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Pamela's POV

We layed in the sand in our swimsuits, observing the roaring waves and entertaining ourselves.

"This..this is the life." Mackenna sighed and I closed my eyes. After a while, I heard some splashing in the ocean and I felt a shadow cover my face.

I refused to open my eyes and I shiverd slightly when he grazed his hand on my cheek. I sighed in peace when I felt his nose slightly touching mine.

"Pulchrie.." He whispered and I smiled but I still didn't open my eyes. He groaned and pulled me on my feet by my wrist.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed. "Nathaniel easy." I whined and he let go of my wrist.

We walked to the shore of the sea and sat in the sand. I watched the other girls ride on the moto jets with their boyfriends and 'wooohoooing' every time.

Later, I felt Nathaniel's lips on the side of my neck and I felt his soft hair under my ear. My heart started beating wildly when he sucked my skin in between his teeth and drapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Why did you wear a one piece suit? You're killing and distracting me." He said and I blushed bright crimson.

"Should I have worn a bikini?" I joked.

"Maybe," He whispered and his lips touched my earlobe.

"Nathaniel!" I yelped jerking  away from him ignoring my blushed cheeks.

"I'm just kidding."He laughed and pulled me towards him again and  kissed the mark he had left on my neck. "Not." He whispered into my ears and I attempted to pull away but he held me stronger.

"Missed that?" He asked and I nodded shyly biting my lips.

"I missed that too." He pouted looking at my lips. I smiled through my pursed lips and looked elsewhere.

"Pamela don't do this to me!" He begged laying his head at the juncture of my neck and shoulder. I kissed his head, pushed him off and stood on my feet.

"This is not over." He muttered getting up as well, He grabbed my hand and we walked on the shallow parts of the ocean.

He twirled me around making my arms cross in his as all of my hair shifted to one side and his head on my neck side.

"I love you." He whispered in his signature tone and I had the fuzzy feeling again."Me too."


Mackenna's POV

I layed my head on his back and ran my fingers up and down on his abs as he stiffened under my hold.

"Barbie..stop that." He said in a tensed tone.

"No!" I smiled and continued what I was doing.

"Mackenna stop tempting  me and get down." He said lowly. The boat had stopped  but I refused to get down all because I enjoyed what I was doing.

"Why?" I whined and kissed his back and his breath hitched.

What an effect!

"Mackenna, you're tempting me.." He said huskily.

"To do what?" I asked innocently.

He pried of my hands, got down and yanked me towards him with a hard grip on my lower waist.

"Babe I'm s-" He didn't wait to listen to me because he captured his lips with mine and kissed me hungrily and wantingly. I tried to pull away to tease him but that got his grip harder as his lips continued to carress mine. He pushed apart my mouth with his tongue to seek mine and a soft moan escaped from my throat.

"You guys done now?" The others snickered at us and we pulled away as he growled.

"Come on guys, it's lunch time."Nathaniel announced and we went to the restaurant.After our order was delivered, we began to devour our food but,

Nathaniel was feeding Pamela, Angela and Nolan were drinking the same juice Angelo and I..

Well Angelo was eating his food and my food as well as I glared at him.

"You want some?" He asked me with his mouth full and I glowered at him.

"Nolan and Angela,w hy do you always like interrupting our moments?" He blurted.

"It's not our fault you guys forget we're there and you make out in front of us," Angela pointed out and he glared at her.

"Hey, don't pour your anger on my girlfriend" Nolan warned and both I and Angelo scoffed.

"You guys are really funny." Pamela commented.

"And childish too." Nathaniel chipped in and pecked her cheeks and she muttered some words through gritted teeth as Nathaniel smirked.

"I didn't finnish with you." Angelo whispered in my ear and my cheeks burned.

"D..done..with..what?" I stuttered.

"This."And just in front of everyone, he pressed his lips with mine.

"Angelo!" I exclaimed softly.

"I ain't done with anything yet, wait till its bed time." He winked at me and my cheeks flushed the deepest shade of red. He observed my face for a bit and laughed lightly.

"Oh..no not that."He said and I mentally slapped myself of dirty thoughts. "Even worse." He whispered into my ears and I slapped his chest whiles he chuckled.

"What are you guys talking about? "Angela asked.

"None of your damn business. "I hissed and she just shrugged.


Pamela's POV

With slow paces, I entered the room.

I saw Nathaniel in sweat pants running his fingers through his wet hair. My breathing caught up in my throat when he cast me a look and smirked.

I hurriedly took my PJ'S and rushed into the bathroom. After a refreshing shower, I came out after drying myself and wearing my clothes.

Nathaniel was sprawled on the bed, still shirtless, probably pretending to be asleep.

"Nathaniel." I called taping him gently. He pulled me and made me fall on him.

"Yes?" He smiled and opened his eyes. I didn't know what to say so I just stared into his eyes.

"Any reason why you called me?" He asked and flipped me over on the bed such that he was hovering over me.

"Um. "I started and he grazed the back of his hand on my cheek."Um what?" He asked and when I looked at his lips, I quickly forgot why I even mentioned his name.

"You're trapped huh?" He chuckled and brushed my hair from my face and I struggled to keep up with my breathing.

"If you have nothing to say...then I guess.." He said looking at my lips as he came closer."Then I guess this." And the next thing I knew happened was that his lips were now attached with mine into into a slow, lingering sweet smooch.

When I replied to his kiss, he picked me up and made me straddle him and I wrapped my legs around his torso whiles my arms were around his neck.

He bit my lower lips expecting me part my mouth but I was slow to that so He held both sides of my waist  and he slipped his hands into my top and I gasped because his touch stopped my heartbeat and made me feel fuzzy.

He got the access into my mouth as I reluctantly removed his hand and he groaned and ran his fingers through my hair making the kiss overheated.

After a while,we broke away and he attacked my neck with kisses and bites making me moan and I crawled my hands into his hair. His hands moved into my top again but I didn't stop him as he started to graze his fingers on my skin.

He pushed me down gently and with my legs still around his torso he started pecking my neck and my heart started pounding faster when his lips moved downwards on my neck to the surface of my bust. My spine shivered when he glided his hand on my stomach to my bare back and moved it to the hook on my bra and I gasped.

"I think that's enough, just because you're my girlfriend doesn't mean I can just take advantage of you." He sighed pecked my cheeks and removed his hand and I nodded.

Well, you should have continued, I'm no more an innocent girl.

Dirty mind! Dirty! Dirty mind!

"I have a question."I countered interlocking my fingers with his nervously.

"Go on my love. "I blushed at his words but I didn't look at him.

"You remember the Fanfair right?" I asked.

"Yeah, the one you found Daisy for me. "He remembered.

"About Daisy..what was she trying to say that you prevented her?" I asked and his faced flushed.

"She said.." He cupped my cheeks and raised up my head to look at him."She said I was mentioning your name in my sleep " He replied.

''So why didn't you let her say it?" I smirked and he glared at me. He flipped over again and I came lying on top of him and I began to draw circles on his abs to ignore his gaze.

"This was what you did when you were drunk the time we went my grandma's," He said and I hid my face in his chest to hide my blush.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him  and my skin tingled when he drew circles on my back.

Nathaniel and I loved each other, but I guess due to my fear and his arrogance, we didn't admit.



Finally I've  ended!😁 How do you like it? Huh? Huh?huh? *wriggles brows*

How about a....BONUS CHAPTER?!😋

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