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"Hey grandma," A smile formed onto my face as I stared at the best woman on earth.

Sofia, my grandmother, briefly stared at me as she watered the plants."Hey, dear,"

I sat beside her, my short grey hair I'd dyed a month ago falling across my eyes."Do you need any help?"

She shook her head,"I'm fine, you can cut the vegetables though, today is a special day."

I frowned, everyday was the same, I'd help Sofia, we'd bake together, I'd clean the house, and when the dark consumes the place, she'd tell me stories about her past, "It is?"

She nodded, her eyes twinkling as she spoke,"I've got good news," A pause,"my grandson is coming today, I haven't seen him in like forever."

Her real grandson was coming, she wasn't my real grandmother for God's sake, why am I feeling jealous?

She had told me a couple of stories about her grandson, she'd said that whenever she took him to the park at the age of seven, little girls would follow him, claiming they need a partner to play with. And when he was thirteen, he had received a bunch of flowers at valentine's day, chocolate and expensive perfumes.

What I understood from what I had heard, was that he was beautiful in a very hot way.

I couldn't help but imagine his reaction when he'd see me, will he be acceptable like his grandma always was? Or he'd kick me straight away like my parents did?

A sly smirk tugged onto her lips, "I can't wait to see my grand grandchildren."

I pinched her arm playfully,"Grandma! You know I'm not interested in these kind of stuff."

"As your grandmother, I approve of my grandson."

"That sounded so... weird," I said, staring at the flowers we'd planted earlier, "Sofia, what if your grandson didn't like me, I think it's a sign that I should buy a new apartment."

"You're my granddaughter and no one will ever say otherwise, we may not be blood related, but I'm very close to you than to any of my relatives. And you're gonna live with me till the day I die. You hear me kiddo?"

"You know you're the only person that cares about me, I'm not sure I can leave you too." I murmered as I side hugged her, kissing her cheek," You're the best grandmother a person could ever ask for."

"I know, I know, now go wear something smexy, I want to see my grand grandchildren very soon."

I laughed as I stood up, "You know I don't like kids, but we'd bring as much as you like, any other orders?"

She shook her head,"He'll be here in few hours. Do you want me to do your makeup? You know I was a makeup artist, I may be old but I think my brain still works."

Shaking my head, I managed to take a deep breath before speaking, "I don't wanna seem desperate, like I'm not even sure I'll like him, no offense, but I'd try to wear something catchy."

Sofia just smiled.

| L | O | V | E|

I stood up with my grandma as we waited for him. I was literally on the edge of fainting, I've never met anyone close to Sofia, maybe that's why I was feeling like this. My heart's beats fasten, my hands sweating every now and then.

Suddenly a knock on the door was heard, I inhaled deeply, shit this motherfreakin' shit.

Sofia quickly opened the door, I've never seen her this happy, not with me anyway, I was feeling left out. I tried avoiding eye contact as she hugged him, sobs were escaping from her.

I swallowed.

The boy, however didn't seem that happy, I couldn't really make out his features. Judging from his deep voice, I knew he was attractive, and attractive men are handful.

"Grandma, I'm here, calm down." He said, his superb voice coming out sonorous and deep.

As soon as I looked up, his eyes clicked onto my face. The breath whooshed out of my body and everything freezed for a second, as though I'm looking at him through my camera lens, zoomed in all the way, the world pausing for that tiny span of time between the opening and closing of the shutter.

His eyes flickered toward my body as he continued hugging his grandma.


I took in every inch of his perfectly sculptured face. His eyes were the brilliant colours of new sprung leaves. They seemed to glow with an inner light, and they radiated a magntesim that was completely entrancing. His eyelashes were long, thick, and black as they shadowed the planes of his chiseled cheekbones.

It felt like forever when Sofia finally remembered I existed, she looked between us as a smirk was making its way onto her lips.

Not now grandma. Not now.

"Oh, Emerson, this is my friend in crime, Olivia or you can call her Leah." Grandma said as she held his hand towards mine, forcing him for a handshake.

I hated my old name with every nerve in my body. It held too many bad memories.

"Oli, this is my grandson I had told you about, Emerson."

Emerson, it had a nice ring. But judging from the his glare, he didn't like what he saw. I knew he won't like me. No one did anyway.

"Your partner in crime? What are you, five?" He mimicked, sarcasm dripping out of his mouth. His lips were a deep, blood red, the lower lip slightly fuller than the upper one.

"Grandma, " the second I said this word, I regretted it. He quickly glared at me, I rose an eyebrow bavk

You screwed up, Leah. You always do.

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