Friendship Is A Blessing

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad


Thank you for these Abut_Ahamed

I absolutely love these!


AUTHOR'S NOTE: As I announced on my page yesterday that this story is specially created because of the comments I read in 'For Our Love'.

I decided to then give Ahad/Zoya and Fariha/Zafar a proper storyline.

And since this book is based on what readers want to see or read about, I am welcome to any particular scenes that you want to read, or any character that you want to read about.

The plot is already fixed, so I won't wander of it, but I will fit the scenes you want to see, or the character POVs that you want to read, around the plot.

I have received quite a lot of suggestions from @MehweenGR and I hope to write scenes around what she would like to see.

However, I must add, if something goes majorly against the nature of the characters, or the plot itself, I may not be able to write about it. 

Consider this book a present from me to all my loyal readers. Thank you for loving the FOL world as much as I love writing it.


THIS SCENE IS LOOSELY BASED ON WHAT @MehweenGR wanted to read about.


I have an incredible RANDOM question for Android users: am I the only one, in a rush, who ends up typing the letter 'M' instead of a question mark? If this makes sense to nobody else, quietly back away and move along and pretend that I never asked this. But this happens to me...a LOT.



Some days I really miss Mamma. And on those days, I don't want to get out of bed. 

Ahad senses when I'm in that mood and he makes hot chocolate for me and brings it to me in bed. 

And when my beloved doctor isn't home, I go out for shopping...well, window shopping. I am not much of a shopper. People think that just because I'm a former celebrity, I would love shopping, but no. Dr Ahad Sheikh, my husband, loves shopping more than I do. We both are all about breaking stereotypes, I guess.

One morning, I had an idea.

<Zoya: Hey, babes. Who's up for a day at the mall?>

When I got married, I created a WhatsApp group for the ladies, just for casual chat. When I formed it, the group consisted of me, Sadia Bhabi, Jasmina and Fariha. However, Sadia Bhabi left shortly after. Ever since then, we had changed from casual chat to serious discussions and gossip. When we talked on it, I don't feel like I'm chatting to my Nand and my Nand's Nand. I feel like we're friends. Obviously, each of us have enough sense to leave out the truly personal family matters, but otherwise, it's a really chilled out group.

<Jasmina: I'm in. I'm so bored. Hania is spending the day with Dado, and Fawad and Arhaan Bhai went out idea where.>

<Fariha: I'm in as well. I can ask Zafar to pick the boys up from school today. But little Zaid will have to come along with me, of course.>

<Zoya: No worries at all, Fariha! I'll pick you both up. Jasmina, I'll pick you up in half an hour, and then we can go and pick Fariha up. Cool?>

<Jasmina: Cool.>

<Fariha: I'll meet you guys at the mall, no problem.>

<Zoya: Don't be ridiculous. We'll pick you up, no issues. See you then!>

<Fariha: Looking forward to a Ladies (And Zaid) Day Out!>

<Zoya: Sameeeee! It's been so long!>
<Zoya: But, for the sake of keeping the peace, I'm going to ask Sadia Bhabi as well. Just to be fair.>

Neither of them replied for a while.

<Jasmina: Okay, sure.>

<Fariha: Up to you, Zoya.>

I left my room and headed towards Bhabi's room. Knocking lightly on the open door of the room, I saw that she was just finishing changing Ibrahim's clothes. "Bhabi, would you like to go to the shopping mall with me, Jasmina and Fariha?" 

"No, thanks. My sister is coming over to see me, so I can't." She didn't even look at me, but her tone was civil at least.

"Okay. Well, I'll be leaving soon. I'll let Ammi know as well." I left her room and headed to my room to change.


When it comes to a day out with the girls, I choose casual outfits. I wore jeans, a long loose black shirt and brown boots that were comfortable for driving, as Fariha lived at a distance.

I loved the Pakistani culture, and I adored the traditional outfits, but sometimes, it felt good to be back in my usual, casual look.

I picked Jasmina up, and as we drove away from the Ali family home, I noticed that she was quiet. "All good?" 

She shook her head. "It's silly."

"Tell me. I have a PhD in silliness." I smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

"It's been a while since we're here, and I've barely spent a few hours at my parents' house." Tears filled her eyes. "I miss sitting with Ammi, I miss talking to her, I miss resting my head in her lap and sleeping like that. I miss sitting around the living room with my parents and brothers, watching TV, but talking as well." 

"Then stay the night tonight." I shrugged.

"It's not that simple, Bhabi." 

"Uh- yes it is. It's your parents' house, as well as your brothers'. You'll always be welcome there, Jasmina, and from my end, there will never be any issues with that." 

"Everyone keeps saying that when brothers get married, the house belongs to the Bhabis."

"And everyone also keeps saying that as long as a father is alive, nobody can dare keep his daughter away from his house." I pointed out. "And, if the house does belong to your Bhabis, then I am your Bhabi as well, and I am inviting you over myself. Actually, I don't need to invite you over, it's your own home, yaar." 

She looked thoughtful. "Fawad..."

"Will he say no?" 

"He would definitely not like it, but he will only say no in regards to Hania." She shook her head. "And I want to bring Hania with me. Ammi and Papa would love it if she comes and stays the night with me. So, yes, he will say no about taking Hania along. Even though he has a right to stop me as well, he never does it because he hates the idea of being a controlling husband." 

"Tell me, Jasmina." I asked as I honked the horn as a rickshaw suddenly pulled out into the traffic in front of my car. "If Fawad Bhai asks you not to come over, as in seriously asks you, will you listen to him?" 

"Of course. I respect him and I will always listen to him." 

"You know what I think?" 

"I'm scared to know."

I laughed. "Widen your eyes and pout a little as you ask him, and he'll never be able to say no. Everyone who knows our families know that you're his weakness."

"Are you teaching me ways to trick my husband into saying yes?" 

"That sounds cunning and mean." I shook my head. "I'm just saying that shoharon ko na, kabhi kabar thoda pyar se convince karna parta hai. And this is the way. Arguing and getting angry won't help." 

*"Sometimes husbands need to be convinced lovingly."

"And if he still says no?" 

"At least you tried." I shrugged. "At the end of the day, he's your husband and Hania's father, and he has a right to look out for his family. And you know better than I do that he would only stop you for your and Hania's sake." 

"It's not going to work." She shook her head now. "He recognises my tricks even before I use them. He never falls for them." 

"Try it." I suggested.

Her eyes widened. "Bhabi..." 

"I would tell you what I would do to convince Ahad, but I'm not sure if you would want to hear that considering that he's your big brother." I said. "But like you, if he is legitimately against it and says no, I would back off as well. But I would definitely try to convince him."

"Too much information." She shuddered.

I laughed. "I haven't even told you anything yet, Jasmina." 

"And I don't want to know." She was smiling as she stared out of the window.


"I was very close to Mamma." I told Fariha and Jasmina as we sat at a table in a café within Packages Mall. "The man who fathered me left her when I was three, so she raised me on her own, with help from my Nana Jaan and Nano. Mamma used to leave me with them when she went out for work. She used to work at a food packaging factory, and she worked hard to provide everything for me. I didn't go to a private school, just a normal public school. Fortunately, education in a public school is free up till the age of eighteen, in England." 

"How did you get into acting then?" Fariha asked.

"I was always very talented at acting." I smiled, as I remembered how I used to grab the most random objects and pretend that it was an Oscar. "I loved it, it was my passion. A connection of  the school head's teacher was visiting when I was playing the lead in the Sixth Form's production of Beauty And The Beast. I was spotted there, and I played a free minor roles in British shows, before I was spotted in one by a Pakistani producer, who invited me to play the lead role in a Pakistani show, filmed in Karachi." 

"It must have been hard, moving from London to Karachi, especially since you were born and bred there." Fariha said.

"It was a bit of a culture shock, yes, but then I got used to it. I'm not the type of person who's embarrassed of their roots. I love Pakistani culture." I smiled. "And you know what, I'm glad I moved...because ultimately, it led me to Ahad." 

They both smiled.

"You guys seem like a match made in heaven, perfect for each other. Ma Sha Allah." Jasmina said.

"Ahad certainly has changed dramatically and positively since he met you." Fariha agreed.

I looked at her. "I know he wronged you, Fariha, and he still regrets it, but I hope that for the sake of all of us, you find it in your heart to genuinely forgive him one day." 

"I have forgiven him, Zoya." She said. "I have Zafar in my life because of that incident, and Alhumdulillah, I've never been happier. I'm actually grateful that Ahad stepped back. I found Zafar, and you found Ahad, so we all got our happy endings." 

"Alhumdulillah. But I will call them happy beginnings, not endings." I smiled. 

We had our various drinks in silence for a while, but it was a comfortable silence. 

"So..." I randomly asked. "Does Zafar Bhai ever wear his policeman hat when you two get romantic?" 

Jasmina almost choked on her drink and Fariha's mouth dropped open.

"What? It's a legit question! Just between us girls!" I shrugged, not understanding why they were both so horrifying. "I would have totally asked Ahad to if he..."

"I'm going to throw up if you don't stop, Bhabi!" Jasmina's cheeks were red with embarrassment. "That's my brother you're about to talk about, and this is my Nand!" 

"I asked him to put his hat on once." Fariha admitted, her gaze on the table. 

I grinned as my Nand looked at her own Nand, wide eyed. "Was it worth it?" 

Fariha nodded, shyly. "Definitely." 

"Allah!" Jasmina shook her head. "We're not meant to discuss these things with anyone but our husbands." 

"You're so innocent and pure, Jasmina." I told her. "But your first child was born before your first anniversary, so I guess you're not..." 

"Zoya!" This time Fariha looked like she wanted the ground to swallow her. Jasmina put her head on the table, groaning.

"Somebody go and get this girl a filter!" My Nand muttered.

"I have to be honest with you." I said. "I didn't have many female friends, and certainly not best friends, so I'm sorry if my frankness offends you both. Tell me firmly if you want me to shut up, and I won't speak about these things again." 

"It's just that we're all ultimately related, so it's weird." Fariha sighed. "Two of our big brothers are involved, so you can understand." 

"I'm sorry." I smiled, sheepishly. I looked at Jasmina, who was staring down into her glass of strawberry smoothie, her cheeks as pink as her drink. "I have to say, Jasmina, you and Fawad Bhai have intense chemistry even out in public..." I'm pretty sure my eyes must have been twinkling mischievously. 

"Zoya, Khuda ke vaaste!" Fariha cried out, as Jasmina threw a small packet of sugar at me.

*"For God's sake!"

I giggled, enjoying teasing the two. "I swear, if Mamma heard me talking like this, she would have pulled my ear and called me 'besharam'." Suddenly, my eyes filled up, and I almost missed the feeling of my ear being pulled by her. She never did it hard, because causing me pain would have hurt her more, but it was enough for me to know that I was wrong.

*Besharam: Shameless.

"You know what, whatever cheers you up, Zoya." Fariha noticed my expressions. "If teasing us both helps you feel better, you can go ahead and tease me, considering Zafar isn't a big brother for either of you." 

"Very noble of you." Jasmina told her. 

"It's fine." I said. "Cheering myself up doesn't mean making someone else uncomfortable. That amounts to bullying, in a way. So, instead, let's go toy shopping for the kids. I'd feel better that way as well."

The three of us finished off our drinks, and I pushed Zaid's pram as we headed to the toy shop. 




I looked up from my desk at the clinic and jumped up to my feet, immediately. "Zaf, what the hell, yaar?" 

He stumbled in, his shirt ripped slightly, blood dripping down from a cut on his forehead and from his mouth.

" What the hell happened?!" I rushed over and helped him to take a seat on the chairs on this side of my desk.

"Some rich pr**k really didn't like being given a fine for speeding." He muttered.

"Son of a..." I shook my head. "At least tell me he's in police custody."

"Yeah, my colleagues took him in." He replied. "But I'm sure he's already out. He kept yelling that I didn't know who his father was."

"You should have gone to a proper hospital, yaar." I began to examine and clean up his wounds. "Naam batao us kam**e ke. Main dekh loon ga use."

*"Give me that b*****d's name. I'll deal with him."

"Ahad, I didn't come here so that you can avenge me." He sighed. "Just help me out, bro, and give me the bill." 

"You can take the bill and shove it up your a**." I said. "I don't charge patience for treatment here, just for medication, and that I have to, in order to run a clinic." 

He sat there silently as I worked on him. 

"What's wrong?" I asked once I was done. Walking over to the sink nearby, I washed my hands and sanitised them.

"These rich kids tend to get revenge." He said. "I have a young family, yaar. I'm worried." 

"You're a policeman, you know exactly what steps to take to look after your family." 

"I know, but for example, the boys are at school right now, and Fariha and Zaid are out with the ladies...anything can happen at anytime, God forbid." 

"That's why I'm asking you to give me names, and this rich kid will sort out that rich kid." I said, confidently.

"No, that's fine." He shook his head. "If things become too bad, I can always send my family to Fariha's parents house. At least they'll be safe there." 

"You might be overthinking, bro. He clearly hurt you, and maybe that was enough?" 

"I don't know, Ahad. All I know is that if anything happens to Fariha or my boys because of me, I won't be able to forgive myself."

"Yaar, don't worry. Allah will protect them." I reassured him. 

He got up but winced, closing his head, pressing his hands over his forehead. He stumbled backwards and I rushed to steady him. 


He lost consciousness and fell to the floor, even as I struggled to steady him. 




"Am I speaking to Omar and Saad Umair's mother?" 

"Yes, this is Fariha Zafar, their mother." I frowned, holding a hand over my other ear to be able to hear clearly.

"Mrs Zafar, the boys haven't been picked up from school yet, and all the other kids have already gone home."

Zoya and Bhabi were laughing and talking as they scanned through the racks in a designer store. Zoya was still pushing Zaid's pram, and was occasionally talking to him like he would actually understand.

My heart almost exploded with fear as I heard her words. "They h-haven't been picked up yet? Okay, I'm coming. It will take me another forty minutes to get there, but I will come." 

"Please. The staff has to go home as well." The lady on the other end spoke in a harsh and disapproving tone.

"I'm sorry. I'm coming." After the call ended, I dialled Zafar's number, but he wasn't answering.

Zafar, how could you?!

I walked over to the ladies. "I have to go. My sons haven't been picked up from school, and I need to go and get them." 

"I'll drive you." Zoya offered.

"No, that's fine. It's going to be out of your way now, since you and Bhabi leave nearby anyway. I'll go. Allah Hafiz." I took Zaid's pram and rushed off before either of them could argue.

The truth was that I was furious, and too upset to face anyone right now. I just wanted to get to my kids, because even though I knew that they were safe at school, the mother in me couldn't stop worrying.


And I was right to worry.

By the time I arrived at school, almost an hour after the phone call, the guard informed me that there were no more kids in the school property.

"I got a call about my sons! I'm here for them!" I called out desperately, holding Zaid tightly, his folded pram resting at my feet where the taxi driver had left it.

"Omar and Saad Umair?" The guard asked.


"Their father, Umair Sahab, took them." 

My heart almost stopped. "W-What?" 

"When you didn't show up, the school called his father, and he came and took them." 

"How can you hand over my kids to just anyone?!" I almost yelled. "I've specifically told the school that Umair is not allowed to pick my sons up! How can you be so negligent?" 

"Says the woman who forgot to pick her kids up." The guard shook his head and walked into the school, slamming the gate on my face.

I was about to have a panic attack. My babies, my boys, my life. 

I looked around helplessly, my brain not working properly, as I was unable to decide what I should do. 

I knew that it was a bad idea to go to Umair's house alone, but when I tried to call Zafar again, and he didn't answer, I had no choice. I had to go and get my sons.

I flagged down a rickshaw, and put the pram inside it, before climbing in inside, holding Zaid protectively. I gave the rickshaw driver Umair's home address, and he started riding the rickshaw out into the street. Umair didn't live too far from here, luckily, so I didn't have to wait long to get to my sons.

However, luck really wasn't on my side, because when I reached there, I was informed by the new residents of the house, that Umair didn't live there anymore. That family had shifted last month, and Umair hadn't bothered telling me.

"Ya Allah!" Tears streaming down my face, I glanced up at the sky. I somehow managed to pull my phone out and dialled the number of the man whose voice I never wanted to hear again.

"Fariha?" Umair sounded amused as he answered the phone.

"Give me your new address now." I snapped. "I want my sons back." 

"Why would I leave my children with such a negligent mother?" He laughed. "You forgot about Omar and Saad, while living your new life. My sons are not safe with you."

"Shut up!" I screamed, earning a few looks from people walking by. "Don't you dare teach me about good parenting, you absolutely worthless trash! Give me your address, or so help me God, you'll face the wrath of a mother, Umair." 

"I can't hear you, Fariha! Hello? Hello?" With that, the call dropped.

Zafar wasn't answering, Umair wasn't giving me the new address. 

My body felt cold and my arms were trembling so much that I was worried that I was going to drop Zaid. I unfolded his pram with great difficulty and strapped him inside it. 

My brain too exhausted and worried to think practically, I stood there, crying silently. 

What do I do?



"Will he be okay?" I asked Ali Uncle.

I had taken Zafar to the hospital where most doctors of our families had worked at one point or another, and had spoken directly to Ali Uncle, as he was a neurologist. I wanted to rule out any serious head injuries.

"The scans are clear. It's a concussion." Ali Uncle replied. 

Zafar came back into consciousness, groaning lightly. His eyes widened slightly as he saw his father-in-law. 

"Welcome back to Earth, man." I smiled at my best friend, relieved.

"W-What time is it?" Zafar groaned.

I glanced at my phone. "Almost five." 

He sat up so quickly that both Ali Uncle and I rushed forward to steady him. "What?! No, no, no... I was meant to pick up the boys from school."

"Fariha Bhabi would have picked them up, don't worry." I said. "We'll explain everything to her, don't worry." 

"Call her, Ahad. She must be worried." Zafar told me. "Or let me talk to her." 

"I'll call her." I nodded. "You just relax, okay?" I walked out of the room, leaving the Sasur and Damad to talk. 

*Sasur: Father-in-law.
Damad: Son-in-law.

I dialled Fariha Bhabi's number.

"Ahad!" She sounded like she was frantic and crying.

"Bhabi, what's wrong?" I frowned. "If you're worried about Zafar, he's fine, and..."

"I couldn't reach the boys on time! Umair took them!" She cried out. "And now he won't give me his new address and...Ahad, where's Zafar? Why didn't he pick them up from school?"

I didn't want to tell her that he was hurt and in a hospital, because she seemed already stressed enough. "Umair took them?! Listen, Bhabi, we'll explain later, but Zafar had a genuine reason not to have picked the two up. He's fine, but he had a good reason, trust me."

"My sons..." She was crying hard.

"Fariha, just call Fawad Bhai for now. I'll see what I can do." I had no idea what to do, since our resident police officer was in hospital with a concussion. "We'll find Omar and Saad, In Sha Allah." 



I was just halfway through the Maghrib namaaz when my phone started ringing. "Mina, dekh lo zara, please, main do nafl padh loon.

*"Mina, please answer it, I have to pray two nafl." 

"Okay." Mina, who was sitting with Hania on the bed, reached for the phone and answered it. "Assalam Alaikum,  Ahad Bhai."

Because I could hear her conversation during the prayer, I knew it was something worrying about Fariha. Usually I go to the mosque for prayer, but today Arhaan and I had returned late from watching a cricket match with old friends, so I had to pray at home. 

"What is it?" I asked Mina after I had finished the prayer and she had hung up.

"There's no sign of Fariha and the boys. Ahad Bhai said that she should have called you, but she didn't." Mina explained everything to me.

"What?" I frowned, folding up the prayer mat. "That Umair..." 

"Her phone's switched off now. God knows where she is." Mina said, worriedly. 

"Why didn't the crazy girl call me? And did Ahad say why exactly Zafar couldn't go and pick the kids up?" 

"Zafar Bhai was beaten up by some rich kid who hated being fined. He went to Bhai's clinic and collapsed there, so Bhai took him to the hospital."

"Ya Allah!" I put my hands on my hips. 

"Pata nahin kahan pareshan ghoom rahi ho gi, Fariha." Mina bit her lip, anxiously. 

*"God knows where Fariha is wandering around worriedly." 

"Main drive around karta hoon jake, dhoondta hoon use." I grabbed my car key from the bedside table.

*"I'll drive around and look for her."

"Papa." Seeing the car key, Hania held out her arms towards me, knowing that I was going out somewhere.

"No, sweetheart, not right now." I reached down and kissed my daughter's forehead. "I'll take you out later, meri jaan." I then turned to Mina. "I'll be back soon, In Sha Allah." Kissing her on the forehead as well, I headed out, hearing Hania crying.

I had barely gotten to the bottom of the stairs, when the front door opened and Fariha walked in, with all three of her boys. I sighed in relief, but then I saw the state of my sister. She looked exhausted and her face was tear-streaked.

"Mamu!" Crying, Omar and Saad ran over to me, and I put each hand over both of their heads.

"Bhai, ise pakad lain. Mere baazoun main jaan nahin rahi." Fariha held out Zaid towards me and I took him.

*"Bhai, hold him. My arms don't have the strength anymore." 

"Where were you, Fari?" I asked, quietly. She looked like she was about to collapse.

Fortunately, Ammi came out into the foyer then. "Fariha!" She looked at my sister, horrified, rushing over to her immediately. "What happened?" 

"Ammi, take her inside before she falls down or something." I instructed my mother. "In the meantime, I will leave Zaid with Mina, and get the boys cleaned up." 

Fariha was hugging Ammi tightly, crying silently.

I took the boys upstairs, and Mina looked startled when she saw them in the state they were in. Setting Zaid down on the bed beside my wife and daughter, I told the older boys to go and wash up, while I get a change of outfit from the bedroom where they usually stayed in for their overnight stays. Ammi and Fariha had stocked up clothes for them here as well, just in case. 


 The boys had showered, Mina had changed Zaid, and now Omar and Saad were sitting in front of the TV eating chicken nuggets and fries that Mina had prepared for them at their request. 

Meanwhile, my wife and I sat in the drawing room with Ammi and Fariha, with my mother holding Zaid. Hania sat between me and Mina, eating chicken nuggets from her own little bowl.

"Is Zafar okay?" Fariha looked pale. "I was feeling so angry at him. I should have known better! He can never be this irresponsible!"

"I have asked Ahad to bring him over. You all will stay the night here." I told her, firmly. "He's not well, and you have been through extreme stress, so it's best if you stay with us." 

"Meri jaan nikal gayi thi yeh soch kar ke agar mere bachon ko kuch ho jata to..." Fariha burst into fresh tears.

*"I was scared to death thinking what if something happened to my kids..."

"Kuch nahin hua, Alhumdulillah. Allah ne hifazat ki hai hamare bachon ki." Ammi reassured her.

*"Nothing happened, Alhumdulillah. Allah protected our kids."

"You know what we need?" Mina suggested. "A night in with friends. Let's call my brothers over as well, as Zafar Bhai will be here as well. And I can invite Zoya Bhabi. They all can stay the night here, because both Zafar Bhai and Fariha can use some relaxation with friends." 

*@MehweenGR also wanted to see a sleepover, but I have written it to make more sense.

"That's a wonderful idea!" Ammi agreed, to my surprised.

"Ammi..." I raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure about this?" 

"Beta, instead of worrying about the incidents all night, and reliving it again and again in your minds, it's best to have fun with close friends and family and just relax. Fariha and Zafar have been through a lot, and they can use all the support to get over it." 

"Yeah, I can use some distraction." Fariha sighed.

"Papa. Car?" Hania looked up at me, suddenly.

"Le jao ise drive pe, beta." Ammi told me. "Itne pyar se keh rahi hai, bechari."

*"Take her on a drive."
"She's asking so lovingly."

I grinned at my daughter. "You don't forget things, do you?" 

She just leaned her head against my side. 

"Just like her mother." I looked at Mina, teasingly, who blushed. Then I turned to Ammi. "I'll call everyone over, and then take Mina and Hania for a quick drive. I think when Zafar gets here with Ahad, he would want to see Saad and Omar around, otherwise I would have taken them as well." 

"You don't need to explain, Bhai. You're allowed to take your family out." Fariha gave me a small smile.



"Hmm?" I quickly glanced at her as I drove. 

"Main mangoon kuch pyar se?" Mina put her hand on mine.

*"Can I lovingly ask for something?" 

Hania was strapped into her car seat at the back and was happily talking to herself in her adorable baby language. She loved travelling in a car.

I glanced at my wife again. "You're using the Mina Technique again." 

"The what?!"

"You widen your eye like that, and look innocent, when you want something from me because you know I'll say yes." I chuckled. "Kya khana hai?"

*"What do you want to eat?" 

"I want to stay at Ammi and Papa's for a night." She whispered. "With Hania." 

I tensed up, my jaw clenching. Images and flashbacks from the past ran through my mind.

"Please, Fawad. I miss Ammi so much. And they'll be so happy if Hania and I go there. Well, they'll be the happiest if you're there too, but..." She slowly ran her hand up from the back of my hand and up my arm. "Please, Fawad. It will make me really happy." 

I took that hand of hers and lifted it up to my mouth to kiss it. "You know my weakness very, very well." 

"Just so you know, if you genuinely say no, I won't go and I won't even complain about it. But it's my right to at least try and convince you." 

"Itne pyar aur izat se poochti ho mujhe, to main mana kaise kar sakta hoon?" I playfully pressed her pinky finger between my teeth, causing her to giggle softly.

*"How can I refuse when you ask me with so much love and respect?"

"I love you a lot, even if you had refused." She said. "But thank you for agreeing." 

"But..." I said. "One word against you or Hania,  you'll call me straight away, and I'll come and pick you up. Promise me. You know that you don't have to tolerate any unfair behaviour, Mina." 

"Okay, how about, if there's a word against Hania, I will definitely call you, otherwise I will act based on what I feel is the right thing to do at that time." She said. "You just have to trust me to handle things maturely and sensibly." 

"Deal." I brushed kisses across her knuckles as I drove, and then she rested her hand on my thigh. 

Ignoring her parents completely, Hania seemed to be singing a song in gibberish, which made me and Mina laugh.



I heard the front door open, and I rushed out into the foyer.

Zafar was just stepping inside, followed by Ahad and Papa.

"Zafar!" I looked at my husband, tearfully.

"Fariha." He looked at me, his face full of guilt and regret. 


To be continued... Chapter is too long.

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