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Avni sat on the couch frustrated. She could not understand what was happening to her...why was she getting nervous.... Why she couldn't answer him back with confidence. "What is happening? Why have I not been able to.... I hate Mr. Khanna. I hate him so much.", she mumbled placing her palms on her forehead. She still didn't know what his name was and she didn't wish to.

Avni went to the wash room and splashed water on her face till she came into her real self. She then freshened up and came out. She sat on the bed and picked up a photo frame. Her eyes became moist. "I miss you so much. Please come back." She started crying. Pressing the photo to her bosom, she walked towards the window and looked up at the night sky. Her face was full of disappointment, anger, pain and her eyes had the blaze of the fire of revenge. Her determination spoke the words, " Dayawanti Mehta. Start the countdown of your downfall. You have separated me from my father. You have killed him. Made me repent for trusting you. I won't leave you easily. Now only time will show you the results of your deeds."

Just then her phone beeped. She wiped her cheeks and picked up her phone. There were three missed calls from her friend and 12 messages. Oh God!

Roshni, one of her friends who worked in Mumbai came to know about her shifting to Mumbai, called her.

"Hello Roshni. I'm so sorry I didn't pick up your call. I just came home and went to freshen up."

" But you won't be forgiven Avni."

"But why?"

"Coz you didn't tell me that you have shifted to Mumbai. I would have met you then."

"On God! I'm extremely sorry. It has not been a week I have shifted here and I had to do a lot of work."

"Don't give any excuses and meet me within in half an hour."



"But it's already 9:00pm."

"Bro! It's not Delhi that you can't come out after sunset. Girl you are in Mumbai and you have the right to chill out wherever and whenever you want. Now just get your tail over here. I'm sending the address."

Roshni was the only girl who could overpower on Avni. Avni and Roshni met at CCD. They spoke of their experience and recalled their old school days. Finally, Avni came to the topic of her work and told Roshni how absurd Mr. Khanna was and how much she hated him.

"What?!! Mr. Khanna?" What is his full name?" Roshni's response was unexpected and uninvited.

"I don't know."

"How can you not know when you have visited his house?"


"Wait a minute." Roshni said and removed her phone and showed her a photograph from Instagram.

"Yes he is the same guy but how did you know him?"

"Come on girl! How can you not know NEIL KHANNA. And dare you call him absurd? Bro, he is such an handsome and wonderful actor. How much I wish to meet him? Please take me to him. He is so cute."

"Not at all." She said absent minded. She still could not believed her ears. "can you repeat the name again?"

"Neil Khanna"

Her worst fears came true. It was the same Neil Khanna who betrayed her years back by not trusting her. She could feel her burning eyes getting wet. She stood up and said," I need to go. Please excuse me."

"Hey! wait. What happened?"

"Nothing." Avni said and made her way back home.

Avni's hatred for Neil kept on growing. She recalled all their moments when they  were teenagers and how suddenly he insulted her in front of everyone and spoke ill about her. Then, Neil never tried to understand her. It seemed as if her old scar which got invisible has again been rubbed on the same spot making it fresh as before. She sat on her bed and crumbled the bedsheet with her fist. It seemed that destiny made her face the most shocking day of her life.

Since then, Roshni kept on requesting her to take her to his home but every time she refused. It was difficult for her to refuse a person on the same topic everytime. Finally, she agreed one day and took Roshni to his place after taking his permission. Neil agreed to visit them, not because of his fan but because of Avni. On the other hand Avni didn't wished to see him again. 

Roshni was very happy to meet Neil and Avni stood in the corner of his house wishing to run away. It seemed to her that time had stopped. How much she wanted to slap him tight or never see his face again. She felt whatever Roshni was doing was very silly and Neil didn't deserve such attention. 

When they were about to move Neil called Avni and asked," So, when are we meeting next?"

"Never." Avni said with chilled voice which could freeze the other person.

"But why?"

It was too much for Avni. " How dare you even wish to speak to me with such an attitude after you have done all this to me in the past, Neil Khanna?" Saying this she slapped Neil hard........ 

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