Chapter 2: The Sunflowers

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The sunflowers were slowly withering, she was sitting cross legged right there on the sidewalk facing them, wondering what could be done next about these.

He stepped forward and stood right behind her and she noticed a shadow falling on the ground.

'Nain-na!' He gulped, uttering these two syllables seemed to have taken a lot from him.

She turned sideways and looked over her shoulder and lifting her head up she tried to look at the person. The sun rays were directly hitting her face and they blinded her for a few seconds, she rapidly blinked her eyes. He shifted a little towards the left shielding her from the sun and she looked up at him with a better vision now. Her deep brown eyes stared right into his, there was a blank expression on her sun kissed face.

'This towering figure, could it be..?' She thought for a second, 'But, how can it possibly be!'

As he removed his sunglasses, it was then that he saw her face expressions change from indifference to a tinge of familiarity.

'Mr. Kim!' How possibly she could have missed recognizing those eyes and that built. He nodded and extended his hand to her, it took all his strength to keep it from trembling.

'Mr. Kim! How come you're here?' She took his hand and stood up on her feet.

He didn't answer, "Mr. Kim", his mind repeated to him as he tried to process the warmth of her hand in his that she had withdrawn by now.

'This one is definitely a weird dream! They get weirder each passing day!' He thought.

Upon not receiving a reply she thought that may be it was not her place to ask, 'How did you recognize me?' She asked next, this was maybe a safe question, but only according to her.

'Just.. noticed' He did not sound very convincing.

'All of you are here?' She wondered what could they possibly be doing in a dead town like this one.

'Can we move inside?' He suddenly asked making her come out of her thoughts. He was lost as to what to say next.

'Hmm..?' She thought she didn't hear him correctly.

'Can we talk inside? Privacy issues here!' He indicated towards the gate.

'Sure, Mr. Kim' She was still thinking over what exactly was going on.

'How do you know that this one is my house?', as she locked the gate she turned and asked him.

'I.. just.. guessed' He tried to shrug his shoulders, how could have he told her that by now he knew this address by heart.

There were many questions, but just not the right kind.

She just hummed in response and as he took off his mask, she smiled a little at him.

'Don't smile at me like this, please!' He made a failed attempt at a pursed smile and then looked at the ground.

'Come inside!' She lead and he followed many steps behind her, stealing in a deep breath or two.

'Please!' He sat down, as she indicated towards the sofa. It was a cozy little lively lounge, he couldn't help noticing.

'Oh, Monty! Dear, come here!' He looked at her as she called out to someone on the patio behind him.

'It can't be, please lord, it can't be!', color left his face as he struggled with his expressions, his stomach seemed to have churned.

He kept his eyes elevated and held his breath, he was not ready for this introduction! But he had to lower his eyes towards the floor as she bent down to pick Monty up in her arms.

'Where were you? Hmm..?' She asked Monty, a chonky cat.

He had to make sure his sigh of relief wasn't audible to her, meanwhile Monty did look up at him interestingly. She came along and sat down on the chair near him. Monty left her arms and came over at him, sniffing at his feet.

'What would you like to have, Mr. Kim?' She felt that things were somehow a bit awkward.

'Oh nothing! I would be leaving' He stopped himself from blurting out the definite answer that he had for this particular question!

'Please Mr. Kim, have coffee! I insist, I mean only if you have time!' She was aware of the schedule that he must be having, he was no ordinary person that you meet outside your home on the sidewalks, after all.

'Thanks! I would be leaving!' He stood up and made way towards the door, he actually had no idea of how to proceed.

'Can I drop by, tomorrow?' pausing, he asked.

'Yes, most definitely!' She smiled at him, wondering again if she had heard him correctly.

'What time?'

'After 4 pm?'

'I'll see you at 4.'

Awkward. Awkward.

She walked with him till the gate before saying goodbye.

'I talked to her, Hobi! I did! It was not a dream! It was not a dream this time!' He made this call as soon as he was back to his hotel room.

'Am glad Monnah, how did she look?' Hoseok asked from the other side, playing with the bangle on his wrist.

'Serene, as ever!' He closed his eyes, trying to gather his emotions.



'When are you going to meet her next?' Both snapped out of their thoughts.

'Tomorrow!' He wished the clock struck four, the next second.

After finishing the call, he placed his phone aside and  fell backwards onto the bed.

'What do I do now? How do I tell her! You ask me Nain-na , why am I here! But when you looked at me why couldn't I read in your eyes what I was hoping for. Will this all be futile? Was all this longing, this ache, this turmoil for nothing?'

Thinking of how to go about this, he fell into a slumber and dreamed of beautiful and fresh sunflowers, swaying under the gleaming sun.

A/n: Didn't want this meeting to be too cliched. So wrote and re-wrote this many times.  I hope I am doing fine.

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