the saga begins

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(Bela, sitting in her bedroom, waiting to b called down stairs for her marriage)
Bela- (in her mind) the day of wedding is the most beautiful day of a girl's life. It's a day when she is both happy ND sad.hapiness of starting a new life with the love of her life her life partner her beloved husband.sadness of biding bye to the ppl with whom she spent her earlier life .But in my case it's the opposite.
Since my childhood I have been facing a lot of troubles ND humiliation from my family.i was nothing but a burdain in the name of responsibility for them.i was unwanted .I lost my mother when I was only 5 years old.after her death my father left me in my Grandpa's home (mother's father) saying he doesn't want to take the responsibility of me bcz I was unwanted for my father too as he always wanted a baby boy not a girl.He even wanted to kill me before I was born but my mother somehow manages to give birth to me.after which her life was made miserable by her husband ND in-laws.she tolerate all the nonsense for 5 years just for me but at one point she gave up nd put an end to her life(as per police reports) but the reality was something father himself killed her by stabbing her after that he burnt her nd made it look like a murder.i saw the incident happening in front of my eyes but cdn't do anything to save my ma.i told the incident to my dadu ND mamu but instead of complaining to the police they kept mum.
But why ?? I used to ask each nd everyday this question to myself.what was her fault?? Why was she treated like this?She was such a beautiful can ppl do that to her.All she did in her life was to listen to her parents, husband ND in-laws .She never expressed her desire to others or should I say she was never allowed to do that.Her father fixed her marriage with a guy 15 years elder than her,her husband made her abort her child two times,after giving birth to a baby girl her life was made hell by her family .She tolerate all this thing's without protesting.may it was her only fault.a fault which led her to a brutal ending of her life .
In all my childhood I grew up listening to the fact that girls r only meant to get married have kids.

Hey guys how do u like the starting?? Let me know in the comment box nd if u guys found some errors plz do forgive me for Tha.

I know this part was short but don't worry upcoming parts will not be that much short.
Love y all 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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