Part 23

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Pandit: call uncle of bride to make her wear the chooda.

Ashish: but she hasn't any uncle...

From behind

Person: may I do the honour..

Everyone looks at the direction from where the voice come..

Ashish: you....

Riya: Ali you..

Ali: yes me. Pandit ji can I do it as Avni's brother..

Pandit: yes you can..

Ali: uncle aunty???

Neela: of course beta.. My baccha is very lucky to have you as brother..

Ali: no aunty I am lucky to have a sister like Avni..

Everyone smiles..

Pandit: do the ritual..

Ali goes to Avni..

Avni: thank you..

Ali: thanks for what??? I am your brother & sisters are not allowed to say thanks to her brothers.. Ok..

Avni: ok(Avni smiles with teary eyes)

Riya sit beside Avni. She purify bangles by dipped them in the milk bowl & pass them to Ali.

Ali puts them on Avni's hands.

Riya covers the bangles with white clothes immediately as Avni can't see them.

Ali: (whisper) btw you hero is dying to see you..

Avni looks here & there to make sure that is anyone listening to him.

Riya: don't worry, no one listened to him except you & me.. & there is no problem if anyone listened to him here everyone knows how impatient you Nobita is!!

Avni glare at her

Riya: what?? I am speaking the truth..

Avni: Ali you go now. He must be need you.

Ali: no, he himself tells me to come here..

Avni: this Neil na..

Neela: what are you all whispering?

Avni: no... Nothing maa.

Neela: Riya you put kalires on Avni's hands..

Riya: OK aunty..

Riya puts kalires on Avni's hands

Neela: now all unmarried girls sit in a line. (to Avni) Avni shake your kalires over the unmarried girls. (to girls) & girls over whom the betel nut will fall she will be next in line to marry.

Ali: Avni, Shake a little harder on Riya as our turns can come soon.

Riya glare at him..

Everyone laughs..

Avni: OK my brother...

Avni start shaking her kalires.

The betel nut fall on Riya.. & Ali exclaimed with joy.

Riya feels shy.. & everyone starts laughing..

Neela: so next is Riya's turn...

Avni: wow great..

Neela: Riya take Avni upstairs..

Ali: aunty before that I want to click some pictures of Avni..

Neela: do it first... We have to do her haldi ceremony too...& for that you have to go Khanna house to get haldi..

Ali: OK. Aunty..

Ali clicks some pictures of Avni & goes to Khanna house.. Riya take Avni for change her outfit..

In Khanna house..

Ali go to Neil..

Shweeta: Ali where were you??

Ali: aunty I was in the in the washroom...

Neil face plam..

Shweeta: So long??

Neil: mom leave it na.. Lets start the rituals..

Bebe: yes Neil is right.

Shweeta: OK. & Ali now don't go to washroom again.. You have to go Mehta house with haldi.

Ali: OK aunty.

Shweeta goes to get the bowl of haldi.

Neil: (whisper in Ali's ear) can't you make some good excuse?

Ali: no I can't...

Then shweeta comes with the bowl of haldi.. & starts the ceremony..

After Neil's haldi Ali go to Mehta house with haldi..

In Mehta house

Avni is ready for haldi ceremony..

Ali reach Mehta house with haldi.. Neela first apply haldi on Avni.. Then everyone apply haldi..

& Ali take pictures..

Neela: Riya Ali go with Avni to the mandir for ghara ghardoli.

Ali: OK aunty.

Avni Ali Riya & some of her siblings goes to temple.

Riya pours a pitcher of holy water. & Avni seeks the blessings of God.

Other side

Neil also take shower & call Avni but no one receives it. So he thinks & calls Ali..

Ali's phone rings..he receives it.

Ali: hello Neil..

Neil: where is Avni??

Ali: what is this?? At least say hello. No Mr only wants to know where is his wife??

Neil: now stop all this. & tell me where is Avni & why she doesn't answer my calls??

Ali: because her phone is not to her. We came to temple. & She is with us now.

Neil: ok give her the phone...

Ali: how thankless you are...

Neil: yes I am. Now give her the phone.

Ali: Avni your thankless husband wants to talk to you..

Avni take the phone.

Avni: hello Neil.. Are you well na?

Neil: how can I be well without seeing you?

Avni: Neil few more hours na..

Neil: hmm.

Avni: no Neil don't do this..

Neil:yeah.. OK where are you??

Avni: I am going home from temple..

Neil: OK..

Avni: what are you doing??

Neil: nothing just I have taken shower & going to get ready.

Avni: OK then get ready & come soon. OK...

Neil:if you say I can come now..

Avni: no no come with Bharat..

Neil smile..

Avni: ok bye

Neil: who said bye to her husband like this???

Avni: Mrs Avni Neil Khanna.

Thanks for reading
Please ignore mistakes🙏
Remember me on your prayers🤲

Thanks 2020. In all bads it gave me some good moments & my soul sisters too. I love my all soul sisters & friends so much. So for giving me such a sweet gift thank you so much 2020.& hope for the best 2021. Happy New year in advance everyone.

Thirty first December

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