I will not go to this idiot room!!

Sora : Then stay here. But what if that cockroach came near you while sleeping and went inside your ears?

Y/n : N-Nooo! I am going!!

She quickly grabbed her pillow and left the room.

Y/n were going to the IT room while being followed by Shu.

They stopped when they heard someone's voice more like a taunt.

Dalny : So...Finally you make up with your wife? Wow.

Shu : What do you want, Dalny?

Dalny : Nothing....I just want to spend some time with my friend...

Shu : Later Dalny... I am busy right now--

Dalny : Yeah busy making up to your angry wife?!! That's why you are taking her back to your room!*scoff*

Y/n : Dalny....If a husband wants his wife to sleep in their room...then why are you having problems??

Dalny : You just shut up! Don't interfere in between us!!

Shu : Don't shout at Y/n!!

Dalny : I want to share my pain with you but you are taking her side??

Shu : I understand but why do you always taunt Y/n? What she didn't do anything--

Dalny : Because she fuc*ing come between the US!!! *tears in eyes*

Shu : She didn't!!

Dalny : S-She did...Y-You changed S-Shu....

She ran away from there with tears in her eyes.

Y/n : What the--!? Look what you did! Why did you fight with her for me?!

Shu : But I just--

Y/n : Now go and confront her! Don't break your friendship for me please.

In Danny's room

Dalny is packing her bags angrily. She heard a knock on the door. She saw Shu standing on the door.

Dalny : Why are you here now?!! For apologizing?!!

Shu : I won't apologize to you because I didn't do anything...but please don't leave the house....

Dalny : Does it matter to you if I leave or stay?? *asked with hope*

Shu : Yes it matters to me a lot...

Dalny : Fine then....

~Shu's pov~

I was returning back after having a talk with Dalny. I entered my room and looked for Y/n because I wanted to talk to her. But I found her sleeping. I also laid beside her while admiring her. She looks so cute while sleeping. I caress her head while thinking.

When she is sleeping she looks so cute and innocent but when awake she's just like a volcano.

I giggled and was about to pick her forehead but something clicked my mind and I immediately backed off.

Wait what I was trying to do? I can't fall for her! She is only my responsiblity.  I already gave my heart to someone else and I promised  her but......didn't I also take vows with Y/n? I ignore my thoughts and sleep.


A/n : With soooooo many difficulties, I write a chapter with my mother's phone. In these days, I am using her phone but not wattpad it will be risky.

You know yesterday my parents agreed to buy a phone coz my father's get his salary means yoho 😍.... happiness didn't stay any my grandfather fell ill and his condition is very serious now I think all I don't I will get new phone 😭 God why it happens with me 😢....

You don't care about your grandfather but about your phone? "Said my inner thought"

Me : Well yeah, I can say that. 

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