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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad


I'm going to fast-forward the story a little now, but everything will fall into place, don't worry.




"Teri nazar to hai farebi, tera hua main jaan ke be..." Zafar was singing in the bathroom. He skipped the rest of the lyrics and moved on. "Adhi se zayada neendain nakhre churayain, baaki bachi jo teri zulfain udayein..."

*This is a song titled 'Criminal', from the movie Ra.One.
"Your eyes are deceptive, I became yours despite knowing that..."
"Half of my sleep is blown away by your attitude, the rest is flown away with your hair." I apologise, I tried my best to translate.

It was fitting how Zafar was singing a song titled 'Criminal'. But him singing like that was a major sign of how happy he was, Alhumdulillah.

Taimoor Bhai had dropped the case to claim the property, because Baba Jaan and his lawyer had been able to prove that his part of the property had already been handed over to him in the form of the savings. In fact, Taimoor Bhai had received more than his fair share. Afraid that the courts would order him to pay it back, he had stepped back. In fact, Mr Hashim had even warned him that if he ever made attempts to get Dua married without her consent, the full force of the law would be brought down on him. Feeling defeated, Taimoor Bhai had flown back to Canada, but I had a nagging feeling that this drama wasn't over yet. Still, at least Zafar was happy.

"I'm glad you're skipping the lyrics not appropriate for the kids." I called out, with a giggle.

"Yes, but the kids aren't even home, so it doesn't matter." He replied.

The sound of the shower running put inappropriate images in my head. But hang's not inappropriate if I think it in my head, about my husband, right?

Mahnoor and Dua were at university, and my parents in-laws had been invited to a neighbour's house for lunch.

"Yes, but this is a child-friendly home, whether they're here or not." I was pacing around the veranda, carrying Zaid in my arms. I had covered him up with my dupatta, but because there was load shedding going on, it was worse for him to be inside right now. At least there was a light breeze out here.

Zafar, meanwhile, was taking a cold shower- and not because I turned him on or anything- but because the motor wasn't running either, due to the lack of electricity, and he couldn't bear the heat.

My phone started ringing and I headed into my bedroom to answer it. When I picked it up off the table, I saw that it was Zoya. "Assalam Alaikum, Zoya!"

"Walaikum Assalam!" She sounded breathless. "Ammi had been trying to WhatsApp call you, but never mind... Fari, it's time. We have to gather at your parents' house. Now!"

"Wait, what are you...?" I froze. "It's time?!" I shrieked. Zaid moved in my arms, making a little whining noise to tell me that I'd disturbed his slumber. "Sorry, Zaid." I pulled my phone away from my ear to kiss him, before speaking to Zoya again. "We're on our way! Alhumdulillah, Zafar is also off today!"

After the call ended, I rushed out. "Zafar, it's time!"

"What? No, there's still two hours until the boys..."

"No, Zafar! It's time!" I said, excitedly. "Iman's coming! We have to go to my parents' house!"

As the baby of Jasmina and Fawad Ali connected both families, we'd decided to gather together at the my parents' home as soon as we found out that Bhabi was in labour- well, those of us who were not at work. We wanted to celebrate the arrival of Iman together, In Sha Allah.

Afreen Aunty had flown out almost a couple of weeks ago to be there for her, but the rest of us had agreed on meeting at my parents, because it was the safer option. Although, Sadia Bhabi had relatively straightened out in the last month or so, we didn't trust her to keep the environment drama-free.

"You know what?" Zafar came out of the bathroom, with just a towel wrapped around his waist. "I'll drop you and Zaid off, and then I'll come back later with the boys."

"One way takes almost forty-five minutes, Zafar! You can't keep going back and forth..." I felt a little disappointed. "That's okay, we'll pick up the kids and go..."

"You take the car." He said. "I'll bring the boys over by cab."


"Trust me, it's fine." He smiled. "I don't want you to miss a moment. I know how excited you are."

I rushed over to him, and leaned forward to kiss him on the lips. The only thing that stopped me from jumping onto him completely was our baby son in my arm. "Thank you! I love you so much!"

"I love you too." He smiled at me. "May Allah give good health to both Bhabi and Iman. Ameen."

"Ameen." I couldn't stop grinning.



"Why am I so nervous?" I asked Zoya as we drove to the Ali family home.

"This is a nervous moment for even the family involved." She put her hand on my arm, patting it lightly. "But In Sha Allah, in a few hours, Iman will be in this world with her parents, and everyone will forget this anxiety."

Because it was close to Jasmina's due date, Fawad Bhai had already started his leave and had been home. While he was taking his wife to the hospital, Ammi was going to stay back and look after Hania.

In fact, Jasmina had been with Hania, reading her a story, when she'd felt the pain, followed by her water breaking. I really hoped that Hania hadn't witnessed her mother in pain, because I could imagine how traumatising that would be for a child so young.

"I wish I was there with Hania." Zoya looked sad as she said that. "I know Ammi is there, but for some reason, I feel really overprotective of the kid. In London, we grew a special bond."

"You can go in a few days, if you want." I told her. "I obviously can't, as the clinic has just opened up, but you can. I have no problem with that."

"It's okay. I'll go with you." She shrugged.

We reached Jazzy's Sasural then, and got out of the car. Arhaan Bhai's car was already parked there, meaning that he'd come here straight from the hospital. Papa was at work, so he was going to miss this unfortunately, but both Ali Uncle and Fatima Aunty's cars were parked in the car porch, which meant that they were both home.

"One day, Iman's going to be so flattered about this little party we're having to celebrate her birth. In Sha Allah." I chuckled.

"I'm getting the Pakistan and India cricket match feeling, actually." Zoya smiled. "Like, how we gather to watch that match together, or any very major match for Pakistan."

"You mean matches where you support England?" I teased her.

"I mean, I was literally born and bred there."

"Laikin khoon to aapka hara hai na." I was being dramatic again.

*"But your blood is green!" Basically meaning that your origins are Pakistani.

We headed inside, without even bothering to ring the doorbell, because now we got told off by Fatima Aunty if we showed formality. I guess she had fully forgiven me for all the drama that I had caused.

Arhaan Bhai was having tea with Ali Uncle, as chilled out as if he was at our own home. Actually, he was even more chilled out here. Thanks to his close friendship with Fawad Bhai, Arhaan Bhai always behaved like he was at home, and Uncle and Aunty certainly never minded because he reminded them of their son.

"Assalam Alaikum." We greeted them.

Once the formalities were over, Aunty brought three more cups of tea: for me, Zoya and herself, along with snacks. There were biscuits from the bakery, Nimco (savoury mix), and slices of marble cake.

"I wish I could have gone as well." Aunty said down. "I'm so eager to see our other granddaughter as well."

"In Sha Allah, we'll make another trip next month, Fatima." Uncle told her. "I've requested some time off especially for that purpose."

We were just finishing up tea, when Fariha Bhabi arrived with Zaid. "Assalam Alaikum!"

"Walaikum Assalam!" We all greeted back.

Fariha Bhabi immediately rushed up to her mother and gave her a hug, after handing Zaid over to her father. "Ammi, it's about to happen! I'm so excited!"

"I am as well." Aunty smiled. "But I'm going to do wudhu and start the supplications, and pray for a safe delivery for Jasmina, and for both mother and baby to be healthy."

Ammi kept us updated from London, as did Fawad Bhai himself. Apparently, they were still waiting, and he actually sounded nervous like it was his first child.

"Why are you sounding so tensed, Bhai?" Fariha Bhabi must have noticed the same thing, as the call was on speakerphone so that all of us could here.

"Jasmina's okay, right?" Zoya asked, worriedly.

I tensed up. What if there was a problem? What if my sister's life was at risk? 

"It's just a little complicated this time." He replied. "Iman's in a breeh position. The obstetrician and the midwife have both reassured me, so In Sha Allah, everything is fine." 

In breech is when a baby is not facing head downwards, like it's meant to be, instead it's either feet facing downwards or a sideways position. It's not usually a problem, because the medical team are obviously trained to deal with situations like this, for a safe delivery, but we were all feeling anxious now.

"I wish I was there with you." Aunty spoke up, tearfully. "You're alone at the hospital, as Afreen has to take care of Hania."

"It's okay, Ammi." Fawad Bhai replied. "I have faith in Allah. As long as He is with me and my family, we'll be fine. After all, the name of my second daughter literally means 'faith'. It's a reminder of how we must react in a situation like this." 

"Well, we're all praying for Jasmina and Iman." Zoya said. "In Sha Allah, both your girls will come out of this difficult situation safely and healthily."

"In Sha Allah." Fawad Bhai said. "I have to go now. I think it's time. Please don't stop the prayers and duas. We really need them right now."

"Always, beta." Uncle said, reassuringly. "Go and be strong for Jasmina. May Allah be with her and Iman. Ameen." 

I closed my eyes, burying my face in my hands and started praying silently. 

Ya Allah keep Jazzy and Iman healthy and safe. Ameen.



This time I wasn't allowed directly near Jasmina as there was risk of infection, and they didn't want anyone but the medical team near her. Instead I was standing in the little room to the side, usually used by observing medical students, or other senior doctors who were ensuring that all procedures are performed correctly. I had to watch from behind a glass, as the obstetrician and nurses worked on turning Iman to the correct position, by applying gentle pressure on Mina's abdomen. This was apparently known as external cephalic version (ECV), and the midwife had told me that there was a very good chance that it would work.

*All my medical knowledge has been well researched from the official website of my country's national health service, and not because I'm a medical genius. Please excuse any other minor errors, for story purposes.*
- I would have loved to be a doctor, but I can't stand the sight of blood, even though Biology is the most interesting branch of science, in my opinion.

A few minutes later, the midwife looked towards me and gave me a thumbs up and a nod. Even though they couldn't see me from that side, they knew I was there. 

"Alhumdulillah." I had my hands pressed together and was resting them against my mouth, nervously- the way you do cricket fans do in the last over of a thrilling match.

I can't believe I'm comparing the birth of my child to a thrilling cricket match. Arhaan would never let me live this down if he knew.

I wished that I was in there, holding Mina's hand like I had when Hania came into this world. I started reciting supplications, not moving my eyes away from my wife.

And then the midwife left the delivery room, and came into the room that I was in. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, worriedly. "When you gave me the thumbs up, you meant that Iman was in the correct position, right?" 

"Yes, that issue is resolved." She said, grimly, without removing her surgical mask. "However, there's a new complication in the form of the infection that we had feared. We are going to safely deliver the baby, but if the infection doesn't stop spreading, it will risk Jasmina's life." 

My heart almost stopped, the walls of the room seemed to be closing in around me, depriving me of the much-needed oxygen. Risk to Mina's life? My Mina's life?

"In order to carry on with the procedure of stopping the infection from spreading after the childbirth, we would need you to fill out and sign a Liability Waiver form."

I sat down on the bench nearby, not trusting my legs to keep me upright. I was a doctor. I knew very well what a Liability Waiver form was.

"I hate to rush you, Dr Fawad, but you need to do this immediately." She spoke in a soft, but firm voice.

Get your bloody act together and sign the damn form. I stood up again. "Do whatever you can do save Jasmina. I'll sign the stupid form, but please go and save her life." 

"We'll do everything, doctor." She said, before turning to head back inside.

I headed out and dashed down the hall to the admin department. The Liability Waiver forms were submitted here. I quickly filled it out, signed it and submitted it, before returning back to the observation room by the delivery room.

Mina was now in the process of giving natural birth to our daughter, and my vision blurred with tears as I stared at my wife. Don't leave me, Mina. Please. I have waited too long for you to leave me like this...

I stared up towards the ceiling, my heart crying out in a silent prayer, begging Allah to save my wife and daughter. I wanted them both to be safe, but I felt a little selfish because I was praying a little harder for Mina, possibly because the midwife had reassured me that they could ensure a safe birth for the baby.

 I felt frozen in time, like I was a bloody statue watching the world go by in front of me. The delivery room was busy with the medical team, and I just stood there like I'd forgotten how to even breathe. 

And then suddenly, the obstetrician was holding Iman in her arms, my daughter's tiny feet visible from here. An automatic smile appeared on my face, seeing the life that Mina and I had created, after Allah of course. "Alhumdulillah." 

But then I remember the major problem, looming over my head like a frickin' sword: the threat to Mina's life. 

As the nurse the paediatrician took Iman to the other corner of the room, my gaze went back to Mina...and again, my heart almost gave way. 

She was struggling to breathe, and her heart rate on the monitor was alarming. I felt like I'd had to knock myself out with a punch to stop myself from running in there to attempt to save her myself. Not only was there a huge risk for hygiene reasons, but there was the matter of 'conflict of interests' as well. I'd just have to trust the medical team, who were basically my colleagues from a different department.

Well, there was another way I could try and help my wife. I got down on the floor in a sajda right there and then, praying from the bottom of my heart to the Lord of the Worlds, to save my Mina.

I can't live without her, Allah! My daughters need her, I need her. 

I don't know how long I remained there, but my heart began to feel calmer with every second that passed by, until I was fully and completely composed. I stood up, and looked into the room. The team had managed to bring the situation into control, and Mina's heart rate was increasing to a normal level, gradually. 

Ya Allah, this woman is going to cause me a bloody heart attack, I'm sure.



"Iman's here!" I screamed out, after having just received the call from Bhai. 

He had said that Bhabi was still being taken care of by the doctor and nurses, but she was recovering. Apparently, there had been a little scare regarding a spreading infection, but the medical team had brilliantly fought it of, like an army defeating the enemy. I couldn't help but praying for the entire medical team that had performed a safe delivery for our little Iman, and also because they'd saved Bhabi's life.

Bursting into tears, I hugged Ammi first, who was also crying by now. 

We were all congratulating each other, everyone looking super emotional, when Zafar and my two older sons walked in.

"What's going on?" Saad asked. 

Zafar smiled, clearly having guessed what had happened.

I rushed over to my adorable family (Ma Sha Allah), and crouched down in front of Omar and Saad. "Boys, Hania's little sister has arrived. Her name is Iman."

"Ma Sha Allah!" Omar said, immediately. "I have another little sister, Mamma." 

I nodded at him, putting a hand on his cheek. "Yes, you do." 

"Where did she come from?" Saad looked confused.

My cheeks burned and I looked up at Zafar, who also looked a little uncomfortable.

"Allah has sent her." Zoya replied, saving us from this awkward subject.

I didn't want to discuss this matter with my sons, because they were still too young. Maybe when they hit puberty, I'll get Zafar to discuss this with them. 

"Allah has all babies in heaven, until He decides that it's time to send them on Earth." Zoya continued. 

"Did I come from heaven too?" Saad looked awed. 

"Of course, baby." I kissed his cheek. "All babies are pure and innocent, basically angelic." 

For them, this was the safest answer right now. I turned to give Zoya a grateful smile, who nodded. 

"Sorry, I had a brain freeze." Zafar whispered as Omar and Saad greeted their Nano and Nana Jaan, as well as everyone else. 

"So did I, so that's cool." I smirked at him. "But you're going to have to give them The Talk one day, In Sha Allah. I mean, it's natural that a mother briefs a daughter, and a father briefs a son." 

"Congratulations to you, by the way, second time Phupho. Ma Sha Allah." Zafar looked at me, with a fond smile on his face.

"Congratulations to you too." 

"I'm going to go and get some mithai." Ahad announced.

"I'll come with you." Zafar offered. "Arhaan Bhai?" 

"Sure." The eldest Sheikh sibling nodded, and the three headed out. 

Meanwhile, Papa was on the phone with Bhai now, congratulating him and blessing him and his family with duas. 

"You have no idea how relieved I am that Afreen is there." Ammi sat down on the sofa, looking at me. "I remember how worried I was when you initially decided not to come after Saad's birth. And I also remember the relief when you came." 

Ugh, I don't want to remember that. Thinking about Umair left an unpleasant taste in my mouth, but unfortunately, every time I thought about my pregnancies with Omar and Saad, and then their birth, the ugly truth came right in front of me: Umair was their father. And he was moaning, asking me why I needed to go to Ammi's house for the birth of my second child, as I would be now familiar with what happens in the early days after birth. 

Rachel Green from Friends once quoted, "No uterus, no opinion.", regarding a subject where a man was trying to show expertise regarding something pregnancy related. There were countless times when Umair had caused me to think that quote in my head, even though I'd never really said it out loud.

God, I even needed Ammi during Zaid's time. How difficult is for someone to understand?

To give Zafar his full credit, he had never behaved that way. He not only told me that I could stay at Ammi's as long as I wanted, but he also fully fulfilled his duties as a father during that time- not just to Zaid, but to Omar and Saad as well.

It was funny how hearing about the birth of a baby made you think about your own experiences immediately.



I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful sight in the world.

*Photo found on Pinterest.

My husband was lovingly cradling our baby daughter in his hands, with the sunlight from the windows behind them creating a warm glow around them.

"I-Iman!" I burst into tears, seeing my baby for the first time in the real world. 

Fawad looked up and gave me a small smile, before turning back to our younger daughter. "Mama's up. Shall we go and meet her?" 

"W-What's going on? Why didn't I get to hold her?" I was confused. "I remembered pushing, and that's it..."

"I'll explain everything." He walked over and gently settled Iman into my arms. For some reason, he kept staring intensely at me, not looking away for even a second.

I glanced down at little Miss Iman Fawad, with tears running down my cheeks. "Assalam Alaikum, baby girl. I'm your Mama, the one you repeatedly kicked mercilessly."

Fawad leaned forward and kissed the top of my head, his lips remaining there for a few, long seconds.

"Adhan?" I looked up at him.

"Done." He sat down on the bed, facing me. "She was actually born yesterday, Mina."

"Yesterday?" I asked too loudly and Iman jumped a little, startled, making a little adorable whining noise. I looked at her again. "Sorry, baby." I kissed her forehead, breathing in her baby scent. "I've been unconscious a whole day?" And then my eyes widened. "What about Hania? Fawad, she must be crying!" 

"Last time I checked, she had been on a video call with Ahad and Zoya. Your Ammi is doing everything to keep her distracted." 

"Okay, but let's go home! I've never been away from Hani this long!" 

"Jaan, the doctor needs to see you first." He remained patient. "You'll be discharged later in the day, but I was thinking of bringing your Ammi and Hania here once you were up anyway. Hania is allowed inside this room for twenty minutes max." 

I nodded. "Please bring them." I then glanced down at Iman, smiling at her. She had some hair, and they were basically the same colour as Fawad's, it seemed. In fact, she already resembled her father, from what I can tell. I couldn't get enough of her. I was suddenly so overprotective of her that I didn't want to put her down for even a second.

"Do you need anything, Mina? Can I get you anything? Are you in pain anywhere, I mean apart from the expected pain?" My husband looked at me in concern.

"I actually feel better than I felt after Hania's birth." I was surprised by this myself. "I actually feel like I have gotten a second life or something, I feel almost refreshed. I know it doesn't make sense, but..."

"It makes perfect sense." He put his hand on my cheek, again staring at me intensely.

"Am I missing something?" I asked him. "You're looking at me like you can't believe that I'm here." 

He opened his mouth to reply, but then his gaze dropped down to Iman. "Looks like someone's finally decided to wake up and look at her Mama." 

I followed his gaze and saw Iman staring up at me. "Aap se milke bohat khushi hui, Mama ki jaan."

*"It's very nice to meet you, Mama's life."

"If you're comfortable, can we do a quick video call back home?" He asked. "Everyone's eager to see you and Iman." 

"How messed up do I look?" I asked, wearily.

"You look as beautiful as you looked on our wedding day, if not more." He moved over to sit beside me. Wrapping one arm around my shoulders, he dialled Fariha's number. Meanwhile, Iman's tiny feet kicked against her father's chest under her white blanket.

"First you kick me, now your Papa. No respect for parents." I kissed the top of my baby girl's head, feeling so much love for her that I felt like my heart would explode. 

"Assalam Alaikum." Fawad grinned at the phone, and I could see everyone gathered around excitedly.

"Walaikum Assalam!" A chorus of replies came through.

"Guys, please meet Miss Iman Fawad." Fawad directed the camera at us.

I greeted them, and received replies before everyone started gushing over Iman.

"Ma Sha Allah! Fariha, she looks like you, if I'm not mistaken!" Fatima Ammi had a wide smile on her face as she stared at her granddaughter.

"Of course!" Fariha looked proud. "Phupho hoon main uski. Khoon ka rishta hai, woh bhi itna kareebi."

*"I'm her Phupho. We have a blood relationship, a very close one."

"Bhai, we're eating mithai here!" Ahad called out. "Buy some there, on our behalf."

It was heart-warming and very sweet how everyone had gathered together to celebrate the birth of our daughter. It made sense, because our daughters strongly connected both families, even more than mine and Fawad's marriage, but this was a flattering gesture nevertheless.

We soon ended the call because of the hospital policy regarding phones. 

"Fawad, we haven't had our, 'We Just Had A Baby' kiss." I pouted up at him. "That should be our first way of congratulating each other."

"Good point." He kissed my forehead. "Congratulations on the birth of our beautiful baby girl, Mrs Jasmina Fawad." 

"Congratulations to you too, Dr Fawad Ali." I leaned up and kissed him deeply, with our little Iman nestled safely in my arms. 

After a good few moments of kissing, I pulled back. "Hang on. I want to take a special photo." I placed my thumb in between Iman's little hand, cradling the back of her hand. "Put your hand behind me..." He did as I asked, and once I was satisfied, I took his phone and took a photo, smiling at the result.

"Baby Iman's first photo with Mama and Papa." I whispered. "I want to print out this photo and send a copy to everyone: Ammi and Papa, your parents, Fariha, Arhaan Bhai and Ahad Bhai." 

"I'm going to go and get Ammi and Hani." Fawad kissed the side of my head and stood up. "Do you want me to place Iman back into her cot?"

I shook my head. "No, I want to spend some time with her- outside my body, I mean." 

"Okay, I'll be right back." There was that intense gaze again.

"Fawad, kya ho gaya hai aap ko?" I laughed lightly.

*"Fawad, what has gotten into you?"

A smile appeared on his face. "Dobara se pyar."

*"I have fallen in love again."

"I know, same." I glanced at Iman. "First with you, then with Hani and now with Iman." 

"Of course I meant Iman as well, but I was actually talking about you." 

My cheeks warmed up. "If a man can say that to his wife when she looks like she is suffering from an extreme bad hair day, with no make-up on, and with a post-pregnancy body, then that love is definitely genuine." 

"If a man doesn't appreciate his wife in that situation, then he never loved her in the first place. Love is not conditioned to physical beauty at all." This time he kissed my forehead, before pecking my lips. "I'll be right back. Allah Hafiz." Then giving Iman a soft kiss, he left. 

"Appi aa rahi hain." A genuine grin appeared on my face at the thought of my beautiful daughters meeting each other. At the same time, my eyes filled up. "Mama ki dono princesses aikhati hon gi jaldi, In Sha Allah."

*"Appi is coming."
"Both of Mama's princesses will be together soon, In Sha Allah."

And the thought of my own Ammi being here made me want to cry harder. I needed her so much right now that I couldn't even express it in words.


The door opened and Fawad walked in, carrying Hania. 

"Assalam Alaikum!" I smiled at my firstborn. 

Earlier, a nurse had come and placed Iman in the cot as my arms were getting tired and I was afraid of dropping her. 

"Mama!" Hania cried out, excitedly. 

Her father sat her down on the bed beside me and I wrapped an arm around my little Hani, kissing the top of her head. "Mama missed you so much, Mama ki jaan." 

"Ammi, come in, please." Fawad called out over his shoulder as he leaned down to pick Iman up.

Ammi came in looking a little awkward. "I thought you all could have some private family moments."

"Ammi, stop!" I told her. "You're her Nano and you've waited long enough to see Iman." 

Fawad handed our baby daughter over to Ammi, as Hania watched everything in confused.

"Ma Sha Allah!" Ammi was in tears, naturally. "Fawad, bilkul tum pe gayi hai lagta hai, beta."

*"Fawad, it seems like she takes after you."

Ammi recited Ayat-ul-Kursi and blew it over Iman, before handing her back to Fawad, who brought her over to the bed and placed her in my arms.

"Hania, meet your little sister, Iman." I told my older daughter, smiling.

Hania looked at Iman and burst into tears. 

Looks like the sibling rivalry had already started.


Each couple will now face a new chapter in their lives. For Fawad and Mina, it's the new addition in their family.

More dramas and surprises going to start for the other couples as well.

Welcome to the world, Iman!

Thoughts and comments?

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote!

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