14. Nathaniel, Cares About Me?

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Pamela's POV

The whether was extremely cold this morning and I forgot to pick my sweater. But luckily for me, Nolan handed me his warm hoodie. It seemed big, but I loved the way it was warm.

I was pretty too early to school today because I wanted to cram some geography. As I walked down the hallway, I gasped when someone gripped my arm and dragged me into an empty classroom and shoved me to the wall.


"Take off that hoodie." A familiar voice growled when his palms were at the sides of my head. His face was really close to mine but I couldn't meet his eyes when I felt his breath on my face.

"I..I feel cold.." I muttered under my breath with my hands at my sides on the wall.

"I said take it off." He gritted and I could feel my eyes wellling up. Does he not have the least pity for me?

I slowly rolled up my eyes to look at his face and observed his pupils were dilated. I didn't do anything. So he peeled my back off the wall and moved to my back. He then placed his hands onto my shoulders and slowly moved down the hoodie. My chest heaved slightly when I felt his breath hitting the nape of my neck.

I closed my eyes and chills moved all over my body when his lips pressed on my neck. He took off the hoodie and it dropped onto the floor. I couldn't concentrate on the hoodie because my body was tensed with the way his back was hear my back.

I felt something warm settings onto my shoulders and I realised it was Nathaniel himself's hoodie.

"I never ever.." He rasped grazing his fingers on my arms upwards.

"Want to see you wearing another guy's hoodie understand?" He whispered snaking both arms around my stomach. I felt so breathless mainly because he had pursed his lips on my skin and my head was on his shoulder.

''Pamela, understand?" He asked when my hands dropped onto his wrist.

"Yes.." I said in a very silent manner. My stomach churned when his fingers moved down to play with the hem of my blouse.

"Nathaniel..." I called out but my voice accidentally came out as a moan and a groan escaped his lips.

"Please stop.." I said pushing him back. Without meeting his gaze, I grabbed Nolan's hoodie and quickly left the class.

Our school had organised a fair in order to raise funds for the orphanage.

"I'm planning on buying a snack bar, what do you think?" Nolan asked when we were strolling at the Fanfair. It's been two hours of intensive fun at the Fanfair.

"Yeah, but buy the nut type..not any ordinary type." I warned chuckling. After thanking me, Nolan went on his mission to what I didn't 't really know.

Sometimes I just wish I could blurt out the truth but love needed time. The Fanfair was fun even though it seemed childish. The only moment I saw Nathaniel was when he was making out with Belinda.

I still don't get why he tries to...touch me? And then goes back to his girlfriend. And I still don't get why I allow him to. He may have his way in bullying me, but he doesn't have a right to make it seem something..sensual .

He hasn't seen me yet and I was glad since I won't be disturbed for now. I decided to look for Mackenna but she and Angelo were flirting with each other, they really suit themselves.

I looked around and found a bench. I sat down and closed my eyes.

"Hi!" A little girl pulled my shirt when I was resting on a bench. She was so cute, chubby and a bit familiar.

"Hey there." I chirped and placed her on my laps.

"I can't find my brother." She whined pouting. She looked so adorable, I wanted to pinch her cheeks so I did.

"Where is he?" I asked with concern.

"I don't know." She shrugged and pouted again .

"What's your name? " I asked sweetly.

"Daisy." She said raising her index finger.

"OK Daisy, let's find your brother." I sighed and held her hand.

"What's your name? " She asked.

"Pamela." I answered.

"Pamela! I know you! My brother once.." She paused.

"Cotton candy! Cotton candy! please Pamela buy me some, pretty please!" She whined shaking my hand.

"Okay, okay." I chuckled and got some cotton candy for her. She thanked me and we continued our search. It took us a while until..

"There he is!" She announced and I cocked my head upwards and looked back at her.

"Who?" I asked.

"Come come see my brother!" She cheered and dragged me.

"Daisy take your time who's your.." My words trailed off when I came face to face with her brother.

"Daisy, where have you been?" Nathaniel asked kneeling to her height and glancing at me.

"I and Pamela were looking for you,..you know the girl you once.." He covered her mouth with his hand.

"Let's go." He muttered staring briefly at me.

"Listen! Pamela bought me cotton candy." She said removing his hand. I decided to go but Daisy grabbed my hand.

"Don't go yet..I want to ask something." She said.

"Go ahead." I smiled sweetly not wanting to look at Nathaniel.

"Do you like my brother?" She asked and my heart dropped. My face turned red due to embarrassment and I wondered how I would answer her question.

Okay little girl, I like your brother but he hates me so I also hate him.

If I say I hate him, the little girl will feel bad, If I say I like him..

"Well don't really know each other." I lied.

If only she knew what her elder brother does to me!

"Hmm, really? " She asked tapping her lips with her hand on her hip.

"Because my brother once.."

"That's enough Daisy!" Nathaniel said and picked her up.

What's going on? I could see tiny reds on his face Maybe he tells her he tortures me and therfore he's embarrassed about it?

"Wait!" Daisy protested."Please give me your phone." She requested. Nathaniel hesitated for a while but he finally gave it it her.

"Pamela please tell me your number." She said switching on the phone.


"Please?" She pulled up her adorable face. Nathaniel sighed and agreed. After giving them the number and earning a glare, Nathaniel sauntered away with his sister.

I later caught up with Angela and Mackenna

"Where have you been?" Angela asked.

"I was around." I replied.

"He bought me a snack bar." Angela gushed.

"This romance of yours is cute.'' Mackenna remarked and I nodded in agreement.

"OK guys, I need to go home, I'm worn out." I said.

"Oh come on!" Mackenna whined.

"Guys, I'm tired..please let me go."After a while of argument, they finally let me go.


I was a little but through with the geography. That because I had been in my room for about three hours. I was hell bent on passing this exam.

"Pamela!" Dad yelled from our backyard.

"Coming dad!" I rushed out of my room and went downstairs. I opened our front door and locomoted to our backyard.

"Here dad." I panted and he got up and looked down at me.

"Do have any idea where I kept the exposy resin?" He asked and I nodded.

"Get it for me please I need it." He said and I went inside and came back out with the glue.

"Oh God." Dad sighed taking it from me.

"Dad, do you mind me staying here with you for a bit? It's boring inside my room." I said wanting to take a break

"Sure sweetie, just sit here and watch your daddy fix wood." We chuckled and I plopped into a bench.

"Pamela." Dad called.

"Yeah Dad?" I replied.

"Any updates about your crush?" He wriggled his brows when he briefly glanced at me. I also told my dad about who my crush was. I didn't know why I just felt he was the only one I could tell.

"Dad, I don't have a crush currently." I countered.

"You're lying, you think I don't see how you look at Nathaniel?" He teased. "Or the way he looks at you?" He asked.

"Dad!" I whined blushing.

"OK ok fine." He chuckled.

"But I don't think he likes me." I muttered intertwining my fingers.

"How do you know?" He glanced at me.

"I don't know." I mumbled. Dad paused with what he was doing and moved to sit by me.

"You remember the time he came for dinner at our house right?" He said lowly and I nodded.

"When you excused yourself from us why do you think he asked for the direction of your room?" Dad reasoned.

He came to bite me.

I didn't reply. All I just did was bite on my lip.

"He cares about because he likes you." Dad said framing my face.

I wanted to burst out into laughter what dad said but I rethought over it. If he didn't care about me, he wouldn't have handed his hoodie to me, if he didn't care about me, he wouldn't have given me a ride home, if he didn't care about me, he wouldn't have asked the person who slapped me.

Again, if he didn't care about me, he wouldn't have helped me when I sprained my ankle, if he didn't care about me, he wouldn't have let me slept on his bed, if he didn't care about me, he would have made me bleed to death during our practical.

So...Nathaniel cares about me?

"Yes dear, he does." Dad said and I realised I asked that question aloud.

So why does he torture me when after he shows his caring side? Why does he like insulting and taunting me? Is that how people who care for others do? No. So Nathaniel doesn't care about me.

"Thanks dad." I smiled and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Anytime, just ask." He kissed my hair.


Nathaniel confuses me😪

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