Chapter thirteen

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Avni wipes his tears.

Avni: ok now stop crying I don't like this crying baby neil I like the smiling and angry bird Neil so please stop crying.

Neil smiles.

Neil: ok so if you want to see me smiling then always be with me because you are my smile you are my everything.

Avni smiles.

Avni: if you love me that much then you will listen to me right.

Neil: say.

Avni: Neil will you come to me for counselling.

Neil: avni why I am not mad.

Avni: I know and who said you are mad.

Neil: then why counselling?

Avni: Neil you are still stuck in your childhood you are still standing at the same place where your mom left you.

Neil shouts.

Neil: she is not my mom.

Avni got scaredb Neil cups her face.
Neil: I am sorry I shout on you but please avni don't say this she is no one to me.

Avni: ok let's forget about her but please come with me for counselling.

Neil: but?

Avni: please for me.

Neil looks at her.

Neil: ok happy.

Avni: yes.

Avni hugs him.

Avni: thank you so much.

Neil smiles.

Neil: but I have one condition.

Avni: what?

Neil: you will give me what I want.

Avni: what you want?

Neil: I will say you on the right time.

Ne winks avni frown.

At afternoon was cutting the onion in the kitchen for the biryani for him and Neil was in his room.

Neil: why she didn't come till now that's why I prohibit her but she insisted she is so stubborn she is in the kitchen from past 30 minutes is she fine today is so hot and she is in the kitchen what if she faints no no I should check her.

Neil went avni just started to cook it he comes downstairs and close his eyes because he was inhaling that smell almost after 12 years because after Shweta he didn't eat that the reason prakash didn't like that and after him Neil spend most of the time in the office Neil smiles with closed eyes then he went to the kitchen and saw her cooking while her hairs was up in a ban and a hair strand was at her face Neil stares her by leaning with the door avni look at him.

Avni: Neil you what are you doing her.

Neil smiles and went to her.

Neil: I came to see you.

Avni smiles and was busy in her work and the hair strand was distruning her she put it behind the ear but it again and again comes at her face Neil puts it behind her ear lovingly avni close her eyes Neil stare her.

Avni: uff this strand I wish I have the hair pin why I wish I have hair pins.

Neil smiles Avni turns to go.

Neil: where are you going?

Avni: to pin up my hairs properly because they are disturbing me.

Neil: don't go wifey I have a solution you do your work and i will handle them.

Avni: what do you mean.

Neil: I mean when it comes at your face I will put them behind your ear.

Avni: but?

Neil: please avni I love to do that.

Avni smiles then Neil went to that side
she was doing her work and Neil was again and again taking it behind her ear and staring her they talked and enjoy their time.

Neil: it smells good.

Avni smiles After sometime.

Avni: it's done now you go and sit on the chair I am just coming in two minutes.

Neil smiles.

Neil: ok.

He went and sits at the dinning area and waits for her then he smiles to see her she put the biryani on the table and serves him Neil smells it by closing his eyes and smiles he look at avni.

Avni: what eat it and tell me how's it?

Neil roll his eyes then look at her and sign her with his hand to feed him she smiles and sits then she feeds him and look at him Neil's eyes filled with tears.


A boy of 8 years old was sitting on Shweta's lap and she was feeding it.

Neil: wow mom it's so yummy I love it.

Shweta: I knew it that's why I cooked it for my tillu.

She kissed his forehead.

Neil: I love you mom.

Shweta: I love you too tillu.

Flashback ends.

A tear falls from his eyes.

Avni: what happened you don't like it.

Neil: it's taste is similar as she cooked.

Avni: because she cooked it with love and I also cooked it with my heart.

Neil look at her.

Avni: I am sorry I didn't mean that ok tell me you like it or not.

Neil wipes his tears and smiles.

Neil: it's awesome.

Avni: then what are you waiting for?

Neil: for you to feed me.

Avni smiles then they had the lunch.

Avni: you will went to the office tomorrow right?

Neil: what you mean by you. You are not coming.

Avni: offcourse I will come that's why I asked.

Neil: oh yes we will go happy.

Avni: yes very.

Neil smiles

At night Avni search for the best counsellor Neil comes and frown to see her using the laptop and the possessive boy wake up inside him.

Neil in mind: what is she doing?

Neil: avni what are you doing?

Avni while looking at the laptop.

Avni: searching the counsellor.

Neil: you are so stubborn.

Avni: yes I am.

Neil went to the bed and sit.

Neil: by the way why you use my laptop without my permission.

Avni: I don't need anyone's permission it's my home and this is my husband's laptop so I don't need your permission got it.

Neil smiles because she don't realize that she is showing her right at him she is accepting him and their marriage she cooked for him because she was concerned about him her heart said her to do that she is unaware of her feeling.

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