Making Amends

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad


© Copyright of the above photograph also belongs to me. I love plane photography, and this image was just worth capturing.




"What?" Ahad and I almost yelled together.

"No need to get hyper." Papa told us both. "It's just a thought that occurred to me and your Ammi, and we wanted to discuss it with you."

Our parents, Ahad, me, Sadia and Zoya were all gathered in the living room, and Ammi and Papa had just mentioned how they felt it was a good decision to move out to another place.

"Absolutely not." I shook my head. "No freaking way!"

"This is your home." Ahad, as usual, lost his temper. "Why should you have to leave?" He glared at Sadia as he said the last part.

"Don't blame me for this, Ahad." Sadia said, stiffly.

I snapped. "Then who the hell should he blame?" I roared, turning to face her.

There was a deathly silence in the room, as Sadia looked at me wide-eyed.

"Whose fault is it, Sadia, tell me?" I continued, practically shaking with rage. "Ahad's? Mine? Or Ammi's? Can you take an oath to the fact that you're completely innocent in this, Sadia?"

"Arhaan, look beta, we're just doing this for everyone's sake." Ammi tried to maintain the peace as usual. "Everybody would be happier this way."

"What everybody?!" I turned to face her. "You two won't be, I won't be, Ahad won't be, and I know Zoya enough now to know that even she won't be."

"Arhaan, behave calmly." Papa spoke up. "We don't want any arguments, we're all well-educated people here and we can deal with the situation as such. If Afreen and I decide to leave this house, it will be our decision, and we won't change our minds about it."

I continued glaring at Sadia. "I admit that Islamically, you have no duty to look after my parents. But you know that hurting someone's feelings is considered a major sin. And you have hurt countless feelings, including Ammi, Jazzy and you even scared Hania. If you are not to be held accountable for not looking after my parents, you will be held accountable for all the drama and pain that you've caused. And while you do all this, you forget that we have two sons, and one day everything we do might come back to us in the forms of our sons and daughters-in-law."

Sadia glanced away, as realisation dawned on her.

"You've hurt a lot of people, Sadia, but it's never too late for repentance." I added. "And if you still don't want to come on the right path, then I've already started speaking to a mosque Imam about this, and I will no longer hesitate to take that one ultimate step."

Sadia paled as Ammi gasped out, "Arhaan, beta, no!"

"Forget my family, Sadia, you show no respect for me, no matter how hard I try. You cause nothing but drama and fights in the family, so tell me one thing clearly, in front of all these witnesses: do you want our marriage to end?"

"No, of course not!" Sadia burst into tears. "We have two young sons, Arhaan!"

"Then thing of them the next time you want to create issues." I didn't want to do this in front of everyone, but not a day went by these days when I didn't feel my blood pressure rising, and a pounding headache. I was sick and tired of all of this and I had no idea what to do with myself. "I'm giving you an ultimatum, Sadia. I'm doing this in front of everyone because I'm not messing around now. If you want to move out, ask me because it's your right. But do not unnecessarily create anymore dramas in the lives of my parents and siblings. This is your last chance, and after you lose this chance, there won't be any more chances."

Sadia looked shaken, but she nodded and left the room quietly.

"Arhaan..." Ammi began.

"No, Ammi. I've had enough." I shook my head, closing my eyes because my head ache horribly. "I'll get brain haemorrhage from all this stress." I looked at my parents. "If necessary, I'll leave with my family, but in my lifetime, you two are not leaving the house that you both built with your hard work."

They both exchanged a look, looking anxious.

"Don't worry." I told them, calmly. "This was way overdue." I turned and headed out of the room.



Jasmina had never cried directly because of me. In fact, she always came to me when Ahad had troubled her, or even when she was sad.

The first time she'd indirectly cried because of me was when she was three and she'd seen me getting to Papa's car to go to school, when the school year had begun. After a great summer abroad in Europe, we'd spent a lot of family time, and little Jazzy had gotten attached to me.

"Bhai!" Tears running down her cheeks, Jasmina ran out towards me, holding out her arms, followed by a weary Ammi.

"Jasmina, beta, gir jaao gi, jaan." Our mother was saying.

*"Jasmina, dear, you'll fall."

But my adorable sister wrapped her arms around my legs, refusing to let go. "Bhai! Main bhi!"

*"Me too!"

By that, she meant that she wanted to go as well. I crouched down so that I was at her level. "I have to go to school, Jazzy. We'll play together when I get back, okay?"

Ammi had slowly pulled her back, causing her to cry harder.

Even though I wasn't at fault, I'd felt guilty for the rest of the day, remembering my sister's tear-streaked face as she watched me leave.

I hated the idea of any of my family crying because of me, especially Jasmina, my baby sister. Being the only sister and the youngest, she was beloved to all.

The only other time I remembered her crying because of me was when I'd left for London for higher education. She and I had always been pretty close, so she was really upset that I was leaving.

"Who will defend me against Ahad Bhai?" She had sniffed as she'd walked me to Ali Uncle's car, as he was the one driving me and Fawad to the airport.

"Ahad knows not to mess with you." I smiled at her. "He says a word against you, let me know. And you at least have Papa here as well. Ammi takes your side as well, most of the time."

"But they won't beat him up for me." She said, sadly. "You know Bhai, you're the best brother in the whole wide world. You always take care of me, unlike stupid, mean Ahad Bhai."

"No matter what, he's older than you, Jazzy. Don't talk about him like that." I patted her head. "But yes, I'll always take care of you, I promise."



I still remember that day very well, and the promise that I'd made to her.

I'd told her that I'd take care of her, and yet I'd let her and Hania be abused and mistreated by my own wife, and I'd been a pretty damn useless brother in that matter.

I paced around our garden and I looked up at the terrace with a sad smile. There was a narrow ledge that led from the terrace towards the window of Ahad's room. We'd often climbed onto it, me and Fawad, to scare the hell out of Ahad, and it had always worked successfully. Fawad had almost fell off it once, but after the initial scare, our main concern was our Ammis finding out.

Everything had shattered, lying in a million pieces around me. My close relationship with my sister, my brotherly friendship with Fawad...everything.

And Sadia was not completely at fault. I was at fault too. I should have taken strict action when Sadia had first mistreated my sister.

I'd let everyone down: my family, my best friend, everyone. I'd even let little Hania down.

As I continued pacing the garden, feeling overwhelmed with intense sadness, my phone started ringing in the pocket of my kameez. I pulled it out and was surprised when I saw the caller ID: Fawad.

How did the idiot know that I'd just been thinking about our friendship?

Smiling, I answered the phone. "Assalam Alaikum, Bhai."

"Walaikum Assalam." He replied.

For the next few minutes, we asked about each other's families, exchanging formalities.

"Yaar, listen." He cleared his throat. "Ahad, Zoya and your parents are visiting our home next month, In Sha Allah. Tu vi aaja, yaar."

*"You come as well, bro."

"You want me to come?" I repeated, surprised.

"You can bring Sadia Bhabi and the boys." He said. "Laikin aana zaroor, suna hai?"

*"But, you have to come, you hear me?"

My heart warmed. "Fawad, I appreciate the invite, but I won't be able to tolerate it if any drama is caused in your home. That would be the final straw."

"We'll cross that bridge if we get to it." He said, almost dismissively. "But I'm insisting, you have to come. Mina and I will love it, and I'm sure Hani would love to play with your beard some more."

I laughed heartily. "Of course. My beard is Hania's favourite toy."

"Come. Any issues, we'll deal with it." He reassured me.

I sighed. "In Sha Allah, we'll come. But don't curse me later."

He laughed this time. "No matter how bad things get between us, I can never do that, Bhai." 

I felt reassured, knowing that there was still a chance of bringing our friendship at least fifty percent back to normal. "And make sure I get plenty of parathas when I get there."

"I promise, Bhai." Again, Fawad laughed. "Just get your a** here soon." 

"Baap ban gaya hai, language nahin sudhri." I shook my head, even though he couldn't see me.

*"You've become a father, but your language hasn't improved."

"Teri zabaan se to shehad tapak ta hai, haina?" He asked sarcastically.

*"And honey drips from your tongue." Meaning, you always talk sweetly.

It felt good, and I sighed in relief. I wish we can fix this completely.



"Fawad Bhai called." I told my parents over breakfast the next morning. "He invited us to his place in London." 

I knew very well that Fari really wanted to go, but all she'd said was that she was not going to complain if we decided not to go. No moodiness, no sulking, she'd remained in a good mood, even as I knew that secretly she yearned to go with everyone else to her brother's house.

"I'd initially refused him, at least on my own behalf." I said, as I ate a bite of paratha with omelette. "I said that if Fari wants, I won't stop her." I smiled at my wife. "After all, she's compromised so much for my sake that I'm happy to give her the world if she wants." 

"I told Bhai no as well." Fari added, pouring tea for my parents first, and then me. "I said, we'll see after Iman is born, In Sha Allah." 

"Why?" Ammi Jaan frowned. "Why not go now if he's asking?" 

Fari and I looked at her, surprised.

"Baday bhai hain aapke, beta. Agar itne pyar se bula rahe hain, to jao. Kya masla hai?" Ammi Jaan looked at me. "Aap dono jao, beta. Aur bachon ko bhi le jao."

*"He's your elder brother, dear. If he's asking so lovingly, go. What's the problem?"
"You both go, dear. And take the kids with you."

"Ammi Jaan, they have school, and the plane tickets..." I sighed, running.

"The boys are off one week, and a couple of extra days, they can take off." Ammi Jaan said. "Fariha, speak to the teachers and see if you can get their classwork and homework before you go, so that they don't get left behind." 

I exchanged a look with Fariha, before I looked at Ammi Jaan. "Ammi Jaan, I'm grateful to you for being so understanding, but Fari and I will discuss this first and we'll see." 

"Of course." My mother nodded. "I'm just saying that I won't create issues like a stereotypical Saas." 

We all laughed at that, and Fari smiled gratefully at my mother. 


"Zafar, at the end of the day, if you decide that we shouldn't go, we won't. And I won't be moody or rude about it." Fariha said as we came into our room to talk. "But we both can at least afford plane tickets to London." 

"I agree, but we can't go there empty handed." I looked at her. "We need to take things, gifts for Hania. And yes, they're being very generous by accommodating us in their home, but we can't let them bear the entire financial burden, right? We'll have to contribute. We have to think of all that. I'm happy for you and the kids to go, but..."

"I understand." She nodded, dropping her gaze and turning her back to me.

I sighed. "Fari, I'm not him. If you have a problem with my decision, you can talk to me without worrying about my reaction." 

She turned to face me again. "I have no problem." Her expressions said otherwise. The way she was averted her gaze from me and the way her brows were furrowed slightly, with a small frown on her face. She was very unhappy, but she was refusing to complain to me about it. It was as if she felt that one bad marriage meant that she should accept everything and anything from me without complaining. 

That was wrong. She had every right to express her complaints or concerns to me. If she didn't do so, she would bottle it all up, and as a doctor she should know that it wasn't healthy. "Fariha..."

"I want to go! I'm sure we can afford one stupid trip!" She burst out and then looked like she felt guilty.

A small smile appeared on my face as I realised how damn adorable she looked when she was sulking. 

"I have savings, and I can afford to spend some of it to spend there, as well as for plane tickets, but Zafar we have to go, please!" She grabbed my hands.

I mentally calculated my budget for a few seconds, asking whether we could manage one trip to London. I'd earned a huge bonus recently for my work during the riots where Fawad Bhai had almost gotten arrested, and I had been informed of an upcoming raise as well. Plus, as much as I initially hesitated, Bhai and Bhabi insisted that we stayed at their home, so accommodation was not an issue either.

I nodded. "The boys would be excited as well!"

"Yes!" She threw her arms around me, excitedly.

"Obviously, we would have to cut back on small things here and there, but otherwise, yes, fine. Let's go." 

Her eyes were sparkling as she looked up at me. "Are you sure, Zafar? Because I promise, I won't throw a tantrum if we don't go."

"And that's exactly why I think we should go." I whispered. "You've been nothing but amazing since the day you signed our Nikah Nama. And the boys have been through so much crap, that I'm sure that they'd love some crap." 

"You are husband goals, Zafar." She kissed my cheek. "You are truly amazing. I love you."

"I love you too, Fari." I pressed my mouth against hers, tightening my arms around her waist. 



"Haan ji, kya iraday hain, janaab?" I asked my husband.

*"Yes, what are the plans, mister?"

I stepped out of our bedroom when I'd seen him walking down the hall towards the guest bedrooms.

Fawad turned to face me, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" 

"I love the fact that everyone will stay here, but...umm..." I gestured around. "How?"

"Dil bada hona chahiye, jaga khud ba khudh ban jaati hai." He just shrugged.

*"One should have a big heart, and there will automatically be space." Ugh, rubbish translation.

We have a five bedroom home, Ma Sha Allah, and as much as I would love to see everyone here, we needed to come up with a plan first. We initially thought that we didn't really need this big house, but Fawad and I both eventually agreed that we both needed the extended space for when our family visited. They should have a proper place to stay. Looks like even that space won't be enough this time.

He walked over to me, frowning thoughtfully. "Five bedrooms, including Hania's nursery..." He wrapped an arm around me and I snuggled up against him, looking up at him to come up with a  genius solution to this issue. "One guest room for your parents and one for mine, one for Arhaan and Bhabi, and one for Fari and Zafar, and one for Ahad and Zoya." 

"First question: what about us?" I grinned. "And secondly, who would get our room? And third question, Zaid, Ismael and Ibrahim can manage with the parents, but what about Saad and Omar?" 

"F**k." The word seemed to unintentionally slip out of his mouth, before he looked at me. "Sorry." He shrugged. "I didn't think this far." 

I giggled. "We need to make alternative arrangements, but it might involve splitting up couples." 

"Astaghfirullah! Couples ko split up karein gi aap, Mina madam?" He teased me.

*"You will split up couples, Mina madam?"

"Okay, so our parents get a room each, that's guaranteed." I sighed, rubbing a hand over my stomach. "Plus Arhaan Bhai and Sadia Bhabi, because I really don't want any reason for her to..." I looked at him. "The fourth room should be for Zafar Bhai and Fariha. Call me old-fashioned, but technically, ghar ke Damad hain woh." 

*"He's the son-in-law of the family." 

"You and Zoya Bhabi can stay in our room, with Hani, and I can be downstairs with Ahad, Omar and Saad. We'll make a great arrangement and fix something up so that everyone's comfortable." 

"Or..." I suggested. "Ahad Bhai and Zoya Bhabi can have the last room, and Hani and I will sleep in the study downstairs. We can move the sofa bed from the living room in there, and you and the boys can go in the living room. I'd actually rather not split couples."

"Acha? Aur main aur aap?" He gave me a small smile.

*"Is that right? What about me and you?" 

"Hum host hain. Itna to hum kar sakte hain na sab ke comfort ke liye." I said. "And we will still be on the same floor. We could sneakily meet out in the foyer when the kids are asleep." I winked at him like we were two rebellious teenagers. 

*"We're the hosts. It's the least we can do for everyone's comfort." 

And then Iman made such a sudden movement that I gasped. "I guess she's reminding me that we won't really be meeting alone, because she would be keeping watch over us." 

"She better not do sneaky, rebellious things later on in life then, In Sha Allah." He lovingly gazed at my belly, putting his hands over it.

I smiled, before grabbing the lapels of his shirt. "I really hope we can pull all of this off without any issues, Fawad. I literally feel nauseated at drama now." 

"My home, my rules." Although he said that in a light tone, I got the message behind his words. He would not tolerate any drama under his roof. "I mean, our home, our rules." He kissed my forehead. 

"Mama..." A small voice came from inside Hania's nursery and I peeked in and saw her staring back at me from between the bars of her cot, blinking sleepily as she still lay on her side. Her blankie was almost pushed off her, but she still held onto a corner. For some reason, she found great comfort in holding it. 

"Uth gayi hain, Mama ki jaan?" I walked inside, followed by Fawad. 

*"You're awake, Mama's life?"

"Hani Papa!" Suddenly, my daughter completely ignored me as she noticed her father.

Fawad lifted her up and kissed both her cheeks. "You know, Hani, you need to host your relatives from both sides. There's a lot of work that must be done. Would you help Papa?" 

She shook her head. She most likely replied without really understanding, but it definitely cracked me up. I started laughing hard. "She's growing up to me Team Mama, rather than Team Papa." 

But suddenly, my kid betrayed me. She pointed at me and said, "Mama." 

"She means that you'll do all the work." Fawad grinned at me. "Hani and I will just sit back and watch." 

"Ek din aayi gi kadar meri." I muttered, before I realised that I was saying exactly what Ammi used to say. 

*"One day you'll realise my value."

I guess that day had come for me now.



Before we knew it, it was time to go to London, my hometown. 

We all flew together, but Ahad chose to go in Economy Class with Zafar Bhai's family, and I didn't really care because either way, I just loved flying. I hated all the pampering that's done in Business Class, anyway. The rest of the family flew in Business Class, Arhaan Bhai only doing so for the comfort of Sadia Bhabi. It was just easier to manage the boys there, with more space. He was still being considerate towards her.

And because Ahad booked the tickets, he sneakily booked his parents into Business Class, to give them comfort. My Ahad is really one heck of a man, Ma Sha Allah.

As I sat in the window seat, I took plenty of photos, and then settled back to hold Ahad's hand. He actually had an emergency exit seat booked because of his height, but because I was feeling cold there, I moved back to an empty row, and soon he followed.

"I want the window now!" Omar complained softly in a row in front of us.

"No! It's mine!" Saad yelled loudly.

"Saad, shh! Indoor voice!" Fariha told him off from across the aisle, where she sat in the bulkhead seat, with Zaid resting in a bascinet seat in front of her.

"Zafar Bhai, you can move down here with Omar, and I can move up front to sit by Saad." I suggested. 

"Meri lataan reh gayian ne aithe bai bai ke, te tussi uth ke jaande paye ho, Zoya ji?" Ahad whispered in Punjab.

*"My legs are numb sitting here, and you're just getting up and leave, Zoya madam?"

"You and your best friend can sit together and the boys can both have a window seat." I smiled as he stood up to let me through.

"Thank you." Omar smiled up at me as he took my seat. 

I turned to look at Ahad over my shoulder, giving him a cheeky smile.

 For the next half an hour or so, I chatted with Fariha, and it was incredibly fun. We were both excited about this trip, and we were acting like schoolgirls, gossiping and giggling.

Soon, Ahad walked past me and sank down into his original exit seat in front of me.

"You ditched Zafar Bhai?" I asked, frowning.

"He fell asleep and my legs are killing me." He sighed in relief, probably stretching his legs out. 

"Zoya, you can sit besides Ahad, if you want." Fariha offered. "I'm right here, keeping an eye on my little troublemaker." She nodded towards Saad.

I was about to tell her that I was cold, which was why we moved in the first place, but then I nodded and got up.

"Are we going to play musical chairs the whole flight?" Ahad grinned as I sat beside him.

"You're lucky that you got such a gorgeous companion, sweetie." I winked at him.

He tilted his head back, looking a little worried. 

"All okay?" 

"Zo, if there's an issues of any arrangements for us, we'll go to a hotel, okay?" He looked at me. "Jazzy and Fawad Bhai are too nice to say anything, but Jazzy's pregnant, and she'll overwork herself with all of us over there. She's just like Ammi." 

"Of course." I nodded. "But... who says that she'll overwork herself? We're all going to be there to help out, aren't we?" 

He smiled at me. "You're amazing." 

"Baby, tell me something that I haven't known since birth." I discreetly kissed his cheek. "God, even plane scent suits you, Ahad Sheikh. Or maybe my sense of smell has been affected by love. I've heard of blindness by love, but not the scene of smell getting messed up." 

"All senses get affected in love, sweetheart." His gaze on me was soft. "All logic goes to hell. Basically, biologically we all get f***ed up when we're in love."

"Language! Saad's right behind us!"

"He's still got his headphones on." He grinned cheekily.

I rolled my eyes.

He sighed, now looking relaxed. "I can't wait to spend some quality time with my Hani Jaani. I love being a Mamu, yaar."

Behind him, I saw Fariha lift up Zaid from the bascinet, speaking to him as she smiled. 

One day we'll be travelling with our baby, In Sha Allah. And Ahad will say that he loved being a father.

I glanced up heavenwards. I'm not losing hope, Allah. I have complete faith in you.


No cliffhanger this time! 

I decided not to cause any unnecessary problems by dragging the matter of Zoya not having told Ahad. 

How's the London trip going to be?

Excited to see them all together?

Thoughts and comments?

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote! 

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