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Hola Everyone,

It's Monday and I am here with the next part of this story. Thank you for your votes and comments Means a lot.🙂🙂🙂.
Without further ado here is the next part:-


"Mr. HANDSOME, I SEE YOU AGAIN" muttered Inaya under her breathe as she saw the same person who was under the helmet this morning at the signal. She quickly got up from the chair and went towards his direction, she hid herself behind the pillar as she saw him talk to someone. It was then that she looked at him closely and observed his chef-whites as she realised that he was a chef at the hotel. She wanted to go right away and meet him, make him acknowledge her presence. She herself did not know why she was behaving like a teenager who had seen her celebrity crush. Till date many guys had proposed her to the extent that a few were ready to do anything she said but she was never attracted to anyone but there was something about the stranger which was attracting her towards him. She was about to go towards him when someone tapped her shoulder as she turned to look at the person.

"Ma'am do you need something?" asked the person, it was a waiter who had seen her hiding behind the pillar looking at something as Inaya who was caught by surprise for a moment "No...Nothing I was just looking for the washroom" she made an excuse as the waiter showed her the direction and left while Inaya looked back in the direction where Abhimanyu was standing but could not find him, she looked for him around reaching the spot where he was standing a few moments back but could not find him, suddenly her eyes darted towards the corridor on her left when she saw someone's retreating figure as she ran towards it.

Before she could reach the person, she saw him entering inside a room as she went towards it, she was about to push the door and enter though it was clearly written on it that it was strictly for the Staff, but she did not care about it, all she wanted was to meet the stranger who had captured her mind ever since she had seen him this morning. But as she was about to enter someone stopped her "Ma'am, what are you doing here? I am sorry but cannot enter this space. Its strictly for the staff" said the person who was an assistant chef at the hotel.

"I just want to enter it once, I am looking for someone and he is in their" said Inaya as the person replied "Sorry Ma'am but I can't do anything, the Chef will be very angry" said the person as Inaya once again pleaded "Please just for once" but before the person could deny her again someone interrupted.

"What's going on here?" said the person as both Inaya and the assistant chef turned to look at the person.


"Why don't you come inside the orphanage and meet him once, I am sure he will very happy to meet you?" asked Neela (Abhimanyu's foster mother) to the person standing before her as the person replied "No Neela, I cannot meet him. He will hate me" as Neela said "But it's been 5 years, how long will you stay away like this?" as the person replied "I don't know Neela, please give this to him" as the person handed over a parcel to her, bidding her a goodbye she left,  they were standing just a few minutes away from the Orphanage.

Just as Neela turned to leave she was left stunned to see the person standing before her "What are you doing here Maa and who was that person?" asked the person as she was left speech-less


For a moment Inaya was caught by surprise, before either of them could react the person said "Inaya...What are you doing here?" It was none other than Armaan, Inaya's friend and Manager at the hotel. He was accompanied by Nazreen who had a surprised look on her face observing that Armaan knew the stranger standing before them.

"Armaan..." she said as he replied looking at the assistant chef "What's the matter Esha, why are you arguing with Inaya?" he asked as she replied "Armaan, she wants to enter the kitchen and you know how angry Abhimanyu Sir gets when someone else apart from the staff gets into the kitchen even if it is someone from any other department of the hotel, so how can we allow a stranger to enter the kitchen" she said in one breathe, it was something about her boss which made her nervous even if it was just speaking about him.

As Armaan listened to Esha he could understand the situation, turning towards Inaya he asked "Inaya...why do you want to go inside?" as Inaya looked like a deer caught in the headlights as she fumbled " Armaan" she was not sure whether she should tell Armaan about the person she was looking for especially in the presence of the two girls standing with them, Armaan at once could understand her hesitancy but decided to counsel her later.

"Esha, you go in" he said as she left, turning towards Inaya he said "By the way Inaya, meet Nazreen, Nazreen Irani. She is the pastry chef here" he said as Inaya looked at the girl standing with her friend, of course she knew who Nazreen was, Armaan did not tire speaking about her to Inaya, though he maintained that she was his good friend Inaya could see the sparkle in his eyes whenever he spoke about Nazreen, but she knew that her friend needed to know himself about his feelings for her.

"Hi Nazreen" said Inaya as she hugged her as she responded to it, she knew who Inaya was as Armaan had mentioned about her a few times to her. Coming out of the hug she said "I am Inaya, Inaya Kapoor" she said as Nazreen said "Of course, I know about you. Armaan has talked about you a few times" she said as Inaya smiled, turning towards Armaan she said "Armaan, if you are done with your work can we leave? It's getting late and I can't wait to meet your family" she said

"Yes, let's get going. Bye Naz" he said as Inaya added "Bye Nazreen, it was nice meeting you" she said as Nazreen responded with a goodbye and entered the kitchen while Armaan and Inaya left for their destination as well.


As they came out of the hotel Armaan asked Inaya "Inaya, will you tell me what's going on? What were you doing near the kitchen and why did you want to enter it? And... I want to know everything" he said with an authority, Inaya knew she could not hide anything from her friend as she narrated the happenings of the morning and then at the café. As he listened to her he looked at her wide-eyed.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Inaya seeing Armaan's bemused expression who kept his hand on her forehead as he asked "Inaya, are you fine?" he said as Inaya gave him a questioning look while Armaan continued "The Inaya Kapoor, who doesn't even care to look at guys who are behind her and has left so many heart-broken wants to know about  a guy, Wow now that's a news" he said cocking his brows as Inaya hit him lightly on his shoulder as he chuckled while Inaya said "Stop teasing me and help me find him Armaan" she said as he asked her to describe the person.

As Inaya described the person something struck Armaan's mind, he took out his phone and showed her a photo "Is this the guy you are talking about?" he asked as Inaya looked at photo as a smile crept on her face, it was indeed the same person she was looking for, it was a  photo where he was standing with Armaan and Nazreen.

"Oh my god Armaan...Its him...Its him" she jumped excitedly as Armaan was befuddled looking at his friend's reaction, he stopped her "Inaya...calm down..." he said as Inaya caught her breathe and spoke "Armaan, do you know him? What's his name? Where does he stay? Can you introduce him to me? Does he work here as a chef?" she rattled off her questions as Armaan's surprised look never ceased as he spoke "Inaya...let me speak" he said as Inaya kept quiet.

"Yes, I know him. He works as a Chef here, in fact he is the Executive chef here and one of the best in India. And his name is Abhimanyu" he said, as soon as Inaya heard his name a smile crept on her lips as she started chanting it like a prayer in her mind but the next words from her friend put a stop to her happiness as he spoke "Yes, he is my friend but even I know very little about him, all I know about him is that he is an orphan. But no one here knows where he stays and it's a strict order from the management as well that no one asks about anything personal about him, he is quite mysterious. Talks very less, meets a very few people and is very short-tempered. In fact, in the whole hotel he talks majorly only with me or Nazreen" he said hoping that her friend would stop her pursuit knowing about him but what he didn't know was that his words were just acting like a catalyst and increasing her desire to meet him.

"Armaan, please...please can you just introduce him to me once...please" she requested as Armaan replied "But Inaya..." he said but was cut in "Please Armaan" she said making a puppy face as he sighed and agreed "Ok...but not now. Maybe sometime later. But I will still advice you, don't try to go near him. He is very mysterious, you might just waste your time" he said as Inaya replied "Well when something is so mysterious and beautiful isn't it worth spending time on it" as Armaan looked at her in surprise, something was definitely wrong with his friend, but he didn't know what, this was very unlike the Inaya he knew. Inaya snapped her fingers in front of him bringing him out of his thoughts as both left for Armaan's home.


Driving along the marine drive the winds along with the rain drops were hitting his face but he seldom cared about it. After a few moments he stopped his bike at his favourite spot, parking it by the side of the road. He climbed down on to the Tetrapods that were located beside the Wall separating the Arabian sea from the land. He settled himself down on one of the Tetrapod as he gazed into the night sky, the rain drops hitting his face as he spread his arms trying to take in the rain and winds, he lied on the Tetrapod he was on as his thoughts went back to his past.

Starting at a small time Dhaba at the age of 10 located near to the orphanage, though his foster mother had advised him not to do that, but he wanted to support her earnings and help her monetarily in running the NGO, though it was not a huge amount still it was helpful. Working at the Dhaba his interest grew in cooking as it slowly turned into his passion and at the age of 16 he joined a small culinary class where he  learnt the tricks of the trade, By 20 his potential was identified and he had started working in 3-star restaurants and by 22 he was in a 5-star restaurant but the defining moment of his career came at the age of 25 when he created a dish which earned him a 3-star Michelin and he continued achieving that every year till date for the last 3 years. Yes, today he had everything, his career, money, his family at the orphanage but still he felt hollow inside, something was missing in his life and in the quest to find the missing piece of his life he would come down here everyday hoping that the sea would help him fill the emptiness in his life, as he remembered the lines...









Yes, he was a NOMAD. A NOMAD searching for his destination, searching for his happiness, searching for his soul as he got up and left for his destination for the night.


It was 11 in the night when Inaya returned home after spending a lovely time with Armaan's family who always made her feel at home, it was funny that she felt at home outside than inside her own home. Her parents had gone out for a party. As she slumped down on the bed her thoughts went back to the ABHIMANYU, Armaan had once again tried to dissuade her from trying to meet him knowing she would be met with disappointment but she was adamant.

"Hmm...So Abhimanyu..That's your name Mr. Handsome. Armaan says you are very mysterious and I would love to know the mystery in you, lets see what you do when you meet me" she thought. She was thinking of ways to meet him and spend more time with him, it was as if something was drawing her to him and she was just submitting herself. Suddenly an idea struck her as she quickly dialled Armaan's number.

"Hello Armaan, I have decided something" she said in an excited voice as Armaan replied in a sleepy tone "About what Inaya?" but the next words that left Inaya's mouth left him stunned.



Please ignore the grammatical mistakes.

Also pardon me if the short poem is not good, I have tried it for the first time. So please excuse this amateur writer🙂🙂🙂.


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