An Abrupt Start

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Hello lovely people!

So here is the OS you guys have been requesting to read!

AN AVNEIL OS *drumrolls

After such a long time.

Writing this would have been impossible without Prinku's help!

Not gonna say Thankyou 🙈
Anyways an AMAZING writer more good infact the best is back on watty after a long time.
So do check out the updates that she's gonna post! nishuayyar 😋😋

This is of 2926 words, only for OS.

So grab a snack if you want 😉😋🙈

Warning:- Not proofread 😪🙌

In this era of online dating apps and other social media platforms here I am standing in front of a club waiting for my friend who I know is a perfect person to be around especially when I am having a hurricane of feelings like fear, anxiety going on in my mind.

You know sometimes you don't need promises from a lot of people who sympathy you but you just need the comfort of that single person who is empathetic towards you.

My jumbled up thoughts really need a reality and fact check which ofc she'll give the best not because she is my friend but also because of her oh so honest nature!

"Aviii! Gosh Sorry I am late." Riya said unapologetically. As usual coming late by about half an hour.

"No It's okay Madam! Infact I am sorry for telling you the exact time. I would have told you to meet me an hour ago so that you could be on time." I replied in my sarcastic tone.

"Yeah! That's a great idea. Now come and give me a hug Avii!" She said while literally crushing me into her missed you damn much hug.

"Uhhh... huhh! Let's go inside Rii. I am starving. " I replied or tried to reply because one more minute and I'll simply loose all my control over my long held together emotions.

"It's okay Avii! You made a right choice. And yeah let's go." She replied while holding my hand and that was enough for me to know that she has got my back!

"Hmmm.... I love you!" I said while she just smiled.

"I love you more than anything except Dosa, Christian Grey...."

Her usual chirpy self was back in a blink and I felt lighter because I didn't want that sad look on her face especially for me.

"I know Madam you love me the most ofc after n number of things." I said while literally pulling her inside, she simply giggled.

"So ready for an official girls night out after such a long time! I've missed this more than you could even imagine. Comeon let's go!" I pulled her inside after showing our membership cards to this exclusive club.

As soon as we entered the club we were welcomed by that deep tangent smell of smoke and loud music.

"Babe let's kill it tonight!" After saying this Riya prised me towards the bar and straight away ordered two tequila shots for us ofc!

"Riii! I've not had eaten anything since noon. I need some food first. " I tried my best not to sound disinterested in her got drunk and spill the beans idea because only she knew how I become all talkative and over friendly after a shot or two.

"Comeon babe! Not tonight atleast! Just forget everything and be yourself. No one except for each other knows us here so it's fine if you go all out after drinks. Also now you do hold a certification to do so!" She replied with a wink.

"Ummmm.... Rii..."

"No Avii.... Just listen to me or... or I'll start swiping right to all the tinder profiles from the account I made for you." She said while trying her best to sound brave.

"What the hell Rii! You know I don't believe in this online dating shit. Jus... Just delete my profile asap!"

I was a bit too loud as compared to my usual self as I was a person who'll spend more time while writing poetry for their loved ones than reacting or commenting love on their pictures.

All this dating shit was never liked by me. Like how could an electric gadget made by some money fetching monsters can decide your life partner. Call me old fashioned but I still believe in that old school romance than this virtual one.

"I'll delete it once you do whatever I say for tonight. " She shrugged.

"That's not fair Riii! I hate you." I said while picking up the shot bartender just put on the table.

"Love you more Avii!" She said while raising the toast.

"Here's to freedom and ofc my bravest girl Avii!" She cheered.

"To New hopes!" I said while we both gulped down the shot in just one sip my throat burned a little but it was nothing compared to the things going on in my mind.

"Here's to our friendship forever and ever and ever!" Riya said again while picking up the second shot.

"Here's to more and more such night outs." I said which again followed us gulping down the drink in a go.

My head felt light and my heart felt more lighter. My thoughts started to blur a bit and so did the people around me. I was half drunk around our 5th shot.

"Avii! Let's just dance, the music here is fabulous. " Riya said while pulling me towards the stage.

I gulped my legit 6th drink and just started moving on the beat playing in the background. My head was spinning a bit but I still maintained my posture or tried to!

As usual, I saw Riya showing off her best moves by picking up every beat and doing the hook steps attracting a lot of audiences while I just moved a bit in my own rythm not caring about the beats.

When I was about to leave the floor to sit because my feet were paining in the smallest heels I was wearing in the club I found two arms encircling me from behind.

My usual reflex actions failed to come in action as the touch felt very comforting it felt protective..... I felt protective at a place where no one even cared if I existed.

I turned around to witness two dark brown orbs staring deep inside my eyes as if seeing through my soul.

I tried to pull myself back but that his grip was so firm that I failed to do so.

Bending down till his breath tickled my neck he whispered in my ears, "Let's dance."

If it would be some other day I would never have let any person to come this close to me but today it all felt so different. Different in a good way. Maybe this is what I needed. Maybe my heart was searching this comfort and security from that person.

I felt myself craving for him!

I simply started to sway my waist while his grip remained the same, he just moved with my body.

The loud music was replaced by a soothing sound or I thought so and I was lost in his eyes. His eyes had some sort of spell on me.

As our eyes mingled our breaths became heavier maybe due to the atmosphere or because of the proximity.

His forehead touched mine and our lips were some inches apart while our nose collided with each other. That moment, that one moment was so intense, one I've never experienced before.

I closed my eyes and so did he as our lips started to cover the distance between them.

Our lips mere touched I came back, back from the spell he casted on me. I was about to kiss a stranger whose name was unknown to me.

Avni who never believed in love at first sight or even the casual flings. One who always thought being serious, practical and commitments in a relationship are the most important things.

"I can't do this."

Came our spontaneous reply. It took a minute for me to realize what he said.

That guy literally said no while he was about to kiss me.

"Shit! I am.. I mean.... I am sorry... It's just that I was a bit too lost. I am sorry i never wanted to make you uncomfortable." He sounded apologetic.

"I... I am sorry. I was just in some other zone." I replied while maintaining my posture.

"Come sit here." He pulled me towards a corner and handed me a glass of water while squeezing some lemon in it.

"No. I... Uhh... Thanks but it's really not required. " My eyes were desperately searching Riya.

"I insist. It's not spiked. I mean you can make another one for yourself if you want." He said while grabbing another glass from the counter.

"Ummm.... It's okay. I am not that drunk." I sounded confident atleast to me.

"Have this you'll feel better." His eyes were so different like they held some sort of convincing power in them or simply spelled some cast on me.

Even though my brain was telling about all the terrible things that could happen, I trusted my instincts. I took the glass and started gulping the liquid.

As said it did made me feel better instantly.

"I... I need to go now. My friend would be worried about me." I stood up.

"Um... Yeah. I am sorry once again. It's just that I.... I was in a totally different zone at that time... I mean you're beautiful but I.... I uhh don't do these casual flings. " He said all that while sounding genuinely guilty.

Is he even a guy or at the first place is he a normal human being. I've literally heard these words from no one except me.

"Um... It's okay... It was not only your mistake only. I too was a bit off." I replied.

"Still! I apologize. Anyways it's Neil here." He forwarded his hand.

"Avni! I'm Avni." I replied with a firm handshake,"I need to find my friend. So I should go now."

"I can help.... I mean if you don't mind." He casually said.

"Umm.... Okay!" I replied as it would have been impossible to find her alone.With that we left to find Rii!

The place was now full of smoke coming out from hookahs people were smoking with shady dim lights. It was near to impossible to find her.

I tried calling her but it was logically illogical to call a person at club and hope that she'll pick up.

I was about to sit defeated when I noticed Riya in the corner of the counter sitting with Ali.

Neil who was simply following me all this time holded my hand and pulled me towards him. I was a bit startled with this sudden stunt but then I saw some totally drunk men passing by us making some bad comment about random girl.

I was confused... Like how could a person who literally knows nothing about me except my name and also the beautiful.... Werid.. Beautifully weird situation we were in can make me feel all those things I've never felt before.

The butterflies in my stomach that I never knew existed sort of started fluttering.

I came back to reality and before this situation could worsen I just pulled back and gestured towards the same corner and the rest followed me and him going there.

"Heyy! Avni how are you?" Ali said after seeing me coming.

"I am doing great Ali! How're you?" I replied with a casual hug.

"I am also good! I know it was supposed to be a girls night out but Riya just called me and said she needed me and she's lost. So I came here." Ali said while noticing Neil with me.

"It's okay Ali you don't need to explain. Anyways this is Neil. Neil this is Ali my best friend. "I said while formally introducing them.

"Avuu don't worry I'll beat that monster black and blue. He hurted you. Right?!" Riya said in a muffled voice as she was a bit too drunk.

No. She can't do this now. Not in front of Neil.

"Riya it's okay! You're not in a condition to talk RN. Ali I think you should take her home. " I replied while gesturing towards Neil.

I think Ali got the hint and tried to make her stand while picking up her belongings.

"Come Avni I'll drop you too!" Ali said being his usual self. All caring about me!

"No Ali I think I'll stay here for some time and then I'll leave." I replied while passing him Riya's mobile phone.

"You sure?" He asked for the last time while looking towards Neil. Some secret conversation happened between both of them I think because Ali was almost convinced till the time I answered.

"Yeah Ali it's fine!" I said while finally bidding a good bye to them.

"They both will make a good pair if they already aren't together!" Neil replied as I was looking at their retreating figures.

"They're together since our school time. You know old school love birds." I said.

"Ahh... I see." He replied.

"I think I should leave now! Thanks for helping me out."I forwarded my hand for the final handshake but the look I got told me this is not the end yet.

"So soon. Right now only you told your friend that you want to stay for sometime. " He said in a complaining tone with those pouty (read kissable) lips and puppy face.

"Yeah that's because I didn't want them to worry about me and thinking of me as a responsibility. " I said while looking at him.

"Woah! You said he's your best friend and the way you were worried for Ri.. Riya she too seemed close to you then how came you being some responsibility?" He was clearly shocked.

"Ahh! It's not important. I just....

"Leave it! Will you dance with me for one last time?" He asked while holding my hand as if sure that I'll say yes only.

"Ummm.... Actually I... Uh.... I don't feel very comfortable in these places. I came here just because Riya insisted me so I don't think that would be possible. " I was a bit hesitant.

"Okay! Not here.. I mean not a dance so can we go out for a walk maybe after that you can go!" His eyes were pleading.

"Ohh... Okay!"

Even though I have never done anything for the longest time but I have to anyway go out so a little walk won't do any harm. Right?!

"Yeah let's go!" I picked up my clutch and phone and gestured the bartender for my bill.

"Thank God you didn't said no!" He said with a wink.

"Ha Ha Ha so funny." I rolled my eyes.

After paying the bill, here we are walking on an open road under the moonlight with a stranger.... Umm... Neil by my side.

"So.. I should call a cab." I started searching for one on my phone.

He held my hand and made me look into his deep brown eyes.

"What is it?" He whispered.


"Spill it out. I am here to listen. " His words started to cast that same spell on me.

"I noticed how uncomfortable you were when your friend was saying something about him." He said.

"She was talking about my boyfriend. I broke up with him." There I said it out loud. The topic I was avoiding since the time I met Riya today.

I... I don't know. He's different. From the time he's said that he isn't into casual flings. I felt some kind of attraction towards him.

"I see! Can I tell you something?" He simply asked... Like no further questions about why I broke up and shit like that.

"Yea.. Yeah!" I replied while my heart was beating in a rapid pace.

"I... I've never been in a relationship before..... Let me say that out loud.... I've never had a girlfriend before. It's not cool right!?" He said in a sarcastic tone.

"No... It's not always important to be cool! For me being your own self in a world of polished personalities is the coolest thing one can ever do." I said the words buried deep inside my heart.
Maybe he had the right key to open up that side of mine!

"Your words are so comforting. I mean I feel like you're somehow in the same situation as mine. Like we want to be ourselves, enjoy ourselves, cherish our personalities....

"But this world in order to act cool is just doing things that they themselves feel are not right!" I completed him... his sentence.

"Exactly! So tell me what is your story of being cool?" He sarcastically imitated the action with his hands bringing a small smile on my face.

"Nothing more nor less! It's just that my boyfriend , he wanted me to give my whole self to him where as he wasn't even ready to give some sort of commitment in this relationship." I spoke my heart out by air quoting the word boyfriend.

"Avii... Umm Avni I don't know how to feel about all this! Like people really are ready to involve in a physical relationship with anyone without having that....

"That soul connection. They just want human flesh in the form of love Neil. I want some to love my soul and my scars more than my body!" I rubbed off the moisture at the end of my eyes.

"Exactly Avni! Your thoughts echo mine!" He said with utmost honesty.

I don't know what went inside me but I simply hugged him. Maybe I was longing for the warmth and security that his body was providing to me!

He without even blinking twice hugged me back. Maybe his soul was also seeking something that I provided him.

In that one hug all we wished that all our pain could be transferred by that touch. It felt heartening.

It is always said that sometimes all you need is a hug from the right person and all your sorrows melt away. Maybe Neil was that person for me!

You know it's exciting when you find a part of yourself in someone else. I just found that in Neil.

Here's the end guys!

Do let me know how's it?

Also if you guys want me to write one more part of this as this didn't has the confession part.

Honestly speaking this till here seems perfect to me as love confession this soon is a bit unimaginable but we can show anything else other than that.

But I want to know your POV as well!

Feel free to drop any idea of how should I continue this!

Now that you guys know the drill. Hit that star button of you liked it, comment if you loved it and if you don't like it tell me where it lacked.

Dheer Saara Pyaar

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