15. Found and Lost

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He found her.

At last he had found her contact after a couple of months of getting back.

He reached out on her phone.

He was over the moon, but he did not receive the same enthusiasm from that side.

"Why didn't you reach out to me?" He complained.

"What if I didn't want to?" She replied.

"What do I do to make you want it?" He asked.

"Forget." She calmly stated.

"Forget what?"


"What about the moments together?" He felt a pang.

"Forget them too." Again the same calm.

"What if I don't want to?"

"You'll only hurt yourself."

"Aren't you hurting yourself?"


"A chance is all I ask for?" Still a hope, a want, a need.

"We're very different people, Sir, there's no chance for us."

"Without even trying?"

"Good bye, Seokjin-shi. You're an incredibly handsome and elegant man. Please forgive and forget me."

She ended the call and along with it a few more things.

Handsome and elegant, my ass! He swore.

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