Chapter four

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Avni and neela maa are looking at him neela maa shows fake smile Neil comes to them.

Nm: nothing just talking about orphanage.

Neil: oh avni I think we should leave now.

Avni: yes you go I am coming.

Neil: why come with me.

Avni: I want to get my documents from my room.

Neil: why you need them.

Avni: aa for changing my name from avni to mrs avni Neil khanna.

Neil: oh yaa how could I forgot that go and take it I am waiting outside.

Avni: ok.

Neil went from there neela maa gives a phone to avni she went to her room and picks a file from the cupboard she looks at neela maa and hugs her.

Nm: don't worry I am with you ok.

Avni nodes yes she went from there she goes outside Neil smiles to see her.

Neil: you get the documents.

Avni: yes.

Neil: ok come sit.

He opens the door of the car for her first she sits then he sits on the driving seat both went back to khanna mansion they enters the room.

Neil: you go and take rest ok I am just coming.

Avni: ok.

Avni went to the room she close the door and take out the mobile from the file.

Avni: thank God he didn't doubt me and neela maa but I have to hide it somewhere.

Avni looks here and there then goes to the cupboard and hide it in her dresses then the door opens she got scared Neil enters the room he saw her sweating he went to her he keeps the tray on the table and went to her.

Neil: what happened why are you sweating are you ok.

Avni show fake smile.

Avni: yaa yaa actually it's very hot today that why I am sweating.

Neil: then why didn't you on the AC.

Avni: oh I forgot about it.

Neil: wifey wait let me on it.

He picks the remote and on the AC avni gets relief she close her eyes and take a deep breathe he turns to her she smiles.

Neil: now come and have the lunch.

She nodes yes both sits on the couch Neil feeds her.

Neil: wifey how many times should i told you to feed me.

Avni feeds him. Neil smiles after the lunch.

Neil: it's time in the party so till then we should take rest ok.

She nodes.

Avni in mind: tonight is the big chance for me to run from here.

Neil: what are you thinking wifey.

Avni came back to reality.

Avni: Han no nothing.

Neil: ok then come.

Neil takes her to the bed he makes her lay and then lay on the other side of the bed and looks at her.

At the evening Neil comes in the room.

Neil: wifey still you are not ready.

Avni: I was about to go but you came.

Neil: ok wait let me select a dress for you.

Avni shocked.

Avni in mind: oh no what if he saw the phone no I have to stop him.

Avni: ne neil stop.

Neil stops and turns to her.

Neil: what happened wifey.

Avni comes to him.

Avni: first let me choose the suit for you.

Neil smiles.

Neil: ok your highness as you wish.

Avni smiles and went to the cupboard and search a suit for him she gives that to him.

Avni: you should wear this.

Neil takes that.

Neil: ok.

Neil keeps that on the bed.

Neil: now I will select the dress for you.

Avni: it's ok I will select it myself you go and change your clothes otherwise we will get late.

Neil: no i will choose dress for you and that's final.

Avni: but.

Neil: no but no If.

He went to the cupboard and opens it avni close her eyes.

Neil: yes it's perfect isn't it avni.

He turns to her she open her eyes and smiles.

Avni: yes it is in fact it matches with your suit.

Neil: yes that's why I choose it.

Avni saw the mobile and widen her eyes Neil frown he turns to see.

Avni: Neil.

Neil turns to her.

Avni: give me the dress so I can change.

Neil smiles.

Neil: yes take it.

He gives her the dress then avni went to the cupboard and hides the mobile and close the cupboard and went to change Neil thinks.

After sometime avni is getting ready Neil comes in the room and she saw him in the mirror he smiles to see her.

Neil is looking at her.

Neil: looking beautiful wifey.

Avni saw a box in his hand.

Avni: what's this.

Neil: this is a necklace for you.

Avni: for me?

Neil: yes.

Neil keeps it on the dressing table and opens it and picks the necklace he takes her hairs a side Avni got scared he makes her wear it she looks at him through the mirror then he put the earrings in her ears.

Neil: perfect now come wifey everyone is waiting for you.

Avni nodes yes then both enters the party all claps for them all are unaware of the purpose of the party Neil signs for a mike a man give it to him Neil holds avni by her waist she feels uncomfortable.

Neil: thank you everyone for coming and being here to celebrate my happiness this party is organized to introduce my beautiful wife avni Neil khanna.

All surprised

Neil: the love of my life and now she is my wife.

All claps for them and congratulates them One man comes to them.

M: congratulations Mr khanna.

Neil: thank you.

The man is looking at avni Neil glares him then Neil signs his man they comes to him and silently took him from there.

Neil: I am just coming wifey don't talk with any man ok.

Avni nodes yes Neil went outside and holds the collar of that man.

Neil: how dare you to look at her with lust.

M: I am sorry.

Neil gives him a punch and looks at his guards.

Neil: make sure he will spend a month on the bed of a hospital.

They nodes yes Neil went from there the guards beat the man on the other side take it as a chance avni went to her room and send the message to neela maa.

Avni write: maa I will be there with in one hour ok.

She switch off the phone and went downstairs Neil saw her.

Neil: where were you?

Avni: I i went to the washroom.

Neil: ok now come let's cut the cake.

Avni: ok.

Both cuts the cake Neil feeds her then avni feeds him all claps after that waiter gives a drink to Neil and avni he signs avni that work is done she nodes yes Neil drinks it avni smiles.

Avni in mind: yes now I can fly away from here and no one can catch me.

She smiles.

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