cognitive functions

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i. Valory, as an ESFP type (Entertainer), has a natural interest in people, and helping those who need it. In fact, her main sense of purpose is making a positive impact in the world, one way or another— so much so, she often becomes over-involved in helping people, and rarely asks for anything in return. This is one of the reasons occupations such as joining the army and hunting appeal to her so much.

Val is seen as upbeat and enthusiastic, but to some she can also seem naive and irresponsible— as if she isn't taking life seriously. This isn't the case however. She merely wishes to be respected. She believes this is the version of herself people will like the best, the one that will gain her the most aquaintences and experiences. It is genuinely easy for her relationships to quickly develop into friendships. These kinds of personal relationships are the ones she values the most deeply, for they are the relationships in which she finds respect. She doesn't respond well if these kinds of ties aren't treated kindly by other people (eg. her father, who sold his soul which left her feeling betrayed).

(Note: Val is not a highly empathetic character. Instead, she tries to relate the emotions of other people to something she's been through in her past in order to fully understand.)

ii. One thing that defines Val, and separates her from many, is the fact that she is very physically immersed. She tends to surrender herself to the moment without restraint, and regularly fails to consider the long term consequences of her rash actions. She solves her problems by acting on them rather than thinking about them, using physical force to accomplish things. Immersing herself in the moment, however, does help her to adapt quickly in tight situations. She relies on first hand experience to fully understand a situation or idea. This is why she picks up new fighting techniques and skills with relative ease.

However her immersion in the physical world is her downfall when it comes to the use of her spiritual powers. She finds it difficult to disconnect herself from the physical world and see beyond objective reality. Not to mention the fact she struggles to meditate, as she's supposed to, because she wants to be doing something. This is something she has to learn to control.

(Note: her physical immersion also means that Val is excited by sights and sounds. For example Halloween is one of her favourite times of the year because of the lights and scary costumes, and the city's sights and sounds)

iii. Valory tends to make decisions using her personal values ( "what does this mean to me?"). She sees the world around her as black and white— as strictly 'right' and 'wrong', with only a limited number of so-called grey areas. This helps her to make quick and morally principled decisions. At times, however, she can be emotionally compulsive, which can lead to overly rash behaviour.


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