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Steve's P.O.V

"Die! Die! Die!" Bucky screams as we play Black Ops. He's shooting just about everything in sight now.
"Uhh, Buck. Don't you think your going a bit crazy."I say to him
"Me? Crazy? Never." He says sarcastically and I laugh.
God, I love him. He's so special to me and he always cheers me up. As, I think this in my head I realize I wasnt paying attention to the game and got shot down.
"Steve! Nooo!" Bucky screams as if I've actually been killed.
"Bucky, its just a game. I'm still here." I hold him in my strong arms.
"I know. I get carried away." He says softly.
"How about we watch a movie?" I ask and he nods his head. I then turn on Netflix and we watch Disney movies together.

Four hours later
We watched a few movies together and our corgi Peggy fell asleep in Bucky's lap as he fell asleep in mine. I carefully get up making sure not to wake up Bucky and go to the kitchen. I open up the fridge and realize we're almost out of food.
"Looks like I'm going shopping."I say then grab my jacket and wallet to leave.

One hour later
I come home from the grocery store and put them away. I then look into the living room to see Bucky still sleeping. Peggy runs over to me and I feed her, her dogfood. "Might as well cook some chow." I think aloud. I then grab two packs of hot dogs and go outside to our patio to grill up some hot dogs.

I'm sorry if this chapter is short.I'm starting to run out of ideas and am very tired.

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