18. Back To Square One.

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Pamela's POV

Today was finally the grand games. I was happy mostly because after this was Valentine's upcoming week, then the release of results.

I sighed and got down from my car. After taking out the snacks Mackenna and Angela asked me to bring, I sauntered inside the school and my heart lept at the ongoing activities. People were moving helter-skelter with banners, shouts and cheering. I moved through the crowd and came across Noan.

"Good luck Nolan." I wished and he embraced me in a hug.

"Thank you." He mumbled, ruffled my hair and left. I had a grin on my face but it slightly dimmed when Nathaniel came to view.

  Despite my nervousness, I wished him to. But he came over me, grabbed my wrist and backed me up against a random locker. I gasped as he stared blankly at me making my breaths slow.

"I don't need your wish,..go wish your boyfriend." He sneered in his deep voice and my cheeks flamed in embarrassment. His nail cutter fell from his bag and he picked it up and shoved it into his pocket. For a second, I thought he was going to threaten me with it. I nodded slowly and he released me, walking away.

Well, that was rude.

He's always rude!

I got to the game hall and I spotted Angela and Mackenna waving frantically at me. I moved towards them and sat at the seat they saved for me.

"What took you so long?'' Angela asked.

"And why's your face all red?" Mackenna hovered her palm over my face.

"Nothing...here's the snack." I said and their faces lit up.

"Yep it's something and we're gonna talk about it later, " Mackenna nudged me.

The players or jocks entered and every one began to cheer. Belinda jumped in her short skirt and blew Nathaniel a kiss.

I looked away to find something else to look at. Angelo and Nolan were warming up and chatting as well  and I decided to nudge Angela and Mackenn but they were already drooling at them.

But my eyes caught Nathaniel's blank face again. His eyes were searching through the crowd looking for someone until our eyes met.

So, who was he looking for?

I quickly looked away unsure of where, what or who to look at until the games began.

Nathaniel's POV

I stood still and cracked a fake smile at Belinda who blew me a kiss. Then I allowed my eyes involuntarily searched through the crowd, looking for someone until I found her. Surprsingly, she was staring back at me but she quickly changed her gaze.

I was so pissed when she hugged Nolan after wishing him. I was already mad at her since yesterday probably because she didn't sit next to me..I know it seemed childish but I didn't even know why I cared.

I glanced at her again but she wasn't looking back at me, and I rolled my eyes annoyed and joined with the others to warm up.

So ten minutes into the game, our school was winning and I was happy but during the last round I in tripped and the small knife attached to the nail cutter in my pocket cut across my palm. I was bleeding and wincing so badly and the coach asked me to go to the recovery bay.

I groaned and gripped my wrist, walking out if the game hall. I passed corridors and finally came across the bay. I opened the door and walked inside.

I sat on the bed waiting for the damned nurse but she didn't arrive. I growled in pain and winced. Someone came in and a frowned etched on my forehead.

"What are you doing here? " I growled.

"I..uhh...came t..too che..check your wound." She fumbled. Warmth spread through me and as much as I hated to admit, I felt a little bit good she cared about me.

Why the fuck is my heart pounding ugh!

"Go away, I don't need you." I snarled despite the fact that I really needed her. I passed her the most deadliest glare and fear was evident on her face.

Pamela stood there for a while then moved to sit by me with the first aid kit.

"Don't you understand? Go away!" I yelled and she flinched.

"Can I? Please?" She requested biting her lip. I rolled my eyes and looked elsewhere. I felt warmth over my hand when she took my bleeding palm into her shaking soft hands.

I didn't stop her but I continued to glare at her. She ignored my glare and began to wipe my bleeding palm with the cotton ball. After wiping the blood, she applied alcohol on it and I winced.

"Sorry, sorry." She said softly. She then took the bandage and wrapped my palms with it. Before I could do anything,she held my palm close to her lips and kissed it. I swear my heart lept.

That made my lips jealous of my palm.

I could have sworn my palms healed. My other palm moved to cup her cheeks and she closed her eyes as she held my wrist and her warm breath fanned the surface of my palm. I don't know how on earth my other hand moved to hold her other cheek and I brought her face close to mine as I stared intently at her lips.

We enjoyed the solitude for a while until the nurse entered  and I let go of her. "Miss Lucas, what are you doing here? " She asked.

"You're not the nurse, come on, get out." She snapped and I glared at the her.

"Bitch." I muttered under, my breath and Pamela glanced at me. She stood up and muttered a sorry beforr she walked out.

The nurse checked my covered wound once again.

"Well, she has done it well " she murmured almost surprised.I just nodded and stared at the light lipstick mark on the white bandage.

I'll never wash my hand again!

I went back to the game hall where the games were over and they were seriously talking about it. I searched the entire place for her untill I found her...with Nolan, engrossed in a conversation.mMy heart clenched when I saw their fingers locked together while she smiled at him.

I scoffed and left the place to the entrance where I saw Belinda. I grabbed her and attached my lips with hers. Pamela came out later laughing with Nolan and when she saw us, her face changed and she left with Nolan who gave me a blank look.

I broke away from Belinda who was staring at my bandaged palm. At that moment, I wanted to tear off the bandage.

"Why is there a lipstick mark on your bandage?" Belinda asked. You know, I would preferred if she asked me what happened and my well being.

"Nevermind." I said and she frowned.

"Don't tell me the nurse kissed your palm." She said still frowning.

"Belinda, forget it." I said and walked past her to my car ignoring her yells.

Fuck! How could I have allowed Pamela to kiss my palm? I should have known that she'll go back to Nolan..but the question is...Why do I care?

Because you fucking lo-

Don't you dare complete that sentence.

Before Pamela came our school, Nolan and I were really close, just like Angelo. It's not like we're feuding or anything.

It's just..I'm ignoring him because of Pamela..its like I'm jealous of him..I'm not right?

Then why don't you talk to Nolan?

My mom received me when I got home and she briefly stared at my palm.

"Nathaniel what happened?" She asked with concern

"I just got hurt during the game and the nurse dressed my wounds." I half-lied.

"You'll get better, go for a bath now." She ordered as I left for my room.

After a shower I came into my room and layed on my bed, brought out my phone and played some car games. After loosing several times, I turned off my phone and put it aside and went to sleep.

Pamela's POV


After dresing his wounds, I involuntarily kissed it and he placed his hand on my cheek and my eyes closed on their own.When the nurse entered, I got up up and left the place when the annoying nurse sacked me.

"Nice play Nolan," I praised sitting by him at the game hall.

"I'm that amazing." He sighed and i rolled my eyes.

"She was cheering for you though."I teased he blushed."You need to tell her."I urged him shoving gently.

"Noo,one day I'll tell her...just wait."He said holding my hands.

"It'll be like this.." he looked at our locked fingers. "Angela, I want to tell you something...wait that's terrible." He groaned and I giggled.

"You're weird Nolan." I said releasing my hands to pinch his cheeks

"Ow.'' he whined. With both of us chuckling,we left the game hall and I came to find Nathaniel and Belinda kissing.

And at that moment, My heart just dropped.

*End of flashback*


Mackenna interrobanged yelling and tapped my  window. I flinched at her words and I got down.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked when I slung into my back pack.

"Nothing," I replied and closed my car door.

"Nothing?..I've been calling you for a thousand years Pamela...thousand!" She exclaimed. "And yiu were not thinking about anything?"

"What an exaggeration...how come you're still young and beautiful?" I asked.

"Uhh..plastic surgery...come on!" She scoffed, gripped  my wrist and dragged me into school.

"My first period is history!...one of the shitty subjects I hate!" She said holding her head.

"Mackenna, what subject do you like exactly?" I asked her.

"Free period," she giggled and I shook my head.

"History is interesting; take The history of America for-"

"Blah! blah! blah!..don't start, please." She begged I chuckled.

"Anyway see ya." She said. We hugged each other and went our separate ways. I walked to the direction of my locker to find Belinda standing there with a bottle of water in her hands.

Now Belinda, you don't have to do that, today isnt my birthday, go away, please go away.

"Come on bitch open your damned locker." She ordered.

You want money? Ask! I'll rob a bank but please go away!

Obediently, I opened my locker. She shoved me aside and brought out my I.C.T homework which was on my tablet. I was starting to think she had a problem with my ICT stuff.

She came and stood beside me.

"Who dressed Nathaniel's wound?" She asked poking the inside of her cheek.

"Well..um..I..uhh..." I stammered.

"Who did?" She asked calmly. That made me fear more. Belinda is never ever calm.

"I..I..did. " I answered meekly. My legs felt like jelly and I was shivering hard.

I think I even had malaria.

"Well done then." She praised in a calm voice turning on my tablet.
I was really confused. about how calm she was.

"But my question is,..Why did you peck his palm?" she asked and my face drained of color.

"You're not supposed to do that...he's not your boyfriend, he has never been, and he will never be." She hisseed and i felt my heart ache.

"So therefore you have to pay for your stunt." She sighed and the next thing I knew, she deleted the hardworked on homework.

"Did Nathaniel call you there by himself or did you go there yourself?" She asked narrowing her eyes.  

Haven't you done enough?!

"Well..I..um..uhh.."I stuttered.

Who told her ugh!

If I say I went there by myself, she'll murder me, of If I say Nathaniel called me, she won't believe me.

"You went there yourself right?" She sighed again.

I nodded fearfully and her eyes flared dangerously. She went back to my locker and emptied the water into it and walked away.

Even though my eyes were watery, I managed to remove the wet books as the water dripped onto the floor.

I moved my foot slightly in the water and thanks to my slippery sandals, I tripped and had it not been the muscular arms that held my wrist tightly, I would have fallen down. I was in pain because my homework was ruined, my wrist were aching due to the bracelet and the hardened hold.

"Why did you pour water into your locker?" Nathaniel asked still squeezing  my wrist.

"I.. I.." I struggled still in his strong hold. He tore and scattered the bracelet my brother bought for me on my fourteenth birthday onto the floor making it spread.

"No!" I gasped and slid onto the floor in a kneeling position.

"Your boyfriend must have spent a lot of money to have bought you this right?" He sneered as I continued to sob wiping my tears which were streaming down my cheeks, increasing the reddening of my nose.

"He's not my boyfriend! He's my brother! Why would you even care about if it was my boyfriend?!" I interrobanged him in my mind.

I stared at the pieces of the bracelet and my swollen wrist through my watery eyes. Now what will I tell Eugene?


"Pamela,what happened? "Nolan asked squatting beside her but not before glancing at me.

"She..she poured water in..into my locker..and..I accidentally..deleted ..my I.C.T homework."She said in between sobs.

"Then why are you crying?"He asked.

Guilt washed over me as I stared at how flushed her face was due to her excessive crying.

"I..I..spoilt the bracelet..my..brother bought...for me..on my..fourteenth birthday." She hiccuped.

Brother? Oh fuck!

More guilt went right through my veins as Nolan helped stand on her feet and hugged her.

"It's ok." He patted her head and later pulled away from her and wiped her tears."Don't worry about your I.C.T homework, I submitted a copy along with mine." He assured.

What a good boyfriend!

And the most annoying thing is, they're ignoring me!

Because you're a jerk!

"But the bracelet." She whimpered.

"Pamela." He whispered and kissed the top of her bun. My jaw clenched and I balled my fist and went away to class. I threw my bag next to my seat by Angelo and I sat there fuming.

Why was I angry anways?

"What's wrong dude?"Angelo asked. My jaw continued to clench as I cracked my whitened  knuckles.

"Don't tell me it's Pamela again." He said."Dude, I think you should leave her alone."He suggested.

"Leave her alone? Never!" I spoke.

"Why can't you dude?" He chuckled.

Yeah Nathaniel, why can't you leave her alone?
She's not your possession.

"I don't fucking know dude, I don't!" I yelled running my fingers through my black hair

"Dude, face it, you're infatuated by her." He smirked.

"No, I'm  not infatuated by her!" I snapped.

"OK, you have a crush on her."

I don't have a crush on her, I lo-

"No, I don't." I gritted feeling a bit..flustered?

"Then why do you care about her relationship with Nolan? "He asked.

"I don't care." I lied.


"Say it till you believe it."He shrugged.

Mackenn and Pamela later entered and Pamela's flushed faced continued to pour guilt onto me and Angelo winked at Mackenna who rolled her eyes at him.


Nathaniel's a jerk and I agree but don't you think he might have a sweet side?😉

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