Something More

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Danielle is just one of the guys. She can chug a beer and play poker with the best of them. Her footie game is off the hook. The guys love hanging with her and having her a part of their circle.

The night of Nick's birthday dinner just might change everything. Suddenly friendship isn't enough, now he wants something more...


"Got your wish all figured out yet, Nick?" Josh smacks me on the head as he walks past, already dressed and ready to go.

"Course I do." I return the favor by pushing the back of his head, knocking him forward a bit. I'm still working on my tie, which I can never seem to get right, so that's the only retaliation I attempt to make. Danny will be here soon and then the three of us will meet up with the rest of the gang.

"Better be a good one, bro. You only turn twenty-one once." Josh is now sitting on the edge of my bed watching as I butcher my tie and start all over again. "It's got to suck to have a birthday two days before Christmas."

"It does. A lot." One year my mom was so busy getting ready for Christmas, she didn't really have time to do anything for my birthday. She just told me to pick one of my Christmas presents to open up a few days early. And even now, most of the time people wrap my birthday presents in Christmas paper, which I pretty much hate. But I don't tell Josh this. I don't really like to complain about it anymore. What's the point?

The doorbell rings, probably Danny, so I make my way to the front door, still working on the tie. This whole dressing-up-to-go-out thing was Danny's idea in the first place, so that's the person I'm about to give hell to over having to wear a tie. My hands drop from the silk material and reach out to turn the doorknob. My mouth opens to tell Danny what I think about this whole thing but once the door swings past me and we make eye contact, I freeze.

Josh's voice rings out behind me. "Dang, Danielle! You clean up goooooood." He draws out the last word then whistles.

She looks more than good. She looks...I don't know how to put it into words. And I can't because my tongue is twisted up in knots worse than my tie. Danny doesn't take her eyes from mine for the few seconds our gazes have been locked. Have I ever seen her with make up? Or in a dress? Most of the time she's hanging out with us on the field, kicking the ball around, sweating and eating junk food.

"Hey," I manage to finally say after so long it could only be described as awkward. "Thanks for planning all of this, Danny." Gone are my words of rebuke for the whole tie situation. Suddenly I'm incredibly glad that we've all gotten cleaned up for a fancy meal together.

"My pleasure." Her smile is genuine, and if I'm not mistaken there's a twinkle in her rich brown eyes. "But it looks like you could use a hand with that." She gestures to the tie.

"You look like a disaster, is what she's trying to say," Josh teases.

"I am not!" Danny reaches out to pinch Josh, her signature move. A pinch from Danny will leave a mark, for sure.

"Ouch! You're wicked!"  Josh rubs his bicep.

"Yeah, maybe so, but you're an idiot. Wicked beats idiot every time." Danny laughs and grabs me by the hand to lead me into the apartment. She's grabbed my hand before, hundreds of times, but it's never felt like this. Electric. She doesn't stop until she has me under the bright lights of the bathroom. "It's easier to see what I'm doing in here," she explains.

Danny positions me in the center of the room then comes to stand directly in front of me. Her hands come up to take the tie and untangle the mess I've made. Her eyes remain focused on the soft material, but mine remain on her. Her dark brown hair shines just a little brighter in this light, pulled back and away from her face with soft curls. Little teardrop shaped earrings dangle from her ears, catching the light as they move slightly back and forth. Her shoulders are bare. Her dress is strapless and a shimmery blue, fitting every curve just perfectly and causing me to swallow the lump that's formed in my throat.

When I make that slow swallow, filled with tangible energy, Danny's eyes lift to mine but immediately dip back to my tie. I notice the slight blush that fills her cheeks and I can hardly stay standing, my knees feeling quite unsteady. Why haven't I seen her this way before? Where has she been? Where have Ibeen that I never noticed?

"All fixed," she says, barely a whisper but it feels so much louder. Danny steps back and surveys her handiwork. "Not bad." Her smile is genuine, but she won't meet my eyes. There is definite tension in the room. It's never felt like this before, not with her. I'm at a loss for words so I just follow her out of the bathroom to find Josh still waiting by the door.

"Are you ladies ready yet?" he asks, clearly mocking me. Danny smirks at him, punching Josh in the arm as she walks past him and out the door. I finally smile again when I see Josh rubbing his arm, the exact spot where she pinched him earlier. That's got to hurt.

"She is so freaking violent." Josh shakes his head as he follows her out.

"Hmm," I say. I trail behind them, walking to Danny's car. "Shotgun," I call out before Josh can beat me to it. I have a feeling he prefers the backseat now anyway, wanting to avoid any more of Danny's violence.

Josh just scoffs. "Whatever. You can have it."

Like I thought. We get to her car and slide in to our respective seats. The music starts up as she starts the engine and then we're off to the restaurant. I still don't know which one.  She wanted to keep everything a surprise. I glance over at her as she drives. It's the perfect opportunity to study her a little. The car is dark, the lights on the street casting a glow on her face. Am I only now noticing how beautiful she is? I've known her for how long now, eight months? A year?

I look back out the front windshield. With the holidays upon us, the streets are covered in lights.

"Pretty, isn't it?" Danny comments as she makes a turn onto a little village-like street. There are lights strung from building to building over our heads, lights wound around all the trees lining the streets, lights criss-crossing over every street lamp.

"Wow..." I agree with her, it is really pretty. This is my first Christmas in this town and I had no idea how over-the-top it was. I've been too busy to notice the decorations until now, I guess. Among other things, like the girl sitting in the driver's seat.

Just as I intend to turn back to catch another glimpse of Danny, she pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant. It's dinky, the smallest little pub I've ever seen, and not a place that would require dressing up.

"Is this it?" I ask, hardly able to contain my confusion.

"Yes." Danny answers confidently. Her tone tells me to shut the hell up and just follow her inside. After my earlier reaction to how she looks tonight, I'm not protesting any request she makes. Josh is suspiciously silent as we head inside. I have a feeling he knows more then he's letting on.

The outside gives the impression of a little cottage, small with a cozy feeling. Stepping inside is more of the same. It's warm and dimly lit, dark wood on the tables and chairs with an old world feeling. There's a tree in one corner, lit up with twinkle lights and decorated with rustic ornaments, most made from natural materials. A heart-shaped ornament made from wood and bark catches my eye. It feels like a sign. My own heart is racing and it's not from the whole birthday celebration. It's due to the girl leading me through the restaurant.

We pass through the entire place in thirty seconds, its so small, and out onto a back patio. That's where the real surprise happens. The entire patio, as small as the inside, is decorated, not with Christmas trees and ornaments, but with balloons and streamers. Confetti is sprinkled over the few tables and there's a big white cake with blue frosting along the edges, "Happy Birthday Nick" written in blue across the middle. Not a wreath or stitch of holiday décor can be seen.

"What in the..." I can't finish speaking. I haven't had a proper birthday party in years. I can't believe this.

"Happy Birthday!' The rest of the gang is already out here, dressed in their finest as well. Birthday gifts are set on one table and I can see the colorful paper and designs have nothing to do with Christmas at all. I'm in shock because at this time of year, that's the only kind of gift-wrap most people bother with.

"Thanks, guys, wow! I just don't even know what to say. This!"

"You've got a way with words, dude." Josh grips my shoulder and stands at my side. "But don't thank us. Thank this girl," he thumbs over in Danny's direction. "She spent most of the day getting this ready and threatened all of us within an inch of our lives if we showed up with anything wrapped in Christmas paper."

My mouth goes dry and I look over at Danny. She's blushing again. How did she know? Again, my only thought is what has taken me so long to notice her?

"It wasn't a threat," she says. "It was a promise." Danny glares at Josh and I swear it is the funniest thing I've ever seen. I can't help but laugh, which brings her focus back to me.

"Considering this entire event is your doing, I think it's only fitting that you take the seat of honor." I walk over to the largest table and pull out a chair. Danny shakes her head with a smile, not hesitating to walk over and take the offered seat. I immediately take the seat next to her. My palms feel a bit damp even though the temperature outside is pretty cold, and the patio heating lamps are only so warm. My heart is still thundering in my chest, as it has been since opening the door to see Danny standing there looking like she looks.

The evening continues with Danny sitting next to me as everyone gathers around the table and orders. Our food is delivered and the conversation flows steadily as we eat and drink, enjoying the night and the celebration. Even though this group is well established, and we've spent more than enough time together to be comfortable in every setting, somehow tonight there is just a thread of tension. And I know exactly where the source is.

It's this new energy between Danny and I. Or has it always been there and I've just been too stupid to notice? During dinner, our hands brush accidentally, more than once, and the sensation is overwhelming. As Danny hands me one gift after another, that same surge runs through each look, each word, as though there is more meaning behind them then usual. I'm pretty sure that it's not my imagination.

Now the candles are being lit, the cake being brought over to me as the groups sings along. I'm about to make a wish, the one Josh wanted to know all about earlier. I had one in mind, but that wish has changed. I look up at Danny as I take a deep breath. I close my eyes and picture it, my wish coming true. Then I open my eyes and focus on each of those twenty-one candles, willing them all to wink out.

And they do.

I look back at Danny and smile, now anticipating the rest of the evening, ready for the celebration to be over and the group to wander off to some club together. I'm not interested in an after party, not the kind the rest of them are planning. When Danny turns to talk to some of our other friends, I pull Josh aside.

"Can you get a ride with Brett or Mick?"

Josh's left eyebrow rises. He knows I've got something up my sleeve. "Ditching us, huh? Got something better lined up?"

I just shrug. God, I hope so.

"She's no one night stand, Nick. She'll bust your balls if that's what you've got in mind."

I narrow my gaze at him, not appreciating his line of thinking. "Hell no, Josh. How could you even think that of me? When have I ever been that kind of guy?"

He puts up two hands in surrender. "Whoa, I'm just warning you. That's what friends are for. But I get it.  You've got something else going on. Message received."

Something else, yes. Something more, so much more.

After what feels like hours, everyone starts to peel off into groups to head to the club. I hang back by Danny, helping her take down the decorations she must have spent most of the afternoon putting up.

"You don't have to do this, you know. It's your birthday, you should be going with Josh and Brett and the rest to the club. Have fun." Danny is standing on a chair pulling streamers from the rafters of the patio. I step behind her, making sure she doesn't fall.

"That doesn't sound like any fun to me. Besides, you're the one who made this whole night happen. You're the one I should be spending time with. The one person I wantto spend time with tonight."

Danny whirls around at my words, looking down at me, and promptly looses her balance. She stumbles off the chair and down onto me. I wish I could say that I suavely caught her in my open arms, but I didn't. Instead she flattens me onto the ground and the two of us clonk heads.

"Ouch!" we say simultaneously, and then, "are you okay?"

We both start laughing, her lying on my chest as it rises and falls. After a few seconds, the laughter fades. I think we both realize how close the other is, neither of us having moved since falling. Her face is just inches from mine, and her close. My eyes find those lips and watch, mesmerized, as her tongue darts out and licks the bottom one. Damn.

I look back up at her to find that she's gazing at my mouth. That's all I need, the only sign I wished for. My hands find hers, then trail along her arms and up her shoulders, reaching into her hair and gently pulling her head down to meet mine. Then my lips find hers, lightly touching, testing, making sure that I read the signs correctly. By the sigh she makes I know I have. Her hands slide up my chest, resting on my shoulders as I angle my head just so, angling hers as well. I deepen the kiss, she eagerly allows me to. Her lips are warm and sweet, and I think this is the best birthday present I've ever gotten.

I pull away just enough to look into her eyes, our mouths still attached. With my lips touching hers I whisper, "My wish came true."

To my surprise, she whispers back, "So did mine."


This was my post for the RomanceSparks anthology Candy Cane Kisses! I was so excited to participate, and this little story was the result. Now I'm sharing it here, with you, but you can still enjoy the other glittering stories over on the Romance Sparks profile!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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