Her Reason

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Chapter 9

Axel and Aylin had decided to postpone their honeymoon after they come back from Paris since it was nearing the end of the year and Axel had lots of work piled up.

Instead, they were now on their way to the airport to go to Paris. Before this, Aylin was so excited about going that she immediately packed her bag excitedly. Seeing her like this was a first for him, it also made him feel guilty and he was so close to telling her about Eric and Lexi's plan but he didn't. Because he wasn't quite sure of what they would do.

When they reached the airport, Eric came to them apologizing,

"I am so sorry. It seems there is an issue with the private jet."


Upon Eric's statement, Axel could feel that he was lying.

"Don't worry, I have made necessary arrangements. You will still reach on time."

"What happened to the jet?"

Eric avoids his question and hands him their tickets.

"These are economy class tickets?"

Axel questioned to which Eric smiled and replied,

"I apologize but this was the only thing we could find. All other flights are packed. So please excuse this."

Axel scoffs and adds,

"Don't shit with me...just tell me what the hell are you planning?"

"Nothing, sir."

Eric politely replied as Axel kept losing his composure.

'Is this their idea of taking away her privileges?'

"Don't be so angry, Axel. Things can happen. Thank you, Eric, for helping."

She smiled and then excitedly turns to Axel,

"Hurry up give me my ticket. I want to see it! I can't hold back my excitement. This is my first time riding a plane."

Upon her remark, both Axel's and Eric's faces fell.

Seeing her being so polite to her made Eric feel guilty for doing this to her. Whereas, Axel felt angry. He didn't know it was her first time being on a plane. If he knew, he would have stepped in to make sure that they travel on his jet. In the end, he just ends up glaring at Eric who avoided his gaze. Soon the announcement came.

The public that knew of both of them were shocked to see them take the economy class. While their stares and whispers felt uncomfortable, Aylin was too busy being excited that she could care less about them. While Axel was facing mixed emotions. Half happy to see her so excited and half mad at what Eric and Lexi had done and were gonna do. Because he knows that just letting her sit in economy class isn't the end of their plan.

Throughout the plane ride, Aylin excitedly made a list of places where she would like to visit.

When they reached Paris, Axel was thankful that at least their hotel was not some messy one with a shabby room. Their room was also a proper VIP suite.

Since they had reached there at around evening, they decided to rest for a bit and then go for dinner. Aylin really wanted to walk around to go for dinner instead of using a car.
Because of this, they first walked hand in hand and roamed the streets talking about everything. Since this was her first time here, Axel told her of the places he had visited before. Moreover, since Aylin didn't know french, Axel translated things for her.

When it was time for dinner, Axel realized that he couldn't find his wallet.

"I'm so sorry, I think I left it back at the hotel."

"Oh no worries, let's just go back."

When they reached their room, they both looked for his wallet but couldn't find it. That's when it hits him that Eric might have taken it. He messaged both Eric and Lexi and they replied that they have it and will give it back to him tomorrow morning. Axel gets angry but they tell him to order room service.

"...Eric found my wallet and he says he will give it to me in the morning. Apparently, he has some work to do and can't come."

"Is that so? Well, no worries. We can just order room service. Although you will have to do it for me since I can't read this."

She smiled, holding up the menu booklet. At that moment, her stomach grumbled in hunger.

Since she slept after making her list and didn't eat anything during the flight, she was extremely hungry. Axel knew about this which is why he felt extremely angry at Eric and Lexi. He decided to properly deal with those two tomorrow.

When they called for room service, he realized that Lexi and Eric were behind this as well. Because the only thing they can order is burgers, fries, and drinks. He decides to go to the kitchen himself to bust Eric and Lexi and make them stop this but Aylin says that she is happy because she has been craving to eat burgers for a while now.

After they eat, Axel showers and changes his clothes and while Aylin is showering, he tries to get in contact with both Eric and Lexi but he couldn't. He thinks about what they both are up to now. Just once he gets into contact with them, he will tell them to stop this nonsense.

Meanwhile, Aylin was feeling glad that she managed to wash her hair and shower quickly because all of a sudden water had disappeared.

'This is weird. I thought this was supposed to be a world-class famous hotel but their service isn't so great. They only had burgers for dinner and now the water is gone. Anyhow, what can I do? I did enjoy eating the burger since it was quite tasty which is why I won't complain.'

She was wearing her underwear when suddenly darkness followed everywhere. There was a power outrage and everywhere it was pitch black.

Aylin, who is scared of the dark, quickly grabs whatever she can to wear. Her first instinct was to rush to Axel's side. Because being alone in the dark, scared her even more. She realized that what she had grabbed was Axel's white t-shirt that he was wearing before. She tries to find her night suit but it had fallen on the floor.

At that moment, Axel knocks at the bathroom door asking her if she was alright. She replied she is and quickly wore his shirt. She was too afraid of the dark to even look for her pants. She quickly went outside.

"Axel? Are you there?"

Axel who had turned his phone light on comes to find her and hands her, her phone with the light on.

"Just a second. I will call and ask them what the problem is."

Axel assures her and proceeds to call Eric to stop this whole thing. But he doesn't answer his phone.



Axel hears Aylin and immediately rushes to her side asking if she's okay.

She rubs her toe and replies chuckling,

"I'm fine. I just bumped into a chair. Anyways, are they not answering your phone?"

"...no. I will go and check. Just stay right here. Don't move around, I don't want you getting hurt, okay?"

Axel turns around after saying this, but Aylin instantly holds the corner of his shirt. Her actions were followed by a meek voice, which she didn't intend to sound so fragile,

"....can I also come with you?"

The light from Aylin's phone was shining on the place where she had grabbed his shirt. Axel could feel and notice her trembling fingers. He knew it at that moment.

'She is afraid of the dark...!'

Seeing her like this, he says yes. She then clings to his arm as they go outside to check what was going on.

Outside, in the lobby, everyone was gathered near the reception to see what the problem was. Seeing the confused staff and manager, Axel was now 100% sure that this was Eric and Lexi's doing. As if on cue, Lexi calls him.

"You were calling?"

"What is going on?"

"What is her reaction? Did she show her true self?"

Since Aylin was still next to him, he didn't want to say anything that would hurt her. Instead, he tries to as subtly as possible tell them to bring the power back on. Upon his command, the light immediately comes back on.

Everyone's sour faces suddenly lit up and they start to look around until their gazes end up fixing on Aylin and then averting their eyes. Aylin realizing why they were looking at her, hides behind her husband with her face colored red due to embarrassment.

Axel who was still on the call, feels Aylin hide behind him. He is about to ask her what's wrong when he notices people peeking at his wife. He turns his head slightly as his gaze falls upon his white t-shirt which she wore. Even the buttons were slightly messed up because this was the only way she could quickly dress up back then. She was hiding her face behind his back, embarrassed.

Axel protectively stood in front of her while glaring at anyone who looked at her. He knows how much Aylin hates showing too much skin in public which is why she would hate wearing those dresses her father would make her wear.

Lexi who was still on call kept calling him,

"Axel? Hello? Are you there? Did you really mean to turn the light back on?"


Axel blurted out in a mumble.

That's when the power again goes down and groans of people disappointed could be heard roaming in the lobby.

"In five minutes. Okay. Got it?"

After hinting to Lexi to bring the power back in five minutes, he tells everyone else there that he asked and there is apparently some problem at the grid station connecting to the hotel. They are fixing the wire and the power will be back in five minutes.

After this, he grabs Aylin's hand and they go back to their room.

As soon as they enter, the light comes back on. Aylin again recalls what she is wearing and shyly adds,

"I'll go and quickly change now."

Their hands were still intertwined. She tries to free her hand but he doesn't let go and remarks,

"You don't have to."

Startled at his response, she looks up at him. Seeing his gaze fall on her, makes her blush. Heat rose to her cheeks when he takes a step closer to her. She reflexively moves back till her back hits the desk and she almost sits on it. He places his hand on the table while he holds a strand of her wet hair.

"You didn't dry your hair."

"Of course, I couldn't. There was no electricity."

Lightly laughing at her blunt comment, he adds,

"Do you know what you are wearing?"

"Umm...sorry I wore whatever I could grab at that moment. I am kind of scared of the dark so I didn't want to be in there alone any longer....but this shirt is quite comfortable and....it also smells like you."

"Are you trying to seduce me?"

She could feel his deep voice near her ear and slightly shivered as he nibbled her ear.

She looks up at him, as he cups her cheek and moves in closer and his lips fell on hers. Little by little, her body lost strength and she sat on the desk. Without even properly catching their breath, he pushed onto her. His hand that was caressing her knee slowly went up. While she puts her arm around his.

That's when his phone started ringing. This sudden interruption stops both of them. They turn to look at Axel's phone which was placed on the desk next to Aylin. Eric's name could be seen as the caller ID.

Internally cursing him, Axel spoke,

"Ignore it."

But the phone kept ringing even after it ended the first time.

"It looks like it's something important."


"Are you sure....achoo!"

Aylin suddenly sneezed. Since she hadn't dried her hair yet and with the weather changing, she felt slightly cold.

Seeing this, Axel helps her come down from the desk.

"I should go dry my hair first."

Axel nods in reply as he picks up his phone to answer Eric's call.

Aylin couldn't wear her night suit because it was all wet. So she decided to keep it like this. But when she comes out after drying her hair and fixing the shirt she wore, she sees that Axel is about to leave the room.

"Where are you going?"

"Eric is here out in the hall to give my wallet back and also to hand me a few documents for tomorrow's meeting. I'll be right back."


She replied as she sees him walk out. Not long, his phone which he had left behind starts ringing. Aylin recognized the caller ID. It was Francis, an important person from the bank. Axel always answers his call so it must be important. She wears her outerwear and quickly walks after Axel to give him his phone. When she reaches the corner of the hall, before she could turn to the left where Axel was standing with Lexi and Eric, she hears them mentioning her.

"Why are you so mad?"

"Like I have been saying, you shouldn't have planned all of this. She is scared of the dark. Now stop this nonsense!"

"How would we have known that she's scared of the dark? Also, we only wanted to reveal her true self. You said you were also suspicious of her."

"She is hiding something and you know it."

"Even if I am, what difference does it make? I am tired of....."

Before Axel could say any longer, he hears the ringing phone.

Startled Aylin cuts the call off to silence the phone. She then quickly but softly goes back to her room without hearing the rest of it.

"Did you hear something?"

"Yes, a phone ringing."

They look around and find no one there.

"No one is here though..."

"Anyhow, like I was saying, I am tired of you both saying the same thing and me repeating the same thing. Keep this nonsense away from her. I don't want her to be any part of this. Also, you better not say anything of this sort tomorrow. Or you're both dead."


Eric inquires to which Lexi answers,

"Yes, tomorrow. Arnold called. The meeting is shifted back. The chairman's daughter is also coming to the meeting."

"But isn't she in high school?"

"She is but what can we say."

"This is why tomorrow I want you guys to hang out with Aylin. I don't want her to stay inside the hotel all day and waste time. She was so excited about coming here and even made a list of places to visit. So make sure to fulfill that list. Got it?"


"And don't make me remind you, do not utter any nonsense in front of her."

"We promise. Although....it may be too late now."

"Too late?"

"The last stage of our plan."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You know how a drunk person confesses everything...so..."

"...we kind of....maybe....somewhat...gave her guys the strongest drink here so that she will drink it and come clean."

"...you guys are so freaking dead."

Axel quickly rushes back to his room only to find Aylin sitting on a chair, with an open bottle on the table in front. She had a drink in her hand.

"Oh, you're back~"

She giggled,

"This came. They said it was a complimentary room service. And this is so sweet. Why is this so sweet? I love sweet."

Axel could tell she had zero alcohol tolerance and he took her glass away from her. She grabbed the bottle but he pushed it away as well. Scrunching her nose, Aylin pouts,

"You meanie~"

Seeing her reaction, makes Axel giggle,

'How cute.'

It was the first time that he was seeing her drunk.

"But it's fine because I'm happy. You approached me that day at the party which is why I'm happyyyyyyyy! So so so so so so so much happy...."

She started giggling. Her last words were almost a slur because she was feeling drowsy. Her eyes keep shutting down. Maybe it was jetlag plus alcohol combined that made her more sleepy than usual. Seeing her slightly dose off, Axel carries her up.

"Ha ha, it tickles, put me down, you stupid fool."

Axel didn't do that. Instead, he places her on the bed. But she refuses to let go of him and clings to him.

"Although you're not a fool. I am a fool. Even knowing that you have a secret motive to marry me, I still agreed. This makes a fool right?"

This makes Axel's eyes go around.

He looks back at her who was singing the word fool as if it was a lullaby. Suddenly her tone changed,

"But I don't want to be a tupid fool."

She skipped the s. Axel knew she was drunk and would probably not remember everything in the morning. But still, he felt anxious about what she had said. He shakes his head and softly takes her arms off him so she could comfortably lie down on the bed. He puts the cover on her and after tucking her in, is about to leave but Aylin grabs his hand and says,

"You are so different. I wonder why you married me. What is it? I'm not so physically attracted. I am also pathetic. I am also ugly. They claim I'm a doll but who is to say a doll can't be ugly? You wanna know a secret? I have seen ugly dolls. And let me tell you, they are ugly."

Hearing her badmouth herself made Axel realise that she has low self esteem.

"...You're not all of those things. You are beautiful, kind, smart, pretty, intelligent, your dimples are really cute, and your smile is like heaven. Want me to go on?"

Axel praises her in return but she lightly smacks him while covering her face,

"You say that because you are nice. But I'm not nice. I could shut up and don't bring this up but I really want to ask you, what is your motive to marry me?"

Remembering what Eric and Lexi were talking about, his curiosity got the best of him and he questioned in response,

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Do you want to know? I'll tell you. At first, it was just to escape. But then...."

Axel's eyes flickered at her response.

'Escape? Was his guess right? It was from her father, right?'

"Escape what? And then what?"

"It's a secret silly."

She sticks her tongue out at him.

But before Axel could respond, she whispers yawning,

"Do you want to know that secret? I'll tell you what I escaped from. Come closer."

Axel comes close to hear her whisper. She was almost mumbling as if in her sleep. Her eyes were on the verge of closing down.

"I couldn't get what I wanted so I ran away. This is why you were like a knight in shining armor. Oh, this means, you're a prince. Hello, prince~ I am so sorry for using you to escape my dear prince. My cute adorable husband who is a prince, you're the last person in this world whom I would ever hurt. No. Even if you were the last person, I still would never hurt you. How could I? When you're so nice, so handsome, so caring...I...."

Her tone had slowly become serious when suddenly it shifted,

"Oh if you're a prince then does that make me a princess?"

Ignoring her question, Axel was more focused on what it is that made her escape and what she was going to say after I.

"...And what is it that you wanted?"

"It isn't a what, silly. It's a whom...a person.."

Her last word was said under her breath, barely audible since she had fallen asleep. But Axel ends up hearing it.

Axel wanted her to say more. He wanted to know who this 'person' was. Was it a he or a she? A family member....a friend...or what? His mind was going crazy with multiple thoughts. Suddenly it hit him....was it a guy?

Jealousy and negative feelings engulfed his heart. He felt a pang in his chest. He instantly calls Eric,


"Find out more information about Aylin. Every single detail of who she met, who she talked to, every single thing before she met me."

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes. Just give me the information. Keep it a secret. Oh and tell me as soon as possible, especially when you find out about a guy."

"A guy as in an ex?"

"Don't ask too many questions. Just get to it."

So who do you think this person Aylin is talking about? Any guesses? Do comment go let me know. Also thank you so much for reading! I hope you like this chapter and the story so far, if so please do support this book by voting and sharing! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻

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