27. It Freaking Hurts!

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Nathaniel's POV

Daisy was right. Pamela is taken..by me!

Only for torture stuffs, yeah only that.

When I hugged Pamela, I could feel the softness of her feminine body and you would never need a teddy bear.. ever. I could have just said Daisy should cut off her childish acts but why didn't I do that?

Because you wanted to hug Pamela.

Naa..that's not the reason, it's because I'm scared of her annoying temper tantrum.

Mind : *scoffs*

Heart: Yeah right.

When I saw a picture of Pamela's baby sister, I didn't realise I was smiling involuntarily because my mind was picturing how our future kids will be.

Nathaniel! You haven't even finished high school and you're planning your future! besides, you don't like her right?

Then why these thoughts, all this must stop!

"Yo dude don't wanna get down?" Angelo asked and I faced him. Now look, all because of that girl, I don't even acknowledge my surroundings.

Then stop thinking about her!

"Dude, I know school sucks and all but you've got to get down."

I can't! Even though she'll never waste her time thinking about me.

Why would you even want her to think about you? She doesn't like you!


After mentally cursing Pamela and physically cursing Angelo, I got down from the car and closed the door.

"What's up dude?" I said and he scoffed.

"The sky." He answered.

"What? I'm sorry." I chuckled.

"Anyway, you coming for the party?" He asked.

"What party?" I asked.

"Cephas' birthday party." He replied.

"Yeah sure I guess." I answered.I wanted to ask him whether Pamela will come but I didn't know how to ask.

"Oh and Barbie and her friends are coming too." He added and smirked.

"You mean Angela and Pamela ?" I asked stressing on Pamela.

"No, I mean Raquel and Midge." He droned sarcastically.

" 'Barbie' has changed you." I said."How much do you like her?..or are you just playing with her?" I asked.

"Play? I'll never play with her feelings, I really like her more than you can imagine." He answered truthfully with seriousness in his tone.

"Oh and don't call her Barbie, I'm the only one who calls her that." He countered and I rolled my eyes.

"What if she doesn't like you back?" I asked.

"What do you mean she can't like me back,I have an effect on her!" He said.

Wait, I have an effect on Pamela too,..can it mean..she might also like me?

Naa, she can never like you, you treat her like trash.

We went our separate ways and I sauntered straight to class. She was sitting at a place busily sharpening her pencil and there was an empty seat beside her.

There were many empty seats in class but I didn't want to sit by any one but her. So that I can make her more miserable.

I sat by her and hung my bag. She didn't look up to me but continued to sharpen her pencil and the red crept onto her cheek, maybe because of how I was gazing at her as she was fueling my irritation.

"Did you not see me here or you're too caught up making this place dirty?" I asked her.

"Um..hi." She glanced at me. She picked up the debris of the sharpened pencil and chucked it into the bin and came back to sit.

She sighed and massaged her forehead wincing and I discovered she had a headache probabblly because of staying at the hospital.

I dipped my hand into my bag and brought out some painkillers my mom gave me after the trip.

"Here." I said hiding my caring side.

"Nol-someone-my mom g..ga..gave me some." She countered as she took the same painkillers of her own and I looked away.

"Pamela, have you taken the pills I gave you?" Nolan approached us and asked her.

"Um..uhh...what?...pills?...oh..yes..I have." She stammered.

"Get well soon." He kissed her forehead, already fueling my anger and he walked away. I turned, faced her and pulled up my deadliest glare.

"Why did you lie to me?" I growled.

"I'm..I'm sorry...I..thought..y-you'll be..an..angry." She stuttered biting her lips.

"Why? Do you think I feel something for you? Or do you think I care whether your boyfriend gives you pills or not?" I asked feeling...hurt?

It freaking hurts!

Honestly, I was not hurt because she thought I like her, I was annoyed because she took painkillers from Nolan and not me.

"I..I..didn't say you feel ..something for me." She muttered which of course I heard. She held her bun and her face contoured in pain. She then placed her head on the table muttering,"Sorry, I'm sorry."

What if Nolan gave her poison?
I'll strangle him to death.

Wait, it's the same medicine as mine...


Pamela's POV

Nolan's medicine really helped, when it was lunch time, I was completely healed of me of my headache. I shouldn't have lied to Nathaniel, what was I thinking? Of course bad boys aren't meant to like nerds.

I was sure my headache was due to the lack of sufficient sleep but at least I felt better.

"Hey, if you don't want your fries, I would do something about it." Mackenna suggested, breaking my thoughts.

''Sure...stay away.'' I warned and she scoffed.

"Are you guys coming for the party?" Angela asked.

"No, I have to revise my notes." I declined.

"Pamela come on, it's gonna be fun, have fun for once, besides it's not like other high-school parties where they include alcohol." Mackenna said persuasively.

After a while of more persuasions, I gave in.

"Hey guys have you guys heard of my little sister Cecelia?" I squealed.

"Really? Got a pic?" Angela asked.

"Yeah." I said taking out my phone and I showed them a picture of her.

"She looks just like you!" Mackenna cooed.

"Awww." Angela joined in and they stared at her awe.

"That's enough." I said and put my phone away as they pouted and whined.

"How about we get our party clothes after school?" I suggested and they cheered.


For the party,I chose to wear blue ripped jeans and a red slightly oversized sweater with a pair of black chucks.I didn't put on any makeup, because I didn't see the point in it, I just applied some glossy lip gloss and braided my hair.

Mackenna wore a lemon green blouse with a black short skirt and some shoes which reached her knees.

Angela wore an orange knee length dress and a pair of heels.

We sat in Mackenna's car and drove off to the party.

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