16|| #Pretty

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ZaedenMeyer_: Heya Allie Bellie

Allisonlovespizza: wow you have really creative nicknames

ZaedenMeyer_: You like it?

Allisonlovespizza: Now you don't want me to lie, do you?

ZaedenMeyer_: bad Allie

Allisonlovespizza: What's up?

ZaedenMeyer_: Nothing much. just trying to learn playing guitar... through youtube

Allisonlovespizza: GAWD I KNOW THE STRUGGLE T_T


Allisonlovespizza: and then we just dump the guitar down and grab the tv remote :3

ZaedenMeyer_: Everytime I try to play it 😑  I end up on TV with some chick  flick.

Allisonlovespizza: Ohmigod same!

Allisonlovespizza: Are we like lost soulmates or something? 😽

ZaedenMeyer_: probably 😽

Allisonlovespizza: Zaeden... who gave you that name?

ZaedenMeyer_: What's wrong with it?

Allisonlovespizza: Nothing... it's very unique

ZaedenMeyer_: I'm unique

Allisonlovespizza: You sure are 😂

ZaedenMeyer_: no seriously that's what my name means

Allisonlovespizza: It means unique?

ZaedenMeyer_: Nah I'm just kidding

Allisonlovespizza: I almost believed that 😑

ZaedenMeyer_: Awww look at puffy Allie

Allisonlovespizza: Now you're assigning me nicknames every two seconds? 😑

ZaedenMeyer_: Your mood swings deserve their own names

Allisonlovespizza: I just googled your name and they can't find a proper definition for it 😂

ZaedenMeyer_: Hilarious 😒

Allisonlovespizza: No seriously aren't you curious about what it means?

ZaedenMeyer_: No...? I never really thought about it much

Allisonlovespizza: But why?!  you should be! Your name couldn't find a place in Google :(

ZaedenMeyer_: Are we seriously talking about my name? 😑

Allisonlovespizza: Yeah because it's freaking mysterious 🌌🌌

Allisonlovespizza: Like seriously how can they not have even a stupid definition?

ZaedenMeyer_: Okay I'm done. bye. 😑

ZaedenMeyer_ is offline.

Allisonlovespizza: Awww puffy Zaeden 😷 Don't you worry, I will find the origin of your name, dear friend. 😌

__ _ __


Allisonlovespizza: Hey 😊

AustinSalford3098: Hey pretty girl 😉

Allisonlovespizza: I'm not pretty 😶

AustinSalford3098: I know you are 😍

Allisonlovespizza: you've not even seen me yet. I can scare the shit out of you with my face 😛

AustinSalford3098: Stop lying I know you're pretty 😘

kiss emoji.

kiss emoji?

The butterflies in my stomach were doing Zamba.

AustinSalford3098: there?

Allisonlovespizza: yeah

Allisonlovespizza: and I'm not really pretty. I've this pea growing on my chin

AustinSalford3098: Nah according to a science research, girls with pimple are prettier 😉

Allisonlovespizza: Oh yes? 😶

AustinSalford3098: Come on now show me your pic already

Allisonlovespizza: Nah I don't wanna scare you

AustinSalford3098: Come on now!

You missed a video call from AustinSalford3098.

Allisonlovespizza: Oh god I can't video call rn Austin

AustinSalford3098: why not? :(

Allisonlovespizza: Alright. I'll show you my picture

Allisonlovespizza: get ready to meet ugly :3

AustinSalford3098: No you're  pretty

AustinSalford3098: pretty 😍

AustinSalford3098: Pretty 😍

AustinSalford3098: Pretty 😍

Allisonlovespizza: Don't say that before you see me.

Allisonlovespizza: Okay so here it comes 😷

Allisonlovespizza: That's the only decent picture I have 😶

AustinSalford3098: You're just beautiful ❤

Allisonlovespizza: uh...Thanks? 🙈

AustinSalford3098: no seriously never call yourself ugly again 😑

AustinSalford3098: You're really really very cute ❤

His words were so soothing to read I couldn't stop the overwhelming feeling that was taking over. I could feel the burning up my oesophagus.

Deep breathes Allison.

We are good.

my inner self comforted me.

Allisonlovespizza: You're cuter 😘

Allisonlovespizza:So What's up?

Allisonlovespizza: Wait isn't it time for your practice?

Allisonlovespizza: Wait it is way past your practice time.

AustinSalford3098: I skipped today

Allisonlovespizza: why? are you okay?

AustinSalford3098: Yeah... I just wanted to talk to you 😶

Oh my God! Stop being so sweet.

Allisonlovespizza: Aww Tin tin 😘 That's so sweet. But you really should not skip practice 😕

AustinSalford3098: I need a break from those shouting girl 😥

Allisonlovespizza: cheerleaders?

AustinSalford3098: Including the juniors and classmates 😩

Allisonlovespizza: wow girls really like to be around you huh?  😏

AustinSalford3098: some even try to rip out my cheeks by pinching them 😑

Allisonlovespizza: Tin Tin is really popular huh 😘

AustinSalford3098: it's kinda funny 😂

Allisonlovespizza: why are you talking to me when I'm not even around. you have so many pretty girls willing to talk to you... and also you can see them in their physical form.

AustinSalford3098: good reasoning. To answer your question, they're not you.  😉

AustinSalford3098: shit coach is here.

AustinSalford3098 is offline.

And the sirens in my heart went crazy with those words.

__ _ __

Hey there reader! Don't go gaga over me xD
Yes I'm preparing the cast for Love Surf. (you're free to use the image you have in mind for them though 😉)
And you have the cast of Allison here.
What do you think?
I have not finalised the cast yet, once I'm done with selecting the cast I will put up the entire cast.
I have got Allison, Zaeden and Austin's cast ready 😄

Any suggestion for the others are welcome. 😁

The Beautiful graphic up there is made by backfromBlack isn't it just so pretty? ❤

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