Losing and Fighting

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Chapter 26

The next day, after getting ready for the office, Aylin saw a bunch of cars outside. A dozen men dressed in black wearing white earpieces all stood in a line and greeted her.


She shouted and ran back inside. Axel gets worried and rushes to her. After she tells him about them, he laughs and adds,

"They are your protocol team. They will protect you, don't worry."

"I think one or two would have been enough...this is just too much."

"No. Even these I feel are not enough. I should have called for more people."

"No. Please don't. I don't want attention-getting on me."

"Who cares about attention when your safety is the number one priority? Also, I told Sam and Eric to look into what your mother talked about."

"I need to talk to mom as well. I called her earlier but she wasn't responding.....I'll try again after a while."

"Want me to come with you?"

"No, it's fine. Thank you though, for everything. Because you are here by my side, I feel like I have the courage to talk to her now."

"Just let me know whenever you need me. I am always here for you."

"Same. Tell me if you need anything as well. I'm here."

"Well, for now. Let's go, shall we?"

They went outside only to be greeted by the same bodyguards. Aylin reflexively stuck close to Axel and whispered,

"I don't think I will get used to this many people....."

When they reached the office, they saw Lexi along with five guards who were holding three employees.

"What's going on?"

Axel raises his brow, surprised.

"These are all spies. I helped Lexi get them. Father had planted them."


Axel turns to look at the employees he had known before who in turn averted their gazes.

"Since when...."

"Don't worry, boss! They didn't manage to leak everything. We got everything under control. It's another thing that no one ever really trusted them because of how creepy they acted so no matter how much they tried, they couldn't get any information."

"Get them out of my sight, right now."

With Axel's words, the guards took them away.

"By the way, who are those people?"

Lexi inquired pointing at the guards behind Aylin who were grabbing everyone's attention.
Aylin face palmed, muttering,

"See I told you. They are drawing too much attention...."

"I'll explain everything later."

Axel responded to Lexi's question.

Aylin then started walking,

"Well then, I'm going to my office now. See you guys later."

"Wait. Your office is empty right now. I shifted your desk and things into my office."

Axel stopped her, making her turn,

"What? Why? When?"

"I don't know what might happen so I wanted you to be in front of my sight....Although I would have liked it if we stayed home I know you wouldn't like it but I still don't want you to stay alone in case anything may happen..."


Aylin grabs his hand and adds,

"Don't worry. Nothing is going to happen to me. Just for today, I will work in your office. But please do give me my office back. Now, let's go?"


"Wait....is no one going to tell me what's going on?"

Lexi went after them as they explained everything. They were followed by a dozen bodyguards.

At lunch break, they had ordered food but it got a little late. The delivery man said that there were a lot of reporters outside the building so it was hard to go inside.


Axel asked while turning on the TV. As soon as he did so, on every new channel, there was Brendon, sobbing, about his wife dying and pledging to find the one who killed her.


Silence spread in the room as everyone stood up. Aylin froze.


Axel quickly muted the Television but the channel proceeded to show a blurred picture of the dead body at which Axel covered Aylin's eyes, whispering,

"Don't look..."

"...is that true?"

"I'll go find out more. I'll also go see where Sam and Eric are....."

"I don't think there is any need to find out where they are."

Jake, the head of security who was also in the room said, pointing at the TV screen.

"No way...."

On the screen, they showed pictures of Eric and Sam as suspects who were caught for the murder.

"What are they doing there...."

"Jake, Lexi, go check everything.....Quickly!"

Axel ordered as he turns to Aylin who was on her phone.


"Mom isn't picking up...she wasn't picking up the phone earlier as well....."

With her watery eyes, she looked at Axel and trembled,

"Axel...what do I do.....how did this happen......I....."

Seeing her like this broke Axel's heart. At this, one of the secretaries entered the room,

"Pardon my intrusion but Mr. Grey called. He is telling you to quickly answer his phone call."

Saying that she left. Axel then sees his phone ringing which he was ignoring before. It was Atlas.

"Hey. Did you see the news?"


"Those two are your men?"

"Yes but they..."

"I know. Listen, there will be a lot of reporters following you guys. It will be better to lay low for a while. I have got this warehouse. Mike will take Aylin there. Elaine is also there. So it'll be safe and also away from the media."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, and you also come to my office. Let's figure things out."

"Got it. Thank you."

"No need."

After the call ends, Axel tells Aylin to go with Mike that's waiting for them at the basement parking lot.

"I don't want to leave you...."

Aylin mumbled, her tears still streaming.
Axel wipes them away and plants a kiss on her forehead,

"Don't worry. I will be right back. Your friend is also there for you. So be safe."

"You too, okay?"

"Okay, I promise."

As soon as she leaves, Axel heads over to meet Atlas.

Meanwhile Lexi and Jake tell them that while Eric and Sam were snooping around to find out if the information Aylin's mother gave was true or not. They got caught by Brendon. He then framed them for the murder. As for Aylin's mother, she was kidnapped after she left Axel's house.

News articles and channels were full of people pitying Aylin, hating Axel, and supporting Brendon.

Because of this, they all called their legal team and started preparing for the trials to also help Eric and Sam.

Meanwhile, Aylin was with Mike on the way to the warehouse. She wasn't crying like before and rather she was deep in thought. Suddenly she said,


"What's wrong?"

"Let's go to where everyone else is."

"There are a lot of reporters...It will be best for you to lay low."

"I don't want to. I'll do a press conference."

"Seriously? I don't think that's such a good idea."

At that moment, Elaine called asking where they were. Aylin explained everything and then called Axel to tell him everything.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You will have to expose everything...."

"I want to do this, please...for my mother...."

"...got it."

Hope you guys enjoy reading the chapter! Do comment to let me know what you think! And dont forget to vote and share! Also, the end is near....but I will be posting extra chapters credited to the side characters. These characters are the same from After The Lie. So I will be reposting the extra chapters from there and posting additional extra chapters as well! Also! If you guys havent read After The Lie yet then please go check it out! 🥺♥️♥️🙏🏻
On to the next chapter! 🤩

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