Misunderstandings and Frienships

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Chapter 23

The next day, Aylin was getting ready for her lunch. It was the first time except for Ellen that she had made real other friends and will be hanging out with an actual group of friends. Her excitement was at its peak. She couldn't even sleep last night because of nervousness. What if they didn't like her? What if she made a fool of herself? All these questions rushed into her mind.

Right now, she was faced with the question of which earrings to choose from. Grabbing two pairs, she rushes to the lounge where Axel and Felix, his best friend, who had come over were playing video games.

"Axel, which one? Tell me."

She inquired while holding both of them up near her ears. However, Axel, without looking at her, answered,

"Both look good."

He and Felix were both busy playing a fighting game and were so engrossed that they didn't look at the third person in the room. This said person was getting annoyed. She looks at Felix,

"Give me your console."

Felix, surprised, narrows his brows,

"Huh? Why?"

She takes the console from him and starts playing the game. After defeating Axel, she hands the console back to him and then turns to Axel,

"Now, tell me which one?"

Both Felix and Axel were quiet. They didn't understand what had just happened.

"Oh my god, you're so good at playing this game! Yay! I won!"

Felix shouted excitedly to which Axel grumbled,

"She did. You were losing before."

"You both can decide who won later. First, tell me. I am already getting late."

"Ummm...this one?"

Axel shrugged pointing randomly at one of the earrings. However, Aylin pouted at his response. She kept humming and stared at that earring.

"I think the other one looks better. It's an informal meeting so no need to go all out."

Felix remarked. Aylin smiles and retorts,

"I know right? I thought so too. Thanks!"

"Why did you have to ask me if you already knew?"

Axel grumbled grudgingly. Aylin then giggled and kissed his cheek saying,

"That is because my dear husband, I value your opinion. It's just another matter that you have no fashion sense regarding women's clothing and jewelry. I am leaving now. See you later in the evening! Bye!"

"Message me when you reach there!"


Axel and Felix remarked as they both again sat down to play the game.


Meanwhile, Aylin went with Ellen to the said lunch place. When they got there, Aylin, who wasn't used to socializing, felt uncomfortable. There were a lot of people for her, especially since she was only used to having a single company. These days she was hanging out with Axel's friends as well but they were also one or two. No one had gathered together like this.

"Aylin! You're here!"

Elaine hugged Aylin as she introduced Ellen. They both smiled at each other. When they go to their table, Elaine introduces them to Amelia, Kate, and Claire. She told them there is one another, who will be here soon.
All of their interests matched a lot, so they talked about various things. Aylin felt so happy and they all couldn't stop laughing.

Before they could order food, another girl joined them saying sorry for being late. This girl was like a doll. Elaine introduced her as Leila. Aylin kept admiring her beauty. She smiled at Aylin and when her eyes fell upon Ellen, it turned into a glare.

"What are you doing here?"

Mumbled, Leila which was inaudible to others.

Ellen didn't look too happy to see her as well. She then whispered to Aylin,

"That's her. The girl I told you about. She's the one who bullies me at work. She is always so rude and is always glaring at me. She keeps ignoring me."

"Are you sure? She doesn't seem like such a person."

"Hey! You're my friend before theirs so trust me."

Meanwhile, Leila who had taken a seat next to Kate whispered to her,

"That's her. The girl I told you about. She keeps eyeing Zach whenever he comes to pick and drop me off. I don't like her intentions."

"Her? I'll take care of this."

Kate, who has always been headstrong, glared at Ellen,

"Tell me, do you have someone you like, Ellen?"


She replied, firmly.

"Then how's it going with him?"

"Actually, he doesn't know that."

She replies fidgeting with her fingers.

"Then that's great. All the more reason for you to forget about him."


Everyone except Leila, looked at Kate, surprised. They didn't expect her to say something like this since she was never the type to say such things.

"He probably doesn't notice you in that way, so you should quit."

"What are you saying, Kate?"

"Don't discourage her like this."

"Maybe if she confesses and he turns out to like her as well so things might go well."


Leila hissed, glaring at Ellen.

"Umm is something wrong? I get the feeling you don't like Ellen..."

Aylin spoke up, she wanted to defend her friend as well.

"She never likes anyone."

Ellen rolled her eyes.

"Only you, I don't like."

Leila retorted.


Elaine inquired, looking at the two who were glaring at each other.

"She knows."

Leila averted her gaze.

"I don't. So, tell me."

"You seriously don't know?"

"No. This is why I refuse to be treated the way you treat me at work."

"How do I treat you? I haven't done anything to you."

"You ignore me. You pretend as if I don't even exist. That's practically bullying!"

Ellen expressed, her eyes turning watery. She was the type who cries when they are angry. Upon her confession, everyone glared at Leila.


"How could you do this to her?"

Flustered, Leila blurts out,

"Well, she is the one who is always eyeing my boyfriend!"

Everyone's eyes then turned to Ellen, who turns red in embarrassment,

"Why would I eye your boyfriend? He's not my type."

"Excuse me, Zach is everyone's type. He's perfect, okay?"

Leila remarked as they both continued to glare at each other. Their gazes soften when Claire asks,

"If you aren't eyeing her boyfriend, then who are you eyeing?"

"Umm.....his name is.....Jackson...."

Ellen shyly confessed. She then explains,

"He sometimes comes with your boyfriend to drop and pick you up. We have talked a few times and even exchanged numbers but that's about it. I would never eye your boyfriend or chase after him. After all, I know better than to chase after a man who is already taken. Besides, I like your couple. It's so cute and sweet. You both look so good together."

"Oh my, so have I been misunderstanding this whole time and treating you unfairly? I'm so sorry!"

Leila hugs and apologizes to Ellen who forgives her. The rest of them chuckle.

"So, you like Jackson, huh?"

"Best of luck!"

"We all will root for you!"

"Yes, from now on, I'll support you as much as you want!"

Leila promised.

"I hate to break this to you guys, but doesn't Jackson have a girlfriend already?"


"But he told me he doesn't....."

Ellen answered, surprised.

"Jackson, I don't know how to explain. He may be a good-natured person, a very good person that is caring and loyal and will never hurt you, but he has a lot of girls. He is flirting with god knows everyone and is never serious about any single woman. I won't call that girl a girlfriend but more like someone he is just hanging out with, don't worry."

"He flirts with everyone?"

Ellen inquired, tilting her head. This piece of information was new to her.

"Yeah, it's no big deal. Don't let it get to you if he did that to you. He has done that with every one of us here. He's just joking though. If he likes a girl, I'm sure he would stop behaving like this."

"But he hasn't flirted with me. He always keeps a distance."

"Oh my!"

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"I mean, you are the only one so it might be a good thing. But I'm not sure how good it might be."

"You know what, next weekend, we are all going out together. You two should join us. We will first analyze the situation and then plan accordingly."

Upon Kate's remarks, everyone bursts out laughing.

"It sounds like a mission."

"Well, it is."

They all giggled and laughed.

When it was time to leave, Elaine told Aylin that she will meet her tonight when Axel and Atlas are planning to meet up.

Aylin was surprised as to why and she said she wants their husbands to be friends as well. They then promise to see each other that night.


The whole gang is together!!! How do you like the story so far? I hope you're enjoying reading! Hint: All of the characters mentioned in this chapter are the main characters. And another spoiler alert: Two of the characters mentioned here will have their very own books soon! Like I mentioned before;
Part II - Love, Lies, and Secrets
Part III - ??? (Jackson's story)
Part IV - ??? (Amelia's story) (I'm really excited about this one personally 🤩)
Part V - ???

So make sure to stay tune and if you haven't read AFTER THE LIE ✔️ yet, then make sure you do! Hope you enjoy ❤️

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