Chapter forty five

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Neil was looking for avni.

Neil: wifey where are you please come infront of me.

He was looking here and there but she was not there then Neil heard the sound of bangles and anklet he turns and surprised to see avni.

Avni was coming to him in a bridal dress her eyes were lower then she look at him and found him lost and feels shy he was staring her he look at her dress then her he forget to blink hs eyes his mouth was open she came to him

Neil: avni this what is this the decorations our outfits I mean wh.

Neil don't get the words to explain his feeling by seeing avni he understood everything and he is surprise because he didn't expect this from her avni didn't say anything she holds his hand and was taking him to the rail Neil was confused he frown and was looking at her she took him to the rail Neil was looking at her she sign him look down Neil looks down and surprised he saw I love you was written with the candles.

Neil look at avni then he looks down to see I love you his eyes filled with tears avni was looking at him with a sweet smile at her face Neil said while looking down.

Neil: avni this I mean this.

Avni smiles Neil look at her avni holds his hand in her hands Neil look at the hands then at her his heart was beating fast because he knew she will confess her love now and with each passing second his heart beat was increasing.

Avni: me avni who was living a simple life not the smooth life but it was normal then one day a Man who's name was Neil khanna came in my life like a storm and changed my life completely I thought my life ruined but no he came in my life as an angel who give me the love for I was craving since childhood at first everything was a messed but with time things start moving to their right place and the puzzle start solving and i got to know that the person whom I am considering a devil is a pure hearted person but because of his life experience he is behaving like this.

Neil was looking at her.

Avni: then i decided I will help him to move on from his past from his pain and I didn't know when his sweet antics made place in my heart and I start falling for him I start falling for a person who marry me forcefully because he was afraid what if he lost me so for keeping me near him he marry me forcefully.

Neil looks down.

Avni: but everything happens for good it was written in our destiny because God was writing a beautiful story of two persons who faced alot in their lives who's hearts were filled with wounds and to heal their wounds God made them meet eachother.

Neil was looking at her with teary eyes.

Avni: Neil people gave me many names someone called me illegitimate child some said burden on the earth some said dirt of this society but you Neil you accepted me as I am you didn't gave damn to this society who differentiate between the people do partiality you didn't care I have a surname or not you gave me an infinite love.

Neil cup her face with one hand because other hand was in avni's hands.

Neil: avni yo.

Avni: no Neil not today. today I will say and you will listen I just want to say everything which is in my heart.

Neil stops and was looking at her sadly because she was sharing her life experience which is hurting him.

Avni: Neil you you accepted me and give me an immense love which I didn't imagine in my life that I will get this much love Neil you feel peace with me in my arms on my lap I also feel peace when you keep your head on my lap I feel like someone is in my life whom I call mine with whom I can share my feeling my life.

Neil smiles with teary eyes.

Avni: and also fight.

Avneil smiles with teary eyes.

Avni: Neil I don't know when you made your place in my life when you became an important part of my life not part you became my life.

Neil was just looking at her and was feeling so good to hear that.

Avni: Neil when we got married I had hatred in my heart for you and I marry you with the thought that I will run away after the mariage but destiny was writing something else for us and I I fall for you I avni a simple girl fall for an arrogant Neil khanna.

They smiles.

Avni: but I didn't understood my feeling I always gave the name of sympathy to my love because I don't know anything about love I never think about that I always thought who want an orphan girl as a life partner so I didn't understand my feeling but whenever I saw your tears I felt a pinch in my heart and then I understood that it's not the sympathy it's love.

Now Neil's heart start beating fastly he can hear his own heart beat same with avni but today she has to say those three words.

Avni: Neil I I.

Neil was looking at her.

Avni: I love you Neil.

Neil raise his eyebrows in surprise he register her words and smiles with teary eyes.

Neil: wh what you said.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: avni please say that again.

Avni smiles.

Neil: please avni say it fast.

Avni: I love you Neil.

Neil smiles and hugs her tightly.

Neil: I love you too avni I love you too.

They were hugging eachother and close their eyes tears were falling from their eyes Neil breaks the hug and cup her face.

Neil: I love you avni I love you just the way you are Mrs avni Neil khanna.

They smiles Neil kiss her whole face except lips he look at her then at her lips and smiles by seeing her red cheeks because first time he kiss her like that.

Neil: avni.

She look at him and blush.

Neil: avni this decoration and all i mean.

Avni smiles.

Avni: Neil how we got married we both know about it at that time I had hatred in my heart for you and I didn't accept our marriage so I want to marry you again I want to take the vows again and this time with my heart.

Neil smiles but next second he get a shock because avni sit on her knees and Neil was surprised at her act.

Avni: so tell me Mr Neil khanna will you marry me will you accept me in your life as Mrs avni Neil khanna.

Neil's eyes again filled with tears and falls from his eyes avni was looking at him neil nods yes and sit on his knees and cup her face.

Neil: I love to marry you I already gave me myself to you this Neil is all yours and only yours you don't need to ask me to accept you in my life because you are my life without you Neil is nothing Neil's existence is because of you. You are my lifeline avni.

Avni smiles both were emotional Neil hugs her and kiss her near ear on her chunari they feel completed in each other arms.

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