Attending Konoha Academy

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Kaiya's POV:

"This is so exciting! I get to attend Konoha Academy today! I can't wait to start training to become a great ninja!" I exclaimed out loud to myself in excitement, as I ran through the marketplace in the village on the way to the academy with my feet crunching the dirt road.

'You're probably wondering who I am, well allow me to introduce myself. I'm Kaiya Misaki and as you can see my goal is to attend the academy to train to become a great Shinobi one day and help protect the Leaf Village.

I'm an orphan here in the Village since I don't have any memory about my family or my past, the Third Hokage gave me a small hint when I was little that I came from a clan near the Hidden Leaf Village but there was a huge massacre and no one survived but me and I was found unconscious on the side of the road by Kakashi Sensei. The Misaki Clan also carried a rare technique which you will find out shortly.'

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I was on the school grounds and crashed into something or rather someone, making me stumble back with my butt on the ground.

"Ouch! Man that hurt!" I groaned while rubbing my tailbone in pain.

"Hey, are you alright?" A stoic voice caught my attention as a hand was brought down in front of my face. I look up to see a young boy about the same age as me, with bandages wrapped around his right arm and leg, long dark brown hair with it tied at the ends and with the familiar whitish lavender Byakugan eyes. He's from the Hyuga Clan. "Are you going to take my hand or are you going to try taking a picture while staring at me all day?!" The Hyuga boy says sharply while giving me a annoyed look.

I slightly flinched at his tone before giving him a embarrassed smile, "Oh right, I'm sorry. Thank you" I uttered while taking his bandaged hand before he helped me up.

"No need to thank me. Just watch where you're going next time!" The Hyuga said bluntly, letting go of my hand.

I huffed at his attitude while dusting myself off. "I know you're right, I'm sorr-." I cut myself off when I looked up to see that he wasn't standing there anymore.

'Geeze, what was his deal all of a sudden? And he left without me apologizing and telling me his name. Well, not that I introduced myself either so who am I to talk?' I said before shaking my head. "Whatever, I'm not going to make myself late by making a big deal out of it!' I sighed in annoyance as I made my way inside the academy.

It took a moment for me to find where my classroom was but once I came across it, I couldn't contain all the excitement and nervousness burning inside of me.

"Oh, you must be the young Misaki girl Lord Third talked about." A male voice said, breaking my thoughts. A man with a scar across the bridge of his nose approached me with a welcoming smile.

I nervously nodded my head with a small smile in return. "Y-yes that would be me. I'm Kaiya Misaki." I introduced myself to the man who looked to be my Sensei.

"I see, great to have you in my class, I'm Iruka-Sensei." The man named Iruka replied while taking some notes on his clipboard.

I took a moment to scan the room and to my surprise, there was quite a large number of students on including some people I recognize. 'I hope I get to make some new friends..' I said with hope in my mind.

Iruka brought my attention back with a tap on my shoulder. "Alright, why don't you take a seat next to that young man over there." He instructed, while pointing out to me where I'm going to be sitting not recognizing who my seating partner was at first.

Doing what I was told, I walked over to my assigned seat. Though after I took my seat and got situated, I heard my seating partner clear 'his' throat like he was trying to get my attention. I turned my head, only for me to nearly choke on air and eyes widened in surprise, while only now just recognizing 'who' I'm making eye contact with.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:
Hello my lovely readers! This is my very first chapter of this story! I'm sorry if it may seem short, I will make another chapter that will link up to the ending of this one! I hope you all enjoyed it! If there is anything you want to point out. Don't be afraid to let me know in the comments below!

Hmm, I wonder who Kaiya is sitting next to?🤔 Take a wild guess or find out in the next chapter, hehe!!

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