Chapter 5: Where I Belong

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And just like that, he had walked into her house with all his luggage at four in the evening the next day! 'Maybe he has to leave or something', she thought as she closed the gate after him.

'Please accommodate me here! Can you?' He said to her, making himself comfortable on the couch.

'I didn't get that, Mr. Kim?', she looked at him, a bit confused.

'There were roaches in my hotel room last night and am so not going back there!' The only plausible excuse he could come up with!

'Oh! But.. But how can you live here, Mr. Kim? I mean it would be quite uncomfortable for you!' She looked around, becoming conscious of her small house not being even something close to the luxury that he is used to!

'Not at all! I'll have your company and I won't be alone on this vacation!' He tried his best not to sound desperate just like a child!

'But.. there's.. there's only one bedroom! Where will you sleep?'

'I can..' He looked around, 'I can totally sleep here! This is quite comfy!' He patted the couch on which he was sitting.

'Please, Mr. Kim! Don't embarrass me like so! How can you sleep here!' Kim Namjoon sleeping on a couch! Indeed!

'Like this!', he actually sprawled himself on it and she chuckled looking at him do so! Her eyes went to one fourth of his legs still dangling off the couch!

'Oh! That's no problem!' He had followed her eyes, the sound of her soft laughter still echoing in his ears!

'Are you sure, Mr. Kim?'

'Most definitely! But you can keep me, will you? I promise I won't be a trouble!'

'Make yourself at home then!' She stood up from the chair and walked towards the kitchen.

She returned with the snacks and coolers that she had prepared earlier and placed them on the table.

'So, how are you, now?' He decided to pick from where they last left.


'I.. I had basically kicked you in your ribs! I hope you remember it!'

'Oh! That? Yes! I got better within a week!' She said, wondering it has taken him about three years to get back on this!

'Mr. Hoseok is here too?' She asked.

The glitter that had started coming back to his eyes faded away at this question.

'Do you miss him?'

'Yes! I do! How is he these days?' She looked at him offering him his plate of snacks and he read sincerity in her eyes.

'Good! He misses you too!' Suddenly he seemed to have approached the end of the list of things he wanted to talk about, some he had just forgotten.

And just like that he settled down. He had to! He had to make the impossible happen. The universe had given him another chance!

They were sitting together after dinner when two cats walked into the lounge, owning the place!

'Meet Mishky, you have met Monty before!' She indicated to each one as they jumped into her lap.

'They are yours?' he asked.

'No, they are actually neighbor's but they keep visiting me!' She stroked Monty lovingly, both Monty and Namjoon looked at each other suspiciously.

'They somehow got attached to me, even if they didn't need any medical attention!' She said in a matter of fact voice.

'So, attachment to you involves a need for medical attention?' He wanted to ask, but did not, taking a mental note to get back to her on this.

 Later that night Namjoon couldn't sleep, he got up and came to the patio and called Hoseok up.

'Did you tell her?' Hoseok asked.

'I just got here! Its still so much awkward that I have just barged into her home enforcing my company upon her!' He said sheepishly, his mind going back to the excuse that he had offered her!

'Do it soon!'

'I know! But I also don't wanna make her uncomfortable!' He had come to know about her having alexithymia, he hadn't shared it with Hoseok though. His friend had provided him with detailed and thorough information.

'Did she.. say anything about me?', just a vague hope!

'Yes! She did! She inquired how you are and that she misses you!' He answered looking up at the crescent moon.

'Okay, tell her that I... I.. miss her too. I need to go, bye. Take care!' Without waiting for his response he had ended the call, so unlike of him.

'You can't sleep! Isn't it?' Hearing her voice behind her, he turned around.

'Why don't you sleep in the bedroom, I can sleep on the couch, Mr. Kim!' She stepped forward, he couldn't help noticing that she looked absolutely beautiful even in her half sleepy state! Then he remembered the last time he had seen her like this, sitting besides Hoseok she had fallen asleep!

'Mr. Kim?'

'Umm..?' He came out of his thoughts. 'Am quite comfortable! Please don't worry about it!' He smiled at her, taking in her beauty again.

'If you say so!' She went back to her room and he heard her door closing.

He let out a sigh as he leaned against the pillar. Mishky walked up to him from somewhere and he scooped her up. 'This still feels unreal, I got to be dreaming, Mishky!'

'Am I dreaming all this?' She turned on her bed and looked up at the crescent moon through her window. 'Is that really Mr. Kim Namjoon standing right there in my patio?' She thought to herself. Her eyes went from the moon to the wall opposite her bed.

'He seems.. so.. so different!' Her mind went a couple of years back, rewinding for her the person who would talk so formally to her, who had basically ditched her at an event, who had been arrogant to her, who had yelled petty things at her and who had practically broken her rib cage! Still a smile crept upon her lips as she thought of him sitting earlier on the couch and telling her about roaches in his hotel room!

'What is it that he is running from?' She wondered, the agony of his last couple of years unbeknownst to her, that he is not running away but towards what seemed impossible to him just about a month ago.

'How do I tell her, Mishky?' He added.

'Why have our paths crossed again?,' wondering she fell asleep.

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