Chapter 2: The Lesson

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Dedicated to oghosa5


I Wake up to the sound of my alarm, I let out a groan contemplating whether I should stay in bed or not, then decided to turn it off and stay in bed a little longer. It felt nice, staying in bed, enjoying the quiet.

It didn't last long when I felt a hand grab me my leg and pull me out of bed. I landed on the floor with a 'thud' sound.

I was so frustrated and tired that I didn't care any more, so I just lay there, trying to get comfortable.

"Get up" the mysterious voice continued "You know your gonna be late if you don't get upright"

I turned facing the culprit-it was no other than Devvon my loving brother *note the sarcasm*.

Don't get me wrong here I love him, its just that he can be frustrating at times, and one of those times were now. The irony of life was that I was stuck with him, whether I liked it or not.

"Why," I asked

"Because it's Monday" he replied


" remember" he sighed still looking at me

I racked my brain trying to understand what he meant. And that's when it clicked: The bet and school.


Getting up from the floor and checking the time

7:29 am

I sigh contemplating whether to get ready or not, When I suddenly heard a scream, I grabbed my toothbrush and towel and ran into the bathroom without turning back because I knew what that scream meant, hell everyone knows what that scream means-the bucket.

In my house, we have lots of traditions, both good and bad. And one of them is called the bucket. It's a way of waking us up by pouring cold water on each other: it is an effective way of getting us out bed. The only thing that makes it fun is when it happens to our brothers, but today one of my sisters was the victim.

It took me ten minutes to be done with my bath and got dressed. I decided to wear a big grey hoodie that had 'focus' written on it over a black spaghetti top and blue ripped jeans with sneakers, letting my hair down.

Checking myself in the mirror to see that I look ok, I grabbed my bag, phone and notes before leaving my room.

Walking through the hallways felt so different than how it usually feels. It felt like I just made the biggest mistake of my life. I was so deep in thought that didn't even notice my sisters, not until I felt a handhold mine. I look up to see Shanti holding my hand tight, so did the rest and when I looked into their eyes I saw fear, there whereas scared as I was. So did the only thing I could do at that moment...I hugged them like it was my last then held theirs has again before continuing walking.

When we got to the dining, Dad was already sited and was talking to Devvon and Terrell about school and stuff, while waiting for breakfast.

"Hey" we greeted before taking our sit next.

Dad was about to say something but was interrupted when mum came in with breakfast.

We were having waffles extreme and orange juice. It consisted of waffles, obviously, eggs, cheese, spices, syrup and bacon. The lovely aroma filled the air making my mouth to water, I wanted to devour it within seconds, even though that's humanly impossible, but the look that mama had made me force this current hunger away for a few minutes.

Today was Devvon's turn to say the prays before we could eat, and by the look of things, it wasn't only me that was hungry.

In all honesty, I hardly hear a word from what came out of his mouth, but we just had to flow with it. After the prays where done, none of could help ourself anymore, so I took a bite and it tasted glorious, mum couldn't help herself anymore and laugh. And it being a habit for me and my sisters to always take pictures of moments like this one, we took a picture with all of us in it. Mum laughing at what dad was doing, Devvon trying to steal Terrell's waffles extreme, while we were just enjoying the moment.

After breakfast Mum left with Dad, while I and my sisters with Devvon and Terrell waited a little bit for the time to turn 7:39 am before leaving with our lunch of course.

"OK before we get there...there are some things you need to know," Devvon said suddenly.

"OK!?. So what are they then" I and my sisters say in unison.

"well for starters, keep your head down and mind your own business" he replied quickly

"Why?" we questioned

He scuffed " because if you haven't noticed yet, you're like a fragile glass t–"

"We're not fragile we're sensitive there's a difference!!" We yelled

"–hat might break any second, that is why you guys need rules," He said completely ignoring what we said earlier.

"And these rules would not only guide you into high school but also win the bet and stay out of trouble"

"So what are they," Mira said completely annoyed

"Firstly, mind your own business" he paused "don't...and I repeat, don't poke your nose into anybody's business whether you were curious or not. Am I clear?"

We muttered a yes while I and my sisters knew it wasn't going to happen, I mean come on what's the fun in that

"Secondly, you don't get to pick your suppose 'friends' that your gonna make, I will" that last part made us groan and like I said before we ain't gonna follow.

" Thirdly, no one should know about this bet or the real reason for being their friends, alright"

We this one was right, who knew what people might do if they found out, we just couldn't take that chance. So we just nodded in agreement.

"And lastly, no should know where we actually live nor parents work, and if someone asked just tell them '4200 Arbors Ford Ct 28012' for our address, And that 'Mum is a chief, while our Dad is a director' and  don't tell them where just say that ok"

Am sure you guys might be confused about what's going on, so let me explain. Our parents are just like any other successful parents in this world, the only difference is that nobody knows who they're, they know their companies but not them. And because of this life is easy for everyone, no one is stalking us, or trying to murder us or get our money, in their eyes we're just like any normal family, and we like that way. That's why no one can find out where we live.

With all that said and done, the remaining ride to school was quite. It didn't take long for me to notice the school parking lot in view. When we got down Devvon said I should go to the receptionist office to get my schedule.

In doing so, I found out that I and my sisters had different schedules even if we all offer the same subjects, We all had to do it all different time. In knowing this it made us upset, The only bright side of the entire issue was at least two or three had similar subjects in the same period.

So now here I was looking for room 2041 for maths, yeah fun. It was now me and Mira and if can guess then you'll know classes won't be fun without the whole crew.


Mira didn't even waste any moment before walking into the classroom with her hoodie on, while I followed from behind. We took a seat at the back near the window before hearing the bell and seeing people rush into the class.

A few minutes later, A teacher stepped in and introduced himself as Mr Ford and that he would be our maths teacher this semester and other things I didn't bother to pay attention to.

After all, was said and done, he turns to the board and wrote boldly 'ALGEBRA', Then started the lesson. I didn't notice how time flew when someone stepped into the class.

"Ah Mr Wilson and Mr Woods so glad you two to finally join us," Mr Ford said with a hint of sarcasm.

The people at front me started whispering thing like 'why did they come in together', 'are they now friends' or 'they both look so hot'. That last one got mine and Mira's attention.

We both looked up to see them; when I looked at Mira, she had the same shocked expression as me. Cause am like, damn!!, the people at the back did not lie. The guy that was referred to as Mr Wilson was dark skin with curly brown hair and lighter brown highlights in his hair, And his eyes were just stunning to look at. He didn't look like he had many muscles but it fit him perfectly. He was wearing a white shirt and black ripped jeans that made him drool-worthy.

While the guy referred to as Mr Woods, was lanky. He had brown hair with light brown eyes. He looked mesmerizing to stare at. His beauty and innocent aura made him and those that chose to stare hypnotised.

When I turned to Mira again, she looked like she could stare all day. Thank God for the hoodie we where wearing or else we would have embarrassed ourselves in front of everyone.

We couldn't even concentrate on the teaching anymore, we were still in shock of what just happened. After a few minutes into the lesson, I found out that Mr Wilson name is actually 'Ivan' while Mr Woods is 'Logan'.

We also noticed that it was too good to be true, although they have beautiful faces, they also have a disgusting character. It was obvious to know that Ivan was the prankster or the guy that always make of something or someone during classes. While Logan was the guy that always corrected the teacher because he 'thinks' he is smart enough.

I was so annoyed and frustrated in being in this class, Logan would correct Mr Ford every time he notices a mistake in his solving, while Ivan would always make fun of the teacher. It was so obvious that they just came to school to either fuck girls or just fill in the empty spaces that are left by other people.

We know and get it ok

I was so pissed off, that I was looking at the clock waiting for it to end when I suddenly notice that my smarty pants were wrong. I was about to speak up when Mira said it first with pride.

What don't Judge us

"You are wrong" she smirked

Am sure everyone was shocked cause this female dog right here looked shocked as well like he wasn't expecting it.

"Am sorry what"

"She said you are wrong dumb butt" it was my turn to smirk and let me tell you, it felt good.

"Excuse me, but I am never wr–"

"But you are, accept it" we interrupted him.  Am sure he didn't take it nicely cause this guy literally got up to the board and was explaining.

We didn't care anymore cause it was like one minute left for this period, so we packed our things and started heading towards the door, but we couldn't leave without a grand finale.

"By the way, it's X that is carrying the 1 not the other way around, but am sure you're too dumb to understand, so in other words, you stupid" we made sure to drag the word 'stupid' before leaving.

Ha take that you female dog

   ×            ×             ×               ×              ×

So did you guys like this chapter and sorry I took so long to update, things came up and I didn't have time. Also am sure you guys have faced someone like this before and handled it differently. And to all that, their birthday is today happy birthday y'all.

This starr stay save and stay loved ❤️

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