Part 10 : Let's Sort

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Seoyun continued with her usual routine. She sensed that Yoongi was not at home and she didn't really care about him not being around either.

She still needed time to think over and accept the things as they were.

Like everu other time, she decided to push every other thing aside and decided to work up a few business proposals. It was work before anything else to her. She was aiming to double the profit made the last time. She had decided that she would give all the employees an increment if these couple of deals go through. So, it also meant double the work for her too.


Yoongi had remained at the dorm for two days, the third day he got into contact with his legal team. He had decided that he doesn't want problems between them at least because of this.

He took an appointment with Seoyun again and met her to put it through.

"Thanks." That's all Seoyun said to him while putting her signature.

After the legal team from both the sides had left, Yoongi looked at her with a smile. He took in her aura as he looked at her sitting there in her seat. He wanted to tell her that he actually admires her as the strong person that she is.

"I gave a thought to how you felt about it that day when you asked me to leave your office. I should have done it earlier, but I wasn't expecting.."

Just then someone came into the office, there was only one person who could have done so without Seoyun's permission.

Mr. Park had almost stormed into her office, Yoongi stood up, already aware that things are going to get a bit tensed again.

He also internally chuckled as he noticed that both the father and daughter arrive at a scene in more or less the same style.

"Seoyun! How dare you defy me?" He walked over to her desk and looked angrily at his daughter. Seoyun didn't say anything, she didn't even look his way.

"I am talking to you! I asked you very particularly to let the things as they are."

Seoyun again kept on looking at the wall to her left side and didn't say anything.

"You will.." Mr. Park charged forward but Yoongi stepped forward and placed himself between him and her.

"Appa! Please.. We can talk about it." He held his arms in order to calm him down.

"You don't know her, son. You don't.." He again tried to get at Seoyun but Yoongi held him there.

"I know. She is my wife, how would I not know her? And if my wife wishes certain things to be a certain way then am all right with it." Yoongi looked in Mr. Park's eyes and told him in a firm manner.

"I stand by her decision and I see no problem with it, Appa. Please calm down."


"This is between me and my wife, I wish that you keep away from it." He added in a lot more firmer voice.

Mr. Park threw one more glance at Seoyun and left her office.

"You'll be staying or you're coming with me?" He turned to her and asked.

Seoyun wanted to decline the offer but somehow she found herself accepting it instead.

"Give me a minute, I'll just be back." She stood up from her chair.

"I'll wait for you in the car, can we have dinner together? Is there a place you prefer?"

"Anything will work." She said and watched Yoongi walk out of her office.

After a while as she stood in her personal rest room, she looked at herself in the mirror. She hated to accept it but there were tears in her eyes.

'Did he just took a stand for me? For me? As his wife?' As tears stormed her eyes, she splashed cold water on her face, instead of calming them down it burned her eyes even more.


Both were silent as they sat in the car.

Yoongi felt a certain calm, he felt a sort of burden has lift itself off his heart. Seoyun looked outside the car's window at the city lights, she wanted to say something to him but words defied her. She didn't really could put into her words, the feeling that was totally new to her.

She had not been feeling well since last few days, a kind of gloom and lethargy had taken upon her. She however, now was feeling  something different, she really wanted to talk to him, to hear him, to have a decent conversation with him, just that she didn't know how to go about it.

Both came out of their thoughts as they arrived at the luxurious restaurant.

"What is it that you like?" As Yoongi looked at the menu he thought that he doesn't know anything about her likeness or food preferences.

"You can order as you like." She said softly and even tried to smile at him.

She suddenly felt so hungry that it seemed to her that she can finish off a whole buffet.

Yoongi smiled a little at her as he looked at her gulp down the dishes that he had ordered for her.

"We should come here often, the food is delicious." She remarked as they left.

"We can, there are a couple more places that I like, we can go there too."

She nodded in response.

As they sat in the car, Yoongi decided to ask her something that he had been wanting to ask her for some time.

"Where do you usually go out with your friends?"

"I don't."

"I haven't actually seen them, they don't come over at the house too, you can invite them over."

"You haven't seen them because I have no friends."

"No friends? What does that mean?"

"I have got no friends."


"It's not strange, I like it better this way." She responded.

"All right, would you like to hang around with us, sometime?"


"Me and the boys."

"I'll let you know."

"How come you find it better without friends?"

She stayed silent for some time then answered, "I just do."

"You know, we can be friends too. You and me." Yoongi remarked, hesitatingly. He had surprised himself at even letting these words out of his mouth.

"I'll think this over." She replied, as she played with her fingers.

They had arrived at their place by now, both came inside and went to their respective rooms. Both had felt that maybe they have made some sort of progress in a positive direction.

Seoyun stood in the bathroom having a strange feeling, 'I should go and see him soon.' She took a mental note.

'I think this can be worked, Namjoon was right about it.' Yoongi wondered to himself as he got into bed.


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