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The best thing about Language exam is that you can write your own story as a part of writing skills. 😜


Present day.

City Hospital, Mumbai.

"Doctor doctor. Nurse please call the doctor." Roshni wiped her tears and called out with a little bit of happiness on her face on seeing Avni's fingers and eyelids move. Avni slowly opened her eyes, blinking a number of times. She looked around her. Her eyes fell on Roshni who was smiling at her. She struggled to smile back. The nurse entered along with the doctor. 

Avni's POV

Ouch, why am I feeling so tired. I opened my eyes slowly just to realise that I was not in my room. The room is so white white ....and the smell of this room is like that of a hospital. One sec. Where am I? I realised that there was a machine beside which was making some peeping sound and there was something attached to my hand. Freak! I am in a hospital!!! But how did I land up here?  Much to my memory, I was with Neil last night and that too in a house like place....and where is he? I saw a familiar person smiling at me. Rosh!!! Her eyes looked so sad and wet. Had she been crying all this time. 

"Roshni...." I called out to her.

"Avi, how are you feeling now?" Roshni enquired with tension in her voice. Before I could reply to her the nurse entered along with the doctor. "Doctor, please check Avni. How is she now?" I could hear her panicking voice followed by the doctor's pacifying voice. "Calm down Roshni, Let me check."

End Of POV


Meanwhile in Neil's apartment.

Neil was walking from one corner of his bedroom to another restlessly. Brushing his hands against one another, he was picking up his phone and throwing it back on the bed. 

Neil's POV

What is happening to me? Why am I getting restless? I have done my duty of admitting her to the hospital. Even if she lives or dies I should not care. What am I saying man...why will she die? Goddd! Did she get consciousness? How will I get to know about her? Should I ask DD to go and see? No. What is Avni notices him? What should I do? Roshni!!!! Shall I call her? What will I tell her? DAMMIT! Why am I even thinking about her? 

"Neil, shouldn't even care about her. Remember what she has done to you and your family. You should not even think about her. She is a criminal Neil!" I told myself looking at the mirror. I didn't realise what I was doing. I still can't decide what to do. It seemed like my heart was telling to do the opposite what my mind was telling me to.

End Of POV



"She is better now and needs complete rest for the next two days. Try to keep her stress free or she could again get panic attack. I am giving you the prescription. Get the medicines." The doctor said to Roshni.

"When can I take her home?" Roshni asked.

"We will discharge her in the evening. She is a little weak now. Make sure she takes the medicines time to time."

"Ok doctor." Roshni said and sat beside Avni for a while. "Avni just wait for me. I will come within few minutes. Okay. Take care till then." She then kissed her forehead and left.

Avni went into a deep slumber.

Roshni came back with medicines and saw Avni sleeping. She went near her and caressed her hair lovingly.

Roshni's POV 

Why lord? Why are you making her suffer so much? She has already suffered a lot of trauma in her early ages. Why are you making her suffer more? I don't know how she will react when she comes to know that.......I won't be able to tell her. She has already had two panic attacks by now, I don't want her to get another. I hope she doesn't ask me about the hospital bill. I won't be able to see her in such a pain again. I won't be able to answer her questions......



Next day.

Avni is lying down on her bed while Roshni was taking care of her. "Avi, how are you feeling now?"

"Much better Roshni. I think you must go now. Your mother will be worrying."

"No. I'm not leaving you alone. My mom knows about your condition. She won't worry."

"Roshni, you have already had a day off  in office because of me. Don't make me feel guilty. I can take care of myself."

"No I'm not going till you are perfectly well." Just then her phone rang. It was her mom. "Hello maa" She said receiving the call and went out. 

Roshni came back with a gloomy face. Her mother was calling her home for some work but she was reluctant to leave Avni alone. Avni at once understood by her face and casually said," See, I told you that your mom needs you. Rosh yaar, I can take care of myself. You can go."

"Okay, but I will be back in the eve. Take care. "Roshni said and went home.

Avni's POV

Thank god her mom called! It's not that I don't want to be with her. Actually I just wanted to be alone. I knew that Roshni being Roshni will not even let me get up from my bed or think anything else than what she was blabbering about. I wanted to think. Wanted to think about what all had happened that day but everything seemed to be blured. 

I got up from the bed and moved towards the window to look outside. Well, there was always a beautiful view from my room. I was recalling all the things that happened in the last two days. Then it struck me. Who paid the hospital bill? God! I didn't even know how much was it. Roshni might have paid it. I must repay her back.

End of POV

Roshni came back to see Avni in the evening and again tried to indulge her in some conversation to avoid one single question which was sure for her to ask. She succeeded to some extent but no one can change the already written fate.

When she was about leave when she heard Avni scream ,"STOP!!!"

Roshni felt her mouth dried due to anxiety and fear of hearing the question. "How much did you pay Rosh?" Avni snapped at once.

"For what?" She acted.

"Obviously the hospital bill."

"It doesn't matter Avi. The only thing that matters is that you are fine. Anyways I think you should take rest. You have to join your office tomorrow." She said trying to compose her nervousness.

"Don't change the topic Roshni. I don't like anyone paying for me and you know that right?"

"Avni, see I'm telling you don't take stress about that. Anyway doctor has told you....." But she was cut by Avni.

Avni sternly said," Roshni, I told you not to change the topic. I want to know everything. How I landed up in the hospital? How much you have paid and how came you know that I was in that hospital."

"N...Ne..Neil had admitted you in that hospital. He had called me to tell that you were there." She uttered keeping eyes on Avni's changing expression on hearing his name. Avni's jaw tightened. "And the fees?" Avni asked keeping her voice stern.

Roshni turned her back towards Avni and muttered," N..Ne....Neil haa..had pai..paid it."

"What?! And you let him do that?"

"No. I told him not to but he insisted with the same stern voice like you have now. He wanted to for you."

"I can't believe this." Avni got angry. She picked up her purse and ran outside. Roshni ran behind her locking the door and taking the room keys. "Avni, wait......"


6:00pm. Neil's Apartment.

 Someone was continuously pressing the doorbell. "WTF man! Who is this person with no patience." Neil muttered while going to open the door. He got stunned at the sight. It was angry lady Don urff Avni fuming with anger.

"Ms. Avni, Suddenly at my apartment. Were you missing me so much?" He said flirtatiously making her blood boil.

 "Why did you do that?" She asked sternly.

"What did I do?" He asked innocently and entered inside the kitchen.

"Why did you pay my hospital bill?" She asked following him in the kitchen.

"Well, how are you now?" 

"Don't change the topic. It shouldn't matter to you. Just answer what I have asked."

"I wished to."


"Why, Didn't you like THE NEIL KHANNA and your ex to pay for you? Other girls would have had an heart attack if they came to know that NEIL KHANNA had paid for them" He answered jockingly.

Neil's POV

Freak! why did I say this? Oh god Neil, keep control over your shitty mouth. What ,shitty? No my mouth isn't shitty. It's so handsome like me. Suddenly my train of thoughts broke due to Avni's scream. God, How much she screams! 

"Huh! Don't you think you are too proud of yourself? You know what? Since, you have brought the topic of 'ex', let me remind you that you have lost all the rights to do anything for me on the day you left me....." She was about to continue but I cut her in between and said the words that I did not even imagine to say.

"Don't tell me that you don't love me. Haa! I know you still love me and die for me like other girls. You haven't moved on yet!" I heard myself speak while pinning her to the wall. Damn it. Curse my handsome tongue and brain. First of all Avni is in a lady Don mode which I have never seen before and now I am all set to anger her more. Now I am angry at myself.

End of POV

"Don't tell me that you don't love me. Haa! I know you still love me and die for me like other girls. You haven't moved on yet!" Neil said and pinned her to the kitchen wall making Avni red with anger.

"No, I don't and make this clear in your brain that I don't love you." There was a sudden anger building up inside Neil. He made his grip tighter. 

"Ahh Neil. You are hurting me. Leave me" Avni almost cried in pain.

"No I won't. First you have to accept the truth." He said bringing his mouth closer to hers.

"What truth are you telling me to accept?"

"That you still love me." He whispered. Their lips just inches away from each other. 

Avni could feel her whole body burning with anger. She couldn't take it anymore. "Stay in your limits Neil Khanna." She snapped pushing his body away from hers. "You really expect me to love you. You expect me to love you after what you have done to me."She said.

After a pause she started," How can you even expect me to love you haa? Unbelievable."

"And what about the deeds you have done with my family."

"What have I done? Tell me. Or should I tell you what you have done. You have killed my baby Neil Khanna. You have killed OUR baby." 

At last, the blow had fallen. Neil was utterly shocked. He heard her speak further. "You are a criminal Neil Khanna. First of all, you cheat me without my knowledge. I trusted you more that myself Neil. But...but you broke my trust, broke my hopes, shattered my dreams and ...and killed my baby. How could you do this to me Neil? Tell me. How could you?"

She took a breath and sighed sarcastically, " Why am I even telling this to you? How will you understand the feelings."

"Why won't I?" he said almost in a whisper but Avni heard it.

"Because you are nothing but a arrogant stone-hearted person who can never have feelings for anybody. You are similar to playboys who doesn't care about the girl's feelings. You are selfish and get taken over by what people say. A person who doesn't need a proof to believe that the innocent person is guilty. You know what Neil Khanna? You have never loved me. You just had a lust on me and you wanted to throw me away from your lives when your means are fulfilled. And after doing all this you ask 'Why won't I?' Seriously! How shameless and cheap person you are MR. NEIL KHANNA!"

Avni was about to cry badly by now. "I hope I never see you again." Saying this she left.

Neil heard the door closed. He sat down on the couch in the living room. Avni's words rang in his ears- "You have killed my baby Neil Khanna. You have killed OUR baby." He couldn't believe his ears! He could feel tears flowing from his eyes. He wanted to make himself understand that Avni is lying but he couldn't. He wanted to learn the truth and only one person could answer all his question- TINA!


So the revelation is that there is some other reasons too due to which Avni feels cheated. Wait for the next update to know the reason.

Well this is the longest chapter till now with more than 2100 words. Hope to get more than 200 views and 70 votes for this. . 😜😊❤

Tried to put some humor in the tensed situation. Hope you like the update. 


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