Long Day - III

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What?! Already 300+ reads and 100+ votes? Yess!!! We did it guys, thank you so much for all of the readers and voters. I can't express how actually happy and grateful for that.

You guys are amazing...

And this is the chapter 2 (well technically it's 3 but whatever)


•S C A R L E T T•

When the bus arrived at the station, the prince then look at me and when he opened his mouth to spoke suddenly his guards told him to leave the bus because if not they'll be many people soon come to here then he nodded and said goodbye to me. I just can't believe it that he actually bid me a goodbye and sat besides me of all people in the bus.

I can feel my heart beating fastly at the thought and I feel myself smiling to myself as I got out from the bus. Maybe it's love on the bus, by the way now here I am standing in front of the best high school, The Cambridge High School. I never thought in my life I would get the scholarship to attending the high school here well except that the fact my family moved here.

I took a deep breath as I walked in the building and looking for the information table then I spotted the information table walked there as soon as walked I can feel a lot of people staring at me because my new looks and I just smirks.

'Well, I'm definitely change," in my thought as I arrived at the information table and to my surprise the both of my best friends were there too then they looked at me and their jaws dropped when they recognize me.

"Hi, Belle and Eric, do you still know me?" I asked them as they keep staring at me.

"A-Are you really Scarlett our best friend?" Belle asked me as I just chuckled at them and nodded then they both look at each other and ran to hug me.

"God, you're really changed, Scar," She said to me as hugging me and nodded at the hug.

"Yeah I know, it's my first time dress like this and honestly I like my new self more than my old self back then," I told her as I went to hug Eric. By the way, Eric and Belle were twin so that's why Eric wanted to be my friends but he said that he wanted to be my friend because he hated to see me being bullied by the other jocks so when he was around me, the jocks wouldn't dare to making fun of me.

"Wow, you're really pretty, Scar. I wouldn't mind to date you," Eric said as he let go of the hug and gave me a winked and I just blushed and chuckled at him.

"Oh no, you're not dating the best friend. Remember the rules, Eric," Belle said as Eric just sighed and nodded at her.

"By the way, what's the information said about the new student?" I asked them.

"Well, she said all of the students can go to hall for the further information plus they said there will be some welcoming event there," and I nodded at her then we're all heading to the hall where the information told us and when we walked in. We see many people there and they have seated on their chair as I spotted the prince in the front row with his guards besides him.

"Oh My God! There's the prince!" Belle freaking out to see him in here and I just chuckled and smile to myself as I remembered when the prince sat beside me and I take a look at Eric who just rolled his eyes and mumbled 'Girls' to us.

Then we went to the nearest seat to the prince because Belle insisted so and we seated on the third rows of the seat as the prince is on the first rows. I noticed that I think the teacher went up to the stage and everyone suddenly stop talking.

"Good morning all the students of the Cambridge High School. I'm Mrs. Adkins and I'm the founder of this high school. First, I want to congratulate you to the new students because you have accepted to this school and I want to welcome you to this school and I want to give an special thanks to, Prince Nicholas for choosing our school for his first ever public school so I presented Prince Nicholas to went up this stage to give some speech about you being here," then Mrs. Adkins leave the stage and presenting Prince Nicholas to the stage.

When the prince went up to the stage people starting to clapping their hands as well as me and many girl just shouting 'I love you' to the prince as he just waved a little at them and smiled. Oh those smile always make me smile along with him. He's really-really charming.

"Good morning, everyone," he greeted and the hall became more noises than before as people and mostly the girl when the crowds a bit calmer he then speaks again.

"I'm very honor to be accepted in here to be with you all and I enjoying myself to be here to learn and to be friends with you guys. Hopefully you'll see me not just the royals but also as the friends. Thank you," then the people shouting his name and they clapping him.

Today I'm feeling really happy for my first day at the college from met my crush and met my bestest friend ever to changing my looks and make people impressed by myself.

I couldn't more happy than this. Then we told to entering our choices class to begin our first day of study in here and I'm very grateful that Belle and Eric also on the same class I do and it used to be Chemistry and I really love Chemistry and science.

Science and Chemistry were the subject on the junior high school that made me get the scholarship here on this amazing school then suddenly the teacher entering the class and everyone stop talking as the teacher introduce himself to the students and he just went straight to the questions and he gave us the quiz on our first day. I love this subject but for the sudden quiz, I hate it so much.

'I could tell it's gonna be long day,' as the teacher gave us the questions and surprisingly I braving myself to answer all of them with correct and Mr. Jackman seems surprised at my ability because well if you judge by what I looked now I more like a bad girl or the slutty girl of the school than a shy and dork nerd like the old myself was.

After that I got boring until the subject ended and everyone seems trying to be friends with me and as long as they want to be my 'real' friends so why not?

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