1. Warm Face, Cold Voice.

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Pamela's POV

I woke up early because I didn't want to be late for my first day or any other day. Being punctual was always a part of me. I placed my jotter in the small opening of my backpack and added my writing materials as well.

Right after that, I drew out my outfit for the day, which was a t-shirt and a pair of light washed jeans. Placing them on the bed, I went to my bathroom.

The bathroom was sleeker than the one in Virginia, and it looked so new. I was sure it would take a while before I got used to its newness. And unlike before, I used an electric kettle. This one had a heater, and it didn't take me seconds to figure out how to use it.

I washed my mouth before I brushed my teeth and rinsed it again.

Then I took a nice warm bath before I dried up and went to my room to dress up.

I also tied my hair into a neat bun and wore my glasses before I looked into the mirror and smiled. 

I was so worked up for this.

I grabbed my backpack and phone before I left my room and closed the door, and joined my parents for breakfast. 

I sat opposite to my mum and smiled again.

"You're excited for school today, right?" She asked, and I grinned, nodding. 

"Your baby sis is too." She cooed, rubbing her protruding stomach. 

"I have a checkup today, so I can't tag along. You're going with Daddy, okay?" Shs asked.

"Where is he, mum?"I asked, looking around.

"He's getting ready. He'll be done in a few," she said.

"Now, listen up, don't let people walk over you, okay? Stand up for yourself. Even if you make friends, don't depend on them to be there for you all the time, okay?" She said, and I nodded, allowing my mind to absorb all the exhortation.

"Make sure you let me know if any guy harasses you too, yeah? I'll deal with him personally." 

"Mom!" I whined laughing. 

"Come on, with these looks, I don't think you'll be resistible." She said, and I blushed.

We heard jogs on the staircase, and our dad came to view in his signature suit. Kissing mum affectionately on the lips, he sat next to me and ruffled my hair.

"Don't mess her hair." Mom scolded, and he simply rolled his eyes.

"Your new car will be shipped here, okay?" He informed me.

"Really, dad? Thank you so much!" I gushed and hugged him. My heart was thumping with excitement. 

"Anything for you, my dear." He ruffled my hair.

After breakfast, I made sure I quickly washed the dishes before I grabbed my  backpack and followed my dad outside. The wind was cold, but the sun managed to warm my skin as I opened the passenger's seat and sat

"Don't forget to keep up your stellar performance, hm?" He looked at me, and I nodded while he revved the engine. I buckled my seatbelt.

"Don't worry, dad, I got you." I smiled, and he chuckled, revving the engine.

Immediately, dad pulled up at the school, and my heart beat intensified as I stared at the huge building with students walking briskly to and fro, making discussions, laughing, crying, whining and a whole lot.

We got down, and dad held my hand before he placed his phone to his ear. We went inside, and after several paths we took, we finally came across the principal's office. 

We had to wait for about six students who came here probably for the same issue. When it was our turn, dad already looked exhausted.

After we exchanged greetings, the principal offered us our seats, and a conversation started. I was quiet as they spoke to each other about me.

"I can assure you, Mr. Lucas, your daughter will fit in perfectly in our school. Her records are extremely appealing!" Said the principal. My dad grinned down at me, and I returned his gesture.

"My dear, keep it up, okay? How old are you?" He asked.

"Um..I'm sixteen, sir." I answered softly.

"Was she given any double promotions, if I may ask?" He requested. 

"Yes, I think once or..." My dad chuckled, looking at me.

"Twice." I mouthed at him.

"Oh yes, twice." He said. The principal looked outside his office and tried to call a student, but some either dodged him or ignored his gestures. I sat there curiously, wondering what was next for me.

A tall guy was passing by. I couldn't see him clearly because he had a hood over his face.

"Nathaniel?" The principal called, and the boy stopped his tracks. I turned my gaze away from him and took out my notepad.

"Show Miss Lucas around school during lunch." He ordered. The boy didn't speak, so when I raised my head to check, he had left.

After a little more conversation, my dad and I left the office, and I decided to escort him. A grin spread across my face when he handed me a credit card. 

"Are you sure you can handle everything on your own?" He asked, sliding his arm around my shoulder. 

"Dad, yes." I sighed.

When we reached the sliding door, he gave me a hug for the last time before I spun my heel to head over to the reception.

I was very nervous because most of the students stared at me with different kinds of expressions. Some were disapproval, others were pervy, and some were surprised.

I opened the door that led to the reception and inhaled the sweet scent from the AC. The lady who looked like she was in her early thirties gave me a warm smile, and this further boosted my happiness. 

“Good morning…Miss Tae?”

"Yes, hello, how can I help you, darling?" She asked, looking between the computer and I.

"Um.." I cleared my throat. "I'm.. please, I'm new and..I was asked to come for my timetable." I said, whispering."Oh God" under my breath 

"Ohok..what class will you be in?" She asked, pulling out her drawer. When I told her, she looked at me quizzically, but I was glad she didn't ask further. I wasn't really fond of explaining these things. 

She handed me the sheet and gave me directions, and I thanked her before I left the room. Oh Gosh, where was he guy who was sent to show me around.

The atmosphere changed to a warmer temperature as I headed towards my class. I bumped into someone, specifically a guy, but I regained my balance, and without raising my head to check whoever, I walked away, muttering sorry. 

I took a deep breath before opening the door to enter. Students whispered among themselves, and some stared plainly at me while some others ignored me.

"Oh my dear, come this way.." the teacher said, referring to me. I groaned under my breath because she was asking me to step in front of the whole class.

She also urged me to introduce myself to everyone. I found it difficult but I was glad when I was done.

"Okay, class, before Miss Lucas takes her seat, ask her any questions you have."

A boy with sandy blonde hair raised his hand.

"Yes, Nino?" The teacher spoke.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"Sixteen." I answered slightly, gritting my teeth.

"And you're in this senior class?" A girl asked. Someone muttered, "She's gonna fail," but chose not to find out who. I didn't come here to compete. 

"Miss, please, can I ask my question?" A brunette requested.

"Sure." The teacher smiled.

"Can you sit by me, please?" She begged, and my heart went warm at her kindness.

I nodded, and the teacher motioned me to sit next to her. I got a few stink eyes, but I just ignored them. It wasn't like I could do anything about it.

"Hi," She smiled when I sat next to her. 

"I'm Angela." She introduced.

"Hi, I'm Pamela." I mirrored her smile.

"Don't mind those jerks. They ain't worth anyone's time." She sighed, and I chuckled. 

I was the kind of person who opened up to people when they're kind to me at first, just with a smile, you give me hope in a way. I was really enjoying my first day despite the tiny bumps.

"Ok, class, now back to the lesson.." The teacher sighed, and I could hear groans behind me. 

"So Miss Lucas, before you came in, we were discussing how to find the magnitude of lines. I reckon you treated this subtopic in your lower grades, right?" She asked, and I nodded.

"Good so class, who can tell me how to find the magnitude of line AB?" The teacher asked. My heart was beating fast because I felt like answering the question. It was so easy. But my timidity wouldn't let me raise my arm.

The teacher glanced over the class until her eyes landed on me. 

"Miss Lucas, you look quite eager. Would you like to try?" She asked, ignoring Nino's raised hand.

God no! God, yes! 

I gulped and started feeling sweat droplets on my forehead. I almost looked like I couldn't answer the question.

I got up, fully aware of the entire class' gaze on me.

"The magnitude can be found....found by adding the square root of X and Y." I answered, and I could detect my heart beating very fast.

"Very good!" The teacher praised me, and I sat down panting slightly under my breath.

"Next time, don't be nervous yeah…No one's going to kill you," Angela said, and I nodded, smiling.

The lesson went on smoothly, and I managed to ignore Nino's glares. Like I said, I wasn't here to compete.


"Finally." Angela sighed, packing up, and I chuckled, highlighting some words in my jotter.

"Girl, what are you doing?" She groaned.

"My timetable." I murmured about writing the last subject. 

"Didn't Miss Tae give you one?" she asked.

"She did.. but I want to make this a personal one." I sighed, folding the paper nicely into my bag.

"Fine, then. Hurry, it's lunchtime." She said, and I remembered the show around I was going to be given. I even doubted the guy would show up.

We got up, and I went with Angela to the cafeteria. This one looked really spacious, and some of the tables were even outside. Angela led me to where we ordered our food, and we found a nice place to sit and eat. 

"So how was life in Virginia?" She asked to keep our conversation alive.

"It was good. I guess." I said.

"Was it peaceful? Because I've heard of that less in this town where I grew up. New York is pretty noisy. Especially at night." She groaned.

All of a sudden, she started blushing, and I saw her gaze above my head. I spun my head to check, and I saw five guys heading over to a table.

"Who are they?" I asked her, looking at a specific one who kinda looked a little bit familiar. 

Where have I  seen this boy?

"They're you know how they call it..the cool dude, rich, good looking . Sure, they're all charming, but there's the black sheep. You see the dude in the black hoodie?  Nate…don't venture. He has a terrible demeanour and temper. l." She warned, and I gulped, staring at the tall guy.

Well, no peace for me.

"Nate as in... Nathaniel?" I asked, looking at the said guy who had a chiselled outlook. I stared at their way till they took their seats adjacent to our table.

He was dreamy and had a warm look somewhat, but I wondered how he could be bad. I mean, look at his smile, so heart throbbing.

"Why? Do you know him?" She asked, biting into her burger.

"The...the principal asked him to show me around." I explained.

"Oh, that can be fixed. I'll show you." She offered, and I sighed.

Come on, he couldn't be that bad, could he?

"The boy on his left is Nolan, and the other side is Angelo." She explained, and I nodded, then a blonde entered and wrapped her arms around Nathaniel's neck. 

"The other two are Arjun and Aldrick." She said, The blonde looked like she could shred people into pieces with just a look. My brows rose when Aldrick spotted me and winked.

"Yeah, he's a flirt." She giggled. 

"She's Belinda, the cheerleading captain, as you can see, physically flawless yet such a bitch." She said before I could ask her who the girl was.

"Oh okay." I said, staring at the tall girl and Nathaniel who were on the verge of sucking each other's faces.

When he turned his head, I quickly looked away, hoping endlessly, he didn't see me but it was as if I felt his gaze. I must have been delusional for sure.

"Don't worry, I'll show you around." Angela repeated. We tore our gaze from them and changed our conversation and carried on with our meal.

Then after a while I felt warm and a masculine scent reach my nose. I looked up to find Nathaniel standing in front of us.

"Come on let's get this stupid show around over with. " He said in his deep cold voice. 

Warm face, cold voice.

"I'll show her around." Angela offered. 

"Who asked you to?" He sneered at Angela and my eyes widened when he looked back at me.

"I offered." She shot back.

"You weren't asked to so back off." Nathaniel growled at her and she frowned. 

"Come on, let's go! " He ordered and I got up to stare at him. I was reluctant and that seemed to fuel his annoyance.

"Are you just gonna stand there and waste my time?" He asked and I shook my head nervously, standing up and following him.

"W..well..y...you don't..have to show me ar..around if you don't want to....I can..." I stuttered, feeling too intimidated. 

"Shut up." He snapped. and I trembled."Who do you think you are?"He asked, irritated.

 "You think you can just do whatever the fuck you want huh? Like you bump into me and not even apologise. How dare you?" He seethed and my lips trembled when he stared darkly at me.

"I..I didn't intentionally. I didn't see-" I paused when he cut me off. 

"Those glasses aren't enough are they?" He taunted.

I had to force myself to fight back my tears as my face brimmed in utter embarrassment. Being insulted by a guy was not cool!

My face was so red. I apologised! 

"Look nerd, no one wants a cry baby like you, so do better." He said.

"Oh and I'm not gonna waste my time showing you around. It will even be better if you get lost." He said.

"And since you have four eyes, I'm sure you'll be able to see the entire school yourself unless you're dumb.." He snarled and walked past me throwing his hood over his head.

So seriously he was rude to me just because I bumped into him and refused to apologise? But if I could remember clearly I did apologise. Why did he have to even be bothered?

I hoped to never ever see him again.

I stood where I was and watched his retreating figure…well he was quite hot tempered.


After the last period, I bade Angela goodbye and left the classroom after packing up.

I rushed towards where my dad was waiting for me. Thankfully, I didn't have another encounter with Nathaniel after the show around and I hoped I never will in the future.

"So, how was school?" My mom asked with a good expectation on her face. She slowly drank the soup with a faint smile on her lips.

"School was great mum." I half lied with a smile on my face. 

"Are you sure? Did you make any friends?" She asked and I remembered Angela.

"Yes.." I replied shyly. "Her name is Angela."

"Bullies?" Mom asked again.


"Nope, everyone was nice." I lied.

"The teachers?" My dad asked.

"I love them too." I answered 

"Guess what?" My mum chirped, wiping her lips when I looked at her.

"Eugene's coming over in 2 days " She announced, chirpily. Eugene was my elder brother.

 Just like my parents, he was careful as well but he wasn't that over protective. He even encouraged me to date guys. 

At the mention of him, I was exhilarated. 

"Really?" I said, excited too."That's awesome! I'm so happy." I grinned and imagined all the fun stuff we could do again together.

 After dinner, I went upstairs to my room to brush my teeth for the second time today, did my homework and sat at my desk. I went through everything we learnt and made side notes and studied ahead.

Eh, if today was not the best day, tomorrow could be better right?

I might probably not see Nathaniel ever again.

Meanwhile, I thought about my new car and a grin spread across my face. I was so excited for it. Guess today wasn't so bad

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