Chapter 13: The Moon and the Dark

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Late in the night Naina got up to drink water. As she opened her door she observed his silhouette as usual on the couch. He used to switch off the nightlight in the lounge and in the kitchen, the only light that now came was through the open door of her own bedroom. She reached out to switch on the light of the lounge but decided against it, 'It'll disturb him!' She thought.

'I've to just get there and back!' Assuring herself she moved forward.

As she turned away taking the water bottle from the fridge and closing its door, just then the light of her bedroom went out! She looked around her, blinking in complete darkness, why didn't the emergency light in her bedroom work? Her heartbeat rose slowly. She took a step forward, trying her best to focus on her bedroom door, where she had to reach.

She took another step, her heartbeat had doubled by now and she felt her body sweating. She felt as if her feet have frozen, she wanted to take one more step forward but her feet felt so heavy! Taking those few steps across the lounge to her room felt impossible!

Her subconscious mind played a scene before her eyes! She was searching for lights! Someone had grabbed her! She has to save herself! The water bottle fell from her hand and so did she with a thud! She wanted to get up but couldn't!

Then she saw someone! Someone who was coming towards her!

'Nain-na! Nain-na!' She heard her name and tried to free herself from his hold, she felt cold as sweat had drenched her body. She pushed him away with all her might! The person went away and then she felt a light flash in her face!

'Nain-na! You okay?' Her eyes went to his face, 'Does she know him?' She wondered! She pushed him away again!

'Nain-na! It's me..! Me..! your moon!' He tried to stop her from pushing him away.

She looked at him, he had held the flash light to his face now.

Feeling her breaths steadying, keeping his phone on the ground he got up and pushed every button on board. A few emergency lights turned on.

'You okay?' He again knelt besides her, taking both her hands in his. Her palms were sweating.

Naina looked at him, Yes! It was her moon!

He picked her up in his arms and carried her to her room. He laid her gently on her bed, then he just sat down besides her, his back turned towards her.

'I'll get water for you!' He stood up after a couple of minutes.

'Namjoon!' He stopped in his tracks and turned to look at her.

She shifted a bit aside on the bed, leaving space for him, looking into his eyes.

'Stay for sometime!'

He laid down, keeping some distance from her and for some moments just stared at the ceiling, the sound of his own name still echoing in his ears! He crossed his arms over his chest, suddenly becoming aware of his breaths getting faster, he didn't want to turn to look at her!

What if he turns and it's another ruthless trick by his mind! What if he doesn't find her there! What if all of this had been a cruel dream to add to his agony! I don't want this dream to end! Please don't snatch her away from me, please don't!'  He shut his eyes close.

'I didn't mean to disturb your sleep! It is just that the darkness scares me' He heard her say in her soft voice.

'So, she is there!' His mind tried to assure him.

'You didn't disturb me' He turned towards her,  'I should get her mind off this!'

'Can I ask you something?' He asked.

'Hmm..' She was looking at the ceiling, her hands crossed over her tummy.

'Why do you call me moon?'

She didn't answer.

'Why do you call me Nain-na?' She spoke after a while.

'Because that's your name! Why would you call me moon, though?'

'Why would you call my name incorrectly! It's not Nain-na!'




'Naina, say it together! ' She laughed softly.

'Nai.. wait! Nain.. wait.. Naina!' He said it real quick and watched her laugh softly, 'Yes! She is there!'

'Yes!' She turned her head to look at him, playing with her fingers.

'I should ask her now, I should. Come on Joon!'

'Both of you take my name wrong!'

'Both?' He raised an eye brow.

'Mr. Hoseok and you! How is he keeping these days?' She asked, her voice held concern.

'He is.. good!' The glitter of his eyes lowered a little, 'Do you miss him?'

'I absolutely do! I miss talking to him! I think of him many a times wondering how is he doing!'

'Do you want to meet him?'

'Yes! I would really want to see him again!'

'I'll ask him!' He got up, 'The couch is more comfortable!' He cleared his throat.

'Good night!'

'Good night!'

You are able to put into words that you miss him, why didn't you say the same for me!  You didn't tell me that you wonder how I was doing! Is that Hoseok, who should have been here and not me?  Am I in his place?

He came over his couch, sitting down he sank his face in his palms. 'Do you care about me just like you would for a friend?' He looked at her closed door and asked. 'Have I gotten this all wrong?'

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