|Chapter - 14|

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Neil smiled at the giddy feeling inside of him when Avni hugged him tightly as she dug her face in the crook of his neck. It felt so good to hold her close to himself. It felt home. She felt home. He slowly brushed her hair as she hung on to him but had to pull himself back when he heard her sniffing.

N - What's wrong, Buttercup? Why are you crying? - he asked softly as he wiped the little tears away from her face. Is everything okay? - he asked. 

A - Yeah! Just a little...emotional. - she chuckled as she wiped her face with the back of her hand. I'm good. - she smiled making Neil sigh in relief.

N - Would you like to watch something? A show or a film, may be? - he offered, trying to lighten her mood.

A - Let's go! - she smiled as she held his hand.

They walked to the drawing room as Neil turned the TV on and played some murder mystery that Avni insisted on watching. She had a weird liking for all that freaky stuff. 

However, at that moment, if you asked her what was going on in the film, she couldn't tell as all her attention was on the man sitting besides her. Avni adjusted her frames on her face as she chuckled at how engrossed he looked while watching the movie. 

A - Mr. Khanna? - she called as she turned towards him. 

N - Yes? - he looked at her.

A - If you had a colour for everyone, what would I be? - she asked making him chuckle in confusion at her question. 

N - Blue. - he answered nevertheless. You are the colour I would paint my sky with. Blue. - he smiled fondly while Avni just watched him. 

For someone who only scowled and frowned at people other than Isha & Noah, Neil had been smiling a lot lately in Avni's presence. Was it just Hambledon or was it the company, he wasn't sure. Okay, that was a lie. He did know but wasn't sure enough if he should answer that question just yet. He didn't want to haste into things. 

Every time he smiled at her, Avni felt like an imposter. Like she wasn't deserving enough. He was so beautiful and his eyes were so mesmerizing, she couldn't decide if she wanted to escape them or let him consume her. 

N - What would you paint me with? - he asked. 

A - Red. - she answered in a heartbeat. The colour with the longest wavelength. No matter whatever else scatters, you'll always be clear and imprinted on me, Neil! - Neil's smile faltered at the intensity she held in her eyes. He had asked her just randomly, not expecting any meaning attached to her answer. But the way she was looking at him in that moment and the way her words carried raw honesty in them had his heart tumbling over.   

In the last two years, Neil had convinced himself that the pursuit of happiness was a vain concept. That happiness was just another emotion and there was no use in dwelling too much into the euphoric high when it was only for a few moments. What prevailed, at least in the lives of people like him, was gloom and grief. Grief that would burn your insides, render it all in shambles and one wouldn't know how or where to start putting the pieces back from. Spending time with Isha was his euphoric high. And that was the only time he let his emotions take over. But then she came along, leaving behind a trail of sunshine & roses everywhere she stepped, and Neil was scared. Happiness was scary & hearts were slippery. But in this particular moment, he realised that Avni was probably all his what ifs and could have beens that he had ever thought about. The salvation that he prayed for and the life that he wished for. In this particular moment, the pursuit of happiness seemed a lesser vain concept and may be, just may be, he could have some for himself too. May be it was just him who was scared and not happiness that was scary. What if he just tries once. What if he just allow his heart to slip away this time? He knew it meant giving Avni the control to twist and butcher his heart. But he believed she wouldn't. He believed she would keep his heart tender & soft. May be he could give in to his desires once? 

What could go wrong? 

Well, everything! 

But he was doing it anyway! He was giving his heart away to her. He was going to be what she deserved and he was going to be a happy man. 

A - Mr. Khanna, you're staring again! - she pulled him out of his head, making him shake his head at his thoughts. 

N - Aren't you what my daydreams look like? - he teased as he pulled her on his lap. 

A - I don't know! You tell me, what do your dreams look like? - she asked as she smiled at him. 

N - Oh, they sure look a lot like you, Buttercup! - he nuzzled his nose in the crook of her neck and his stubble brushed against her skin, making her laugh at the tingles. 

They laughed their hearts out for a while, while the movie played in the background. Avni comfortably lounged in his lap while he held her close to his chest as he kissed the top of her head. Their hands were intwined as Avni played with his fingers. 

N - We'll be leaving for London tomorrow. - he told after sometime, making her look up at him. 

A - So soon? You said it would take five days. - she had a frown on her face. 

N - Yeah, we thought so. Noah called this evening & told me that the security had been renewed and we can move back. - he told as he rubbed his knuckles across her jaw. 

A - Okay. - she said before putting her head against his chest. 

N - We can come back, you know! - he said, trying to cheer her mood up. 

A - I like here. - she mumbled and Neil simply caressed her hair. 

They didn't realise when sleep took over but it was only in the morning that both of them woke up. Avni gave him a morning kiss on his insistence and it was then that he moved to Isha's room to wake his princess up. 

Once Avni was ready for the day, she moved to Isha's room to see if the uncle & niece were ready to go or not. 

Apparently, not! She heard a loud cry from Isha when she entered the room. She noticed that Neil had taken a shower and had even packed his & Isha's stuff but the kid wasn't ready yet. 

A - What's wrong? Why are you crying, Baby? - she asked Isha who was weeping loudly now. 

N - She doesn't want to leave. Have been throwing a fit since I told her. - he sighed and Avni frowned at the predicament. Same, Isha same! She took a breath in. 

A - Baby, but you've all your toys there. And even your friends are there, right? - she tried as she crouched next to her.

I - No, I want to stay here! - she cried as she refused to let Neil do her hair. 

N - Baby, we can come back. I promise. - he spoke slowly as he took her in his lap. 

I - But I wike here. - both Neil & Avni's heart pinched at the tears falling down the little kid's eyes. 

A - Baby, hear me out! - she wiped her tears away as she still sat on Neil's lap. Mama & I have some work back in London. How about we go there, get the work done & then we can come back, hm? Do you think we can do that? 

I - But here is good. - she was adamant.

A - Yes, Baby. I know! But we need to take care of the work, right? And Mama & I might need your help back there. So, would you please come & help us? You might come back here on vacations? - she cooed the words out as she matted her untangled hair. The cries had stopped now & Isha looked visibly calmer. 

I - Can we come back after work? - she looked up at Neil with her big brown eyes and he simply smiled. 

N - Yes, Baby! Of course we can! - he kissed her forehead. 

I - Okay! - she smiled a little and Neil's heart was at peace. 

Once Avni ensured that Isha was all better and was willing to go back, she ushered her to head down for breakfast as she & Neil followed her. 

N - Uh, Thankyou! - he said as he walked besides Avni while keeping an eye on Isha so that she steps down the stairs carefully. She is a good child. Doesn't fuss much about anything but sometimes-

A - Mr. Khanna, relax! Why are you thanking me & giving explanations? She is at that age. Toddlers do get cranky sometimes and honestly, I love her! It's alright. - she blinked her eyes and Neil was at ease. 

N - Thanks for understanding! - he smiled as he put a haste kiss on her cheek and followed Isha behind. Careful, Princess! Mama is gonna get you! - he growled, making the little girl giggle as she stepped down running from him. While Avni just watched the adorable duo. She loved them!

Once done with the breakfast, they hit the road after saying their greeting to the staff and a promise to return back soon. And this time, Neil was going to fulfil that promise. Neil listened as Isha & Avni talked animatedly about Disney movies and cartoons, they stopped by Starbucks to get something for lunch. The distance between Hambledon & London wasn't much but they had to drive slow because of the snow. 

They were about forty minutes away from Khanna Mansion when Neil felt that they were being followed by someone. He increased his speed as he tried to lose them but the car followed behind. 

N - Fuck! I can't let Isha & Avni get into this mess. Not again! - he cursed under his breathe as he tried to move as fast as the slippery snow-laden roads allowed. 

A - That car is following us. Do you know them? - she asked slowly as he tucked a sleeping Isha in her baby seat. 

N - I can't see the driver's face. The glass is shielded. But I think they are Rehan's! - he gritted his teeth. 

A - Can't we change the route? They might not follow us if we're are in some place crowded? - she suggested as she looked behind to see how far the car was. 

N - The other route has been shut because of the snow. This is the only-

A - Neil, watch out!  - Neil was cut short when Avni shrieked at the same time another car overtook them and stopped across them on the road. 

N - Dammit! - he muttered under his breathe as he quickly sent his location to Noah. Stay in the car, Buttercup. Don't step out. - he glanced back at both the ladies. 

A - Don't worry, she'll be alright. - she assured with the blink of her eyes. 

N - I need both of you alright, Avni! - he said before getting out of the car and despite everything, Avni couldn't stop the little flutter in her heart. This man was going to be the death of her. 

Avni gulped and a rough breath left her when she watched Neil walking out of the car. The car was bullet proof and shielded, so she knew that no one from outside could see them. Her heart raced as a fear of something happening to Neil gripped her heart. She didn't think she was strong enough to deal with it, let alone witness it. Her eyes fell on Isha's sleeping figure and those maternal instincts took over. As much as she dreaded the possibility of something happening to Neil, she couldn't let anything happen to Isha either. The little girl had become a part of her in the last few days. 

Taking in a deep breath, she took Isha out of her baby seat and made her lie down on floor of the car, beneath the seat as she covered her with her blanket. She made sure that even if the men outside happen to see her, they couldn't find Isha if they hopefully didn't look vigilantly enough. She sighed and tried to calm her racing heart once she had hidden Isha from the potential onlookers. Noah was going to reach here anyway, god forbidden, if anything happened to her, at least Isha would be safe.  

Her hands grabbed the leather covers of the car as she watched Neil fighting with the men that were in the car. Her body itched to go out & do something to save him. But she doubted that would end up bringing more trouble to him. 

Her mind flooded with the memories of the night when Neil had confessed to her that he would give up the means of violence. She couldn't think of any form of love that was higher than that. Someone trying to be calm & trying to deal with their inner battles and mess because they want their beloved to be alright. Avni well understood how tough it is to manage the chaos one feels inside of them, and how agonizing it is to pick up all those clutters to make space for something as tender & fragile as love when all you've known is hurt & pain. She knew it because she had her own mess to deal with. Every moment was a struggle on its own and there had been times when she was just one step away from giving it all up. But, she wasn't sure if she could give up on Neil & Isha. That would be a torment that would shatter her sanity and render her burning into the flames of grief and regret. 

In her twenty four years of life, she had never believed in the concept of destiny, but meeting Neil had changed that. It is said that one ends up where one is destined to be. And probably that was why she was at the club that night. She was destined with him. Cause if not, there was no other explanation of the stupidest decision she ever took in her life. 

Avni stepped out of the car when she heard the gun-shot that came from somewhere around Neil. Her mind had stopped working for a moment but the next moment, it screamed at her to go out and do everything that she can to save that man who had successfully made her whole life revolve around his orbit. 

She walked up to where the bloodied men were. Neil was dodging the attacks that the masked men made on him. The snow on the road was now reddening because of the blood that they had shed and the chilly wind seemed a bit too harsh on their cuts. 

"Aah, the girlfriend, huh?" - one of the masked men eyed her down as a sick smirk spread across his face and Neil's heart stopped at his words. His worst fear coming alive. "Khanna, quite a nice catch you have there!" - he walked towards Avni however before he could reach her, Neil threw a punch in his gut and he howled back in pain. 

N - Avni, I asked you not to step out! - he gritted his teeth as another man punched him on his face and Neil fell on the ground at the impact as his whole focus was on Avni. 

A cry of helplessness and pain escaped her when she noticed the blood dripping down the side of his face. And without thinking, she sprinted towards him as she crouched besides him and took him in her arms. 

A - Hey, keep your eyes open, please! - she tapped his cheek gently as she caressed his hair. Tears falling down her face in a never-ending cascade. 

N - Go back in the car & lock the door, Buttercup! I told you I need you alright. - he gathered all his might & strength to whisper the words out.

A - I am not leaving you! - she finalised. 

"Tsk, tsk! so much love! Who would have thought Khanna was capable of love, for all we knew, your emotions only ranged from anger to anger, nah?" - the man laughed as he pointed the gun at Neil and Avni's heart threatened to leap out of her throat.  

Avni failed to notice, but Noah's car stopped at a little distance from them as an army of men stepped out of it and walked towards them. She covered Neil's body with hers when the masked man pulled the trigger of the gun in panic when he noticed Neil's men rushing to them, led by Noah. However, before he could stop Rehan's puppet, he had already fired the bullet. 

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