Part 16

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The celebration continued late into the evening, with most of the guests eventually leaving. Only close family and friends remained, basking in the joy of the moment. Y/n sat on the decorated wooden couch, her hand gently caressing her belly as she thought about her twin babies. Shu was a little farther away, engaged in conversation with Free.

Dalny looked around, feeling like it was the right moment. She approached Y/n and sat beside her.

Dalny : You look so happy?

Y/n : Of course, why wouldn't I be? After all, I'm going to be a mama to not one, but two.

She smiled down at her baby bump, while Dalny forced a smile of her own.

Dalny: Yeah... I wish I could be a mother like you too. But I guess that's not in the cards for me.

Y/n's smile faded as she glanced at Dalny with sympathy.

Y/n: I'm sorry... for what you've been through.

Dalny: Your sorry can't change anything, Y/n. But... there is something you can give me. It will heal me for sure. Though, I'm not sure if you'll agree.

Y/n: If it will lessen your pain, I'll give you whatever you want.

Dalny: Anything?

Y/n nodded, and Dalny's smile widened. She stood up and said.

Dalny : Give me one of the twins!

Y/n froze, shocked to her core. She had never imagined something like this. She looked at Dalny in utter disbelief.

Y/n: W-What?

Dalny: I said, give me one of the twins. I'll raise him or her.

Y/n stood upangrily, knocking the couch back with such force that it made a loud noise, grabbing everyone's attention. Shu quickly rushed over.

Free: What happened, Y/n?

Y/n: Ask your wife, brother!

Dalny: What's the big deal? I just asked for one of the twins. You're having two.

Gasps escaped from the gathered crowd. Y/n's voice became stern as she responded.

Y/n : Do you even understand what you're asking?

Dalny : Oh, come on, Y/n. You'll have two! It's not like I'm asking for both. You can keep one, I will take care of the other. They'll still be a part of the family and you will stay near to see him/her. You won't lose anything.

Shu : Are you out of your mind? You're asking us to give you one of our children as if they're something to be shared? These are our children.

Dalny: So what if they're your children? You'll have TWO! You don't need both! I deserve a child too, and this is the least you can do for us. We're family, Y/n. Or are you so selfish that you can't even consider helping?

Their family members started chiming in, all taking Dalny's side.

Relative 1: Y/n, think about it. Dalny's been through a lot. Wouldn't it be a kind thing to do?

Relative 2: It's just one baby, Y/n. You still have another. And Dalny and Free can't have children of their own. This is an opportunity for them.

Relative 3: Don't be so harsh, Y/n. You can help them complete their family.

The room filled with murmurs of agreement.

Y/n's hand tightened into a fist, and Free tried to intervene, but Dalny pushed on, her tone becoming harsher.

Dalny: You have everything—both a boy and a girl. What's the harm in letting us take one? It's not like you'll be losing anything. We've been through so much, and this is the perfect solution. I need this. You have no idea how much pain we've gone through! I'm not being selfish! I'm just thinking practically. You know how hard it is to raise twins. This could be a solution for all of us.

Y/n felt her blood boil, her protective instincts kicking in as Dalny's words cut deeper.

Y/n: No.

Dalny blinked, caught off guard.

Dalny: What?

Y/n: I said NO. My babies are not some kind of solution for your problems, Dalny. They're not yours to take. They are not bargaining chips, not a way to solve someone else's problems

Dalny : But you said just a minute ago, that you will give any thing!

Y/n: I said thing, Dalny. Anything. And my babies are NOT things. I will not give you my child. Not now, not ever.

Before Dalny could respond, Mrs. Kurenai stepped in, siding with Dalny.

Mrs. Kurenai: You're being unreasonable, Y/n! We're family. You're acting like a stranger is asking for your child. Dalny is your sister-in-law, and Free is Shu's brother. How can you be so cold?

Y/n and Shu stared at Mrs. Kurenai in disbelief.

Shu: Are you actually supporting this?

Mrs. Kurenai : Yes! Because Y/n is selfish here! You are going to have two children. It won't be a problem if you give one to her. You will still be left with one.

Y/n scoffed, letting out a pained laugh.

Y/n: Wow, Mom! Really? You're asking me to choose between my babies? Let me ask you this—if your sister-in-law, Mrs. Hoya, had asked you to give up one of your children, who would you have given? Sora or Shu? Answer me!

Mrs. Kurenai fell silent, unable to respond.

Y/n: No answer, right? That's because no mother can choose between her own children. So why the hell are you asking me to do it?

Free: Dalny, that's enough. You're asking too much of her.

Dalny turned on Free, her voice sharp.

Dalny: You were the one who wanted a child, Free! You were the one who asked me to consider adopting Daniel! Now that there's a real chance to have our own, you're backing out?

Free looked pained, but he stood his ground.

Free: Not like this, Dalny. Not like this.

Dalny: "So, you've decided not to give me one of the babies?"

Y/n : A big no! I'm sorry for what you've been through. But you don't get to demand my child as some kind of compensation. I will not give you one of my babies. If you want to be a mother, be one to a child who truly needs you—like Daniel.

Y/n's eyes darkened as she glared at everyone, especially the relatives who had been supporting Dalny just moments ago.

Y/n: If anyone dares to ask for my babies again, I don't know what I'm capable of. But I'll make sure you regret it. I will become your worst nightmare. So, be careful.

Everyone fell silent, the dark aura surrounding Y/n unsettling them. She turned and walked away, and no one dared to speak.

Shu: The baby shower is over. Everyone, please leave. You've already ruined it.

Everyone left quietly, leaving only the immediate family. Shu glanced at Dalny one last time before following Y/n.


Next update : On 10 comments. 

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