Chapter thirty four

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Avni was crying then she remember something and wipes her tears.


Neil: but as I know she lived in a bungalow not in the chawl.

Flashback ends.

Avni: how Neil got to know that i went to the chawl?

Avni thinks on the other side Neil was sitting in the living area and was drinking alcohol his eyes were red and hairs were messed and flashes he shout at avni and other flashes.


1. At night where they fought and sorted everything.

Neil: avni please don't try to meet her please it's a request I don't want to make the things complicated between us.

2. At office.

Avni: aa nothing actually I was thinking to meet neela maa.

Avni: Neil you are busy in your work I can manage besides this how can we both go there one of us should be at office as we started a new project.

3. Avni came back home.

Neil: where were you?

Avni look at him.

Neil: avni I asked you something why you went to the chawl.

Avni: I I went to meet your mom.

Neil shocked he went to her and holds her arms tightly.

Neil: why you went there when I prohibit you then why you went there.

Avni wince she was shocked to see him.

Neil hits his hand to the table because he hurted her.

Again flashes.

Neil: what you want to talk you don't believe me you are thinking what I told was a lie.

Avni: no it's not like this I

Neil shouted.

Neil: then why.

Avni flinch Neil drags her from there avni was shocked to see him he again became the old Neil he dragged her upstairs avni was shockingly looking at him he drags her to the room and push her inside and went from there and lock the door.

Flash back ends.

Neil is drunk.

Neil: why avni why you did that why you didn't listen to me you know Everything then why you went there today you hurted me badly avni I am hating myself. i hurt you and that thing is hurting me more I hate myself.

Neil again hit his hand to the table and her bandage covered with blood
On the other side avni was crying in the room.

Avni: I am sorry Neil I should have told you before going may be we fought argued but at the end you will get agree you never say no to me I made the mistake by hiding the truth from you I am sorry Neil I hurt you but Neil I did that for you Neil I know you still loves her you are angry with her when she was unconscious you was scared and concerned for her I saw the pain of losing her in your eyes and you want to move on and for that you have to meet her ones that's why I went there Neil please talk to me once I will tell you everything please Neil meet me once please.

Avni cries At late night Neil came there avni was still sitting on the same position she got up when she heard the sound of opening the door she smiled that Neil came to took her now every thing will be fine she wipes her tears and smiles then the door opened and Neil came there by stumbling his hairs were messed he was blinking his eyes avni shocked to see him he smiles and came to her he stop at a distance.

Avni: you are drunk?

Neil smiles and nodes yes.

Avni: you promised me you will not drink again.

Neil: you also promised me you will not go to meet her.

Avni look at him he came to her by stumbling he was about to fall avni holds him neil look at her their eyelock Neil tries to stands straight and avni was helping him to stand he jerks her hand avni shocked.

Neil: don't touch me.

Avni: Neil.

Avni saw his hand is bleeding and shocked she took his hand.

Avni: ne Neil your hand is bleeding what happened how you got hurt did you again hurt yourself?

Neil took him hand back and warned her.

Neil: I said don't touch me.

Avni: Neil it is bleeding.

Neil: then why do you care?

Avni: Neil first let me do the bandage then do what ever you want but please first let me do the bandage.

Avneil look at each other she took his hand again and she wince to see his hand Neil was looking at her and smiles to see her care Avni look at him then took him to the bed and made him sit she sits besides him he was looking at her he forget everything to see her care Neil was looking at her she was looking at his hand then she got up and was going Neil holds her hand.

Neil: where are you going?

Avni: going to take the first aid box.

Neil left her hand she went to the room and comes with the first aid box and she open the bandage and cleans the blood neil cups her face with left hand.

Avni: Neil how this happened how you got hurt again.

She was doing the bandage.

Neil: I punished myself for hurting you.

Avni look at him.

Avni: why you punished yourself it was my mistake then why you punished yourself.

Neil remain silent avni did the bandage and look at neil.

Avni: Neil I am sorry I went there without informing you I should have told you before going.

Neil: then why you didn't tell me I prohibit you from going there then why you went?

Avni: Neil I went there for you you was very disturbed yesterday that's why I went there to see her I know you still miss her.

Neil: did I say I miss her?

Avni shocked.

Neil: tell me did I say you to go there.

Avni: I.

Neil catches her arms tightly.

Neil: did I say you to go there?

Avni nodes no by looking down.

Neil: then why?

Avni look at him.

Avni: for you.

Neil: for me why for me when you don't love me then why you cares for me?

Avni shocked Neil was waiting for her to say something but she remain silent.

Neil: there is no use to say anything to you.

Neil leaves her and get up avni also get up neil is about to go but he is too drunk he falls on the bed avni is trying to hold him she falls on him neil look at her he takes the hairs aside which are blocking his view avni look at him their eyelock neil comes closer to her he is about to kiss her avni close her eyes but he sleeps avni open her eyes and saw him slepping avni get up she remove his shoes and put his legs up on the bed with difficulty she covers him with the duvet and she sits and leans to him she caress his hairs and kiss his forehead.

Avni: Neil I know you are angry with me i also know you wants to know about my feelings and I will confess my feelings.

Avni smiles.

Avni: yes Neil I love you I don't know when I fell for you but I love you and I got to know about my feeling last night when I felt i could lose you I felt a pain in my heart but didn't understand why I felt that pain then when you asked me why I felt the pain after that i thought then I got to know about my feeling and I want to tell you about it but this is not the right time once everything will be fine then I will tell you about my feeling and after that we will live happily.

Avni smiles and lays besides him and smiles to see him.

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