18|| New conversation

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Allisonlovespizza: Hey Tammara?

Tammarasmexcy: Hi Allie 😁 sup?

Allisonlovespizza: Are you okay?

Tammarasmexcy: yeah 😊 what would happen to me? 😂

Allisonlovespizza: You know what Sally said.. She doesn't really mean it... She was just joking

Tammarasmexcy: I know

Tammarasmexcy: she jokes about everything wrong with everyone

Tammarasmexcy: it just gets to me sometimes

Allisonlovespizza: You're really rich in heart sweetheart 😘

Allisonlovespizza: So you need not feel down for just a silly joke

Allisonlovespizza: she never meant to hurt you

Allisonlovespizza: it's just that she doesn't check what she's typing 😕

Allisonlovespizza: I can't see you like this Tam :(  come on! Cheer up please?

Tammarasmexcy: Thanks Al for checking up on me ☺

Tammarasmexcy: no one has ever done that before

Tammarasmexcy: And I'm good :) like seriously 😁

Allisonlovespizza: come on now don't thank me 😕 That's what girlfriends are for right?  😘

Allisonlovespizza: just be happy sappy Tam 😘

Tammarasmexcy: You're really good you know 😘 love you babe

Allisonlovespizza: love you too 😘

Allisonlovespizza: Now come on fill me up with some gossips 😂

Tammarasmexcy: yeah 😂 So that day

Tammarasmexcy is typing...


After Tammara went offline enlightening me with some gossips I checked on group chat.  No one was online except, Lexi.

Should I talk to her?

Is she pissed off at me?

Sally's sudden declaration about the "next queen" and change in Lexi's talking  tendency manifested signs of hurt.

It was clear that she was, indeed, rooting for the rank of Queen bee.


Allisonlovespizza: Hey Lex 😀

Lexihaspixiedust: What do you want

Allisonlovespizza: I just said hey

Allisonlovespizza: Lexi Are you pissed at me?

Lexihaspixiedust: no. obviously not

Allisonlovespizza: What's wrong Lex?

Lexihaspixiedust: What's wrong?

Lexihaspixiedust: Everything

Lexihaspixiedust: You coming to stelp.
You making it to groovies in two days after joining stelp. You taking away my position god knows how. And you taking away my best friend.

Lexihaspixiedust: My best friend.

Lexihaspixiedust: Sally.

Lexihaspixiedust: oh sorry she's probably YOUR best friend now.

Lexihaspixiedust: So how does it feel huh?

Lexihaspixiedust: having fun with your new bff?

Allisonlovespizza: hey Lexi listen

Allisonlovespizza: I'm so sorry you feel I'm trying to take away Sally from you. But trust me it's nothing like that.

Lexihaspixiedust: yeah right then why would Sally declare YOU as her heiress?

Lexihaspixiedust: I have given my all to our friendship for return I only hoped to be loved just as much as I love her.

Lexihaspixiedust: That one unfortunate day I was not online she got you. 

Allisonlovespizza: Sally is still your best friend. I have no intentions of breaking you guys apart trust me.

Allisonlovespizza: about the heiress thing... Do you really think it works that way? She just said that. It's not like she's leaving groovies and you guys are obliged to call me queen or something

Allisonlovespizza: Like no.

Allisonlovespizza: it'll always be her.

Allisonlovespizza: even if sometime this happens,  you have the right to take her position

Allisonlovespizza: You're with her for really long at least longer than me :)

Allisonlovespizza: I know everyone will accept you as the new admin of groovies if the situation arrives

Allisonlovespizza: and Lex, Sally loves you.

Allisonlovespizza: she's just worried you're rooting for her position and betraying her friendship

Allisonlovespizza: show her you're not 😘

Allisonlovespizza: I know you're not

Lexihaspixiedust: I'm sorry Allie

Lexihaspixiedust: I over reacted

Lexihaspixiedust: I really can't handle this cold treatment from Sal

Lexihaspixiedust: I just want her to give me as much importance as a best friend would...

Lexihaspixiedust: I felt threatened by your closeness with her

Lexihaspixiedust: I was jealous

Lexihaspixiedust: I'm sorry Al

Allisonlovespizza: it's okay hun 😘 I understand when the fear of losing your best friend.

Allisonlovespizza: But just talk to me next time you feel like this okay? 

Lexihaspixiedust: yeah  ☺

Lexihaspixiedust: and Allie?

Allisonlovespizza: yeah?

Lexihaspixiedust: Thanks

Allisonlovespizza: don't thank me now 😕 That's what girlfriends are for 😘

__ _ __

And update! ^__^

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I might not update in the next month because of finals 😕

Once finals are over I will complete the book. ^_^

(You can expect another update I may have written down half of it 😉)

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