Part 17: You and Me

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Seoyun eyed the clothes laying on the couch with disinterest, picked them up and went into the bathroom to toss them into the laundry basket. "Aren't you a bit messy, Min Yoongi?"

He was standing before the mirror, brushing his hair and he just chuckled, "I'll get late for the meeting, that's why."

"Then you should consider waking up earlier."

"That's something I never do!" He answered to her reflection in the mirror before him.

"I said, consider. I don't like things being messy like this. It gets on my nerves." She complained as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Consider bearing it, can you?" He turned towards her and winked at her.

"No! You will keep this room clean if you want to live here, Min Yoongi, how can you not?"

"See, the boys and I have lived together for a long time, and we're really not very keen on things being prim and proper, so.." He rubbed the back of his neck and wondered what horrors she would witness on a normal day at the dorm.

"I was meaning to ask you, if you would like to visit the boys at the dorm with me? This weekend?" He remembered that Jin had been asking him to bring her over.

Seoyun considered for a moment and then nodded, "Yes, I will!"


As per the plan, they got ready to go visit the other members at the dorm. Seoyun skipped a step as she was busy clasping the band of her watch, but Yoongi reached out just in time to support her and she did not fall.

"Thank you." She said.

"Right besides you, Ma'am." He said a bit dramatically.

"Why besides me? Thank you." She asked him as she sat in the passenger seat of the car, thanking him again as he held open the door for her.

"To not let you fall." He answered as he sat in the driver's seat.

"What?" She asked as he didn't start the car, Yoongi let out a sigh and unbuckled his belt, only to move closer to her in order to put her on the seat belt.

"I can do this." She protested.

"Let me do it for you." He lifted his eyes to hers as their noses almost touched.

Both would have lied if they would have said that they didn't feel anything in this moment.

Yoongi had a hearty smile on his lips as he started the car and she contemplated his words as she looked at him.

'Right besides me', she looked sideways at him. 'Appa, you always walked ahead of me, you did not turn to notice if I was falling or I was doing fine. You always were a step ahead of me. But, Min Yoongi caught me today, he was beside me in order to not let me fall.'*

"I know that I am handsome." He suddenly said that made Seoyun break out of her thoughts.

She smiled and looked outside the window on her side, "Pompous as well!" She shook her head.

"So, who was being pervert just now?" He wouldn't let it go easily.

"I confess, that you don't look that bad." She chuckled.

"You can surf social media and find million of videos that will contradict your opinion." Yoongi wanted to keep his eyes on the road but looked at her to take in her laughter.

'It's not often that you smile.' He thought.

"Anyways, why are you taking me to the dorm?" She asked changing the topic, as she didn't want to contradict her own opinion, yet.

"So that you can know about my world, I want to know about yours too."

"Does this mean that I'll have to take you to my office?" She asked him and her brows were a bit furrowed.

"Yes, wouldn't you like to?"

"No!" His offer was rejected in a second by her.

"Whey!!" The rejection was felt.

"You create disturbance there." She was calm and sounded business-like.

"Really?" He wanted to throw his hands, literally, but couldn't.

"Yes, I don't gather what gets into my secretary and assistant every time you come around. They behave strange."

"Are you jealous, Seoyun?" He chuckled.

"Why would I be? It's just that you make my workers inefficient, every time you visit!"

Yoongi shook his head and rolled his eyes, "Do you even think outside of stocks, figures, efficiency, productivity?" He asked in exasperation.

"I do, Min Yoongi! I do! And please concentrate on driving and don't roll your eyes at me."


Seoyun met the others in the dorm and they stayed for dinner, which the boys prepared while Namjoon and Taehyung sat chatting with her.

The veil of awkwardness was lifted right at the moment everyone had hugged her, Jungkook had hugged her a tad longer than the others, "Welcome Noona, we're so glad to have you here." He had said, throwing her a big bunny smile.

The boys made sure that she was comfortable and as they ate, she found herself laughing at Jin's jokes and listening to them bicker at each other.

She thought that she would like to visit here, often.

"Though we have said it earlier too, but welcome to the family Noona, please drop by anytime you want." Jimin said to her as they took leave.

She didn't realize that Yoongi had held her hand as they made their way towards the car.


"Min Yoongi! I swear if you don't keep the things back where they belong, then I'll throw you out of my room!" Seoyun yelled at him as she saw him leaving his belongings here and there, upsetting the whole aesthetics of her room.

"Why do you call me by my full name?" He said walking over to her with his hands tucked into his pajama's pockets.

"This is what you paid attention to?" She asked him.

"I pay attention to you too." Yoongi cornered her and her back hit the wall, he leaned towards her and Seoyun leaned back on a reflex.

"What are you doing, Min Yoongi?" Her eye brows arched.

"I can let you dominate me in other ways." His gaze grew dark as he kept one hand on the wall and blocked her escape route.

"Such as?" She was intrigued.

"Baby making exercise." He said in a plain tone meanwhile poking his cheek with his tongue.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, I am!" He held the edge of his shirt and was just lifting it over his head when Seoyun slapped on both his hands and pushed them down.

"You pervert, Min Yoongi! I was asking if you're sure about the baby?"

"Ouch! What about the baby?" He said, as he rubbed his hands. She had hit them rather strongly.

"Do you.. Do you want a child with me?" She asked, as her tone became serious.

"Yes!" He looked up from his hands to her face.


"Why not?" He stared into her eyes.

"But.. But we are.. we are.."

"We're together, Seoyun." Yoongi said and kissed her forehead.

"We need to be sure of it first. I don't think that we are there yet." Seoyun lightly pushed him aside. She was afraid, still afraid and unsure.

She would have lied if she would have said that she didn't want him in this moment, she wanted all of him for her own and wanted to give all of her to him.

The struggle was tough, but she gulped her medicines as she knew that they would make her fall asleep soon and she could fight against this urge till the sleep takes over.


[ Author's Note: * Yes! The MC has 'daddy-issue'; this author might have them too. Might.]

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